You've been asking. You've been looking. It's finally here

You've been asking. You've been looking. It's finally here.

The Dark Fantasy Network has been resurrected.


But beware: spots are limited.


We are not here to play the this isnt real game. If you have to question the legitimacy of our private network, you dont deserve the privilege of joining in the first place.

Leave your skepticism in the real world where it belongs.



It's time. Are you ready?

k nigger


What is this?

Whats the private network for? What does it aim to achieve?

Could you explain what this is, or is this a red room?

It's the resurrection of the Dark Fantasy Network.

If we advertised what it was for publicly, what would the point of privacy be? The possibilities are endless. Welcome to the pit of the internet.

What is this shit? What is the Dark Fantasy Network?

Only one way to find out.

If you have to ask, you don't deserve to know. The information is out there.


Access is limited. Is it worth it?

It's some stupid fag with a shit site they threw together with some basic ass CSS and HTML, who didn't even remove their fucking template comments.

TOR is dead you edgy moron.

Have you ever heard the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover"? The outside is only as creative as your imagination allows it to be. It's the inside that truly matters.

wow real shit from the babby cult leader over here.

if any of you fags actually want to get murdered by a random just go to xirtam

So basically you have no goal in sight and are just trying to soumd edgy and cool
No thanks Im good

but don't you get it? access is limited!~

only 1btc to register!

No login screen that I see when you go to that link. Just two download links, one for a bash script and the other is a .bin file, both I'm willing to bet are malicious.

Run it in a virtualbox
See what happens

What a fucking clown
This is the worst scam Ive ever seen in my life

Not evil told me nothing of the dark fantasy network, so I choose to believe you're full of shit.

Neither does torch.