What is Sup Forums's opinion of stay-at-home dads?

What is Sup Forums's opinion of stay-at-home dads?

your ID is quite close to jew

They should be forced to wear female clothes.


either the sign of the ultimate cuck or ultimate alpha
there is no inbetween

that's hot af


I say it's about time we got a break.
Equal rights, right?
Why shouldn't men get time at home with their kids?

What does it depend on? How much your bitch makes, or how much she makes + how much control you have over the money and household?

Nothing really wrong with them, but both parties would be happier the other way round.

My opinions is that Men are supposed to provide for Women and I personally would feel inferior if the woman made the money in my household, but I do know of it working well if the guy does well in raising his kids, if you stay at home it's kids all the time so that's a pro in terms of a strong relationship.

it doesnt matter how much money she makes, as long as she basically gives it all to you while you completely control her and basically tell her what to do. Like how in a lion pride, the male lion does basically nothing but fucks the female lions who literally do everything else.

on the opposite side of the spectrum, if shes using her job/money/ownership of car or house as leverage to make you do shit when she wants shit done, then you are the bitch.

>if shes using her job/money/ownership of car or house as leverage to make you do shit when she wants shit done
+ "I'll be home late tonight" more than a few times a year.

Makes sense that it would be about control, but it seems it'd be a lot harder to achieve that control when you're vacuuming with an apron on.

better than having your kid raised by nannies and tv desu

How much the bitch makes and who has a more satisfying job.
You gotta do what you got to do to survive until we fix the world.

hire a maid

>but it seems it'd be a lot harder to achieve that control when you're vacuuming with an apron on.

It's not. It's not control as in micromanaging and manipulating. It's about attitude and image projection. You clean your house because you like your house clean. You do the dishes because you arent a slob. You cook good meals because you like to eat well. She comes home with money, because that's her share of the work that lets you do what you like to do with her. Both the husband and the wife work together as a team, but you are the leader of the team. Women do not seek equal partners, even when they say they do, their biology doesn't let them be satisfied with that. They want a leader. Alpha male doesn't necesarily men macho man wife beater.

Women like to not be responsible for themselves. They want someone to be in charge for them. To subconsciously be their fall guy and handle the little things they are too naturally selfish to care about/pay attention to. You take care of that kind of stuff for her, so she doesn't have to worry her pretty little head.You make her feel special and provide the stability and fulfillment she naturally craves. Having a dick at home ready to fuck her means she doesn't have to waste time and stress herself out playing the party-slut game women loath but do anyways because pop-culture and peer-pressure tricks them into going for.

She should know that you do the things you do because you can do them. And even though she might bring in the money, she understands that you are entirely capable of bringing in money on your own. You don't necessarily need her, but she does need you. Can she cook? Is she willing to clean? Of course not, there's not enough time in the day to do all that bullshit and have a career at the same time. You work together, but youre still in charge. Because you are the leader of your team, or whatever you want to call it.

If the woman can take care of the bills, and get enough money. I'll gladly chill with MY own flesh and blood kids. I'll take them shooting, to the playground, fuck we'll go to the local Nigger pool to show them the chimps trying to swim.

>The short, I think its a pretty good deal if a woman could actually handle it being an adult.


OPs pic makes me wanna.

But irl is different and realistically you're just a fucking cuck if the woman in the house is the one with the job and you at home like a biatch.

>calling me a faggot

Send me a cute trap you fucker.

And yours

you're a big guy

I've decided what I'll be in the future now


Not even trap want a chink cartoon poster.
Also checked

>implying she'll go along with your cucked plan
>implying she wont seek out a much bigger cock than yours

Oh no my neighbour is a homo


What are you, a nigger?



I know it's a mystery...

You tell me. You guys are Sanskrit scholars right?

Did it for a year. Fun times.

Not ideal but it's better than leaving them in day care.

if my wife wants to work and bring home money go ahead. idc. but im still going to be more educated than her and get more money than her if i wanted to. but spending time with kids is fun.


A symptom of a degenerative society.

You can have the best dick in the world

But NO woman can tolerate a man who doesn't work or makes less forever

Simple biology

Their daughter is an idiot

>who is Tom Brady

>apple stores

Affront to nature.

Is Madoka's dad a cuck?

On another note, a man can get more shit done than a woman, chances are the man will be making money despite staying at home all day since he can manage his resources better.


>apple store
not surprised

When you think about it a woman can get any job they want regardless of qualifications, why would you foght it when being with your kids/hobbies is far better than working for some random who doesn't care about you.

I'd love to be a house husband.
Easiest job in the world, and I just won't get that attached to the woman, so who cares if she cheats once in a while as long as she lets me sit home all day and pay for all my shit.

So? Man up and don't be such a pussy. I voted Hofer aswell and when will marry a woman and get kids in the future.

Just want a little trap to fuck for now.

His is closer to fem

Stay away you homo

She may fuck the boss to get ahead but he could always fuck the neighborhood wives.