Warframe related-

Warframe related-
Need help selecting which frame to buy:

Check it out if you haven't already played.

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Friend relayed information to me on discord that this thread required a bump in order to stay relevant.

Is Warframe worth playing? I've got it installed and played some but I dunno.


I like it, they recently released plains of eidolon, which is an open world-ish extension (launched from earth), kinda grindy, but I like it


Loki - easy mode.

My buddy swears by it. I played a few hours and didn't know wtf I was doing.

dont buy that game its trash


It has quite the learning curve, helps if you know people to guide you through until you get it

ugly feet

i mean yeah because she is hard to farm but gara is a cunt to farm too. gara is worthless on the plains as of right now because enemies can just walk under your shield ring. mesa would be pretty great because you can shoot everything off the ships before they even get there. also bring a volt with you for unlimited firerate.

That's what my buddy said. I guess I'm just lazy.

true gara is kind of worthless rn on the plains. mesa seems cool, the price just bothers me


price is horseshit. but is very good frame and fashion as fuck. also try zephyr on the plains. build range and duration and you will never take damage the whole bounty.

its easy game made for babby

I haven't even considered her, looked like she's a gimic


Roll quads any you can have my account with excal prime.

she is. you almost only use 3 and 4 then your 1 lets you travel miles at hihg speed. not worth buying with plat. build in dojo.


will do. thanks for the info


Fuck it

also, dont tell anyone, but sicarus prime is the strongest pistol in the game. does the damage prime and does not afraid of anything.

Dubs have to count for something

Please do not throw sausage pizza away.

I have it, it's not as good as my vay marelock though

i could have got excal prime but i thought "nah im not going to play this game for 1600 hours."

Comes with dojo and some plat aswell


trust me. you gotta get that red crit riven with crit damage. 150,000 kuva give be the bidge bonner riven. thanke RNGesus papa bless

I wish i had only lost 2000 hours.

death is the only escape. these new Chinese overlords keep whipping DE into making more content.

I stopped playing a while ago. Around darvo stalker 2

10k hours here.. and that is without playing for a year and a half to 1 month ago when I came back.

oh shit, forgot about riven!

I think we are all there


lol just started it last night and have no clue about what im doing. i mean i got those card mods how the fuvk do i use them menus are crap

for the rest i just dwindled at beginning and looks fun so far, maybe too fast but i assume it's just a matter of getting used to it

fuck family holy moly

just grind, grind and more grind.
the game is nothing as brutal as it used to be so enjoy the time sink and remember..if you arent playing SSStylish..youre doing it wrong

the one thing that my riven is missing is punch through. i will never have punch through.

Talk to him

If someone rolls quads link me back here. Im the excal guy. Discord attroc#3744

Damn. I never even really fuck with punch through, not sure how useful it is

watch these quads.


well grinding is not a problem. also not going to use all of my freee time on it, since it takes a huge amount of it anyway.

i went excalibur because it said great for starters and im currently whacking shit in missions - do i get it right and it all about rng and leveling up weapons/armors to increase mastery or whatever its callex?

its great for the sicarus because since its a burst weapon and you can spread status like butter.

>do i get it right and it all about rng and leveling up weapons/armors to increase mastery or whatever its callex?

each round is its own status proc so a 3 round burst procs multiple statuses in one shot

I just fucked with my build now, I only have the default pistol crit mod kek. I need to check that out then

I've never really fucked with punch-through though. Like I have no idea how much punch through is good? Like how much gets me through one person?

you get exp based off the mission you do and the level of enemies you kill. go to higher level missions like Sedna Hydron or Bere. few rounds max most items.

get an affinity booster for a bit of plat or random prime container drops if you are really impatient.

i believe 1 = 1 meter. i mean that would seem right to me. i could check the wiki but ide rather reply fast.

I honestly say dont worry about much except getting a real comfortable feel for the game. doing the parkour effectively, remembering the random generated tilesets, being able to aim while moving quickly... all of these are what will make your experience great.
work on completing the star chart fully... by the time you get to where you need to be you will have amounted enough resources to be competitive.
never go to alerts with rewards that don't have something you need (visual doesnt count)

DE has really made it easy with the rail and quest system to get where you need to be

Is that like it passes through one meter of material non-continuous before stopping? Or it travels one meter period after connecting with target?

rng was about gear drops. anyway yes, basically it's grind various mission types to level up mastery to unlock better gear and so on

Nevermind, looked it up
For those interested:
>This value is not diminished as the projectile passes through material, it is a simple yes-or-no check if the projectile can pierce the target with its current trajectory. In essence, if a given value of Punch Through can pierce one of a given enemy at its thickest point, it will penetrate them all, no matter how many there are.

i checked the wiki, i was kind of right but some things have different thicknesses and stuff like rock walls and boulders and shit will stop instantly. infested boilers have a shit load of "thickness" and 1 punch through (which is now a value on the status screen) will stop after the boiler on the next enemy.

all hand shields take .1 and doors would take .3 im sure.

but any punch through is nice to have but isnt always necessary. on the plains enemies like to go above you and surround you. unlike the normal missions where they like to line up for their killing.

for new players, I recommend spending the starting platinum on a warframe slot and the rest on weapon slots

well i see it more as collecting gear. rng is different now because the weird relic system tells you what drops what and if you and 4 people go together with the same relic and ranked them up a bit, you can share loot and all get the same item if one person rolls on it. really made getting loot easy if you know how to use recruiting chat.

but yeah the resources are a pain to grind for when you start but google helps find where bige drops are.