Notched down a peg

It seems not all swedes are cucks.

notch literally has two african sons


Shit... you got me.

>not a cuck

In b4 that screencap of Notch literally defending cuckoldry.


Garunteed repls


>Optionally facebook
>100% gigantic faggots
puh-leaze stop posting that gay shit here



hank and john green are both cucks

fuck both those colossal faggots


checks out


>reminder Notch stole a free game called Infaminer, re skinned it, and sold it as Minecraft. Then stole peoples mods to update the game.

Stole the idea of cubes, how nefarious.

HAHAHAHA! He is as alpha as swedish men get.


The Green lineage.
Well, at least it'll end soon.

>notch was basically gone at that point
mojang jews are the problem.