Thats it Sup Forums. I cant take it any more. It doesnt matter what i do, what i eat, how i clean it...

Thats it Sup Forums. I cant take it any more. It doesnt matter what i do, what i eat, how i clean it, it will never go away. Trust me, i have tried everything to reduce it. Even if i love in shit poor country, i have spent atleast 2 thausands of euros on different anti acne cleanesers, tonics, moisturizers and facial scrubs in last few years. Nothing helps. Literaly nothing. I eat healthy food, a lot vegetables with fruits too, used to work out.
Im jelous for these people who can eat greesy junk food every fucking meal and still have fucking perfect skin. When people see my face, they probably think im some homeless heroin addict or something. I fucking hate my self. Sometimes i really wish to die just on spot. Pic is me.

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u stupid af, one simple search and u know u need use accutane

#NoFap, my boy.

Try roaccutane. It has shitty side effects like suicidal thoughts n shit and it fucks up your system, but it's the strongest shit in there

lucas paw paw cream (its red)

Your best bet at this point is to see a dermatologist.

I did accutane three years ago and am still bothered by dry eyes (which also are more red than they were before). If you're not approaching your mid 20's I would just wait. You don't need to get rid of your acne to be happy or popular.

Try suicide. Or a wet clean wash cloth after popping those digesting looking meth sores. Look pal. I'm almost 246 lbs I'm 5'11 with dark skin however I'm damn near clear of those^herpe sores you have

Im already suicidal. And i cant get accutane in my country.


Im 26


This. And I can speak from experience this is the only way.

accutane works, get it somehow or continue to suffer

use only water on your face. go low fat vegan. exercise so you sweat daily. problem solved. youre welcome

also cut 100% of oil out of your diet. NO OIL

Stop smoking meth, you junkie

Better genes would help.

Do you think your life will suddenly change when you get rid of your acne? Mine didn't. It first changed when I addressed my negative self-concept and beliefs instilled in childhood.
I can recommend you a book on that if you're interested. Stop beating yourself up over the acne. Nobody really cares about it. They might care if your face was visibly greasy, as people generally dislike people with bad hygiene, but it's clearly not.

Start a vegan diet. Exercise daily. Buy new bed sheets blankets pillows. wash face twice a day using this routine.

using clean exfoliation gloves:

1 wash with cold water.
2. Wash with gentle face scrub and cold water
3 rinse face so soap is gone.
4 use warm water to wash face
5 use warm water and soap to wash face
6 use cold water and soap on face
7 use cold water to rinse face.

That will work. I had bad acne when i was younger and it cleared up within a month. my skin is ridiculously sensitive.

I work physical job. I sweat daily. That counts?

I'd rather kill myself

tretinoin cream. cream, not pill, not gel.

Heres the solution mate, only thing that worked for me after some shitty 5 years with horrible acne
Stop any dairy
Drink plenty of water
Start taking zinc
Start taking vitamin a
Nuke that shit from the inside


You ate literally retarded. If you can't get accutane then go ask a doctor for some other vitamin A treatment, it really is not that hard

This is actually pretty true.

Btw accutane is a vitamin a derivative

dude it's just acne, don't worry, you look fine.

Well. People don't see the real me, right.

>they just see my acne problem

People think I eat too many chocolate bars or that I don't wash my face.

smush butter all over your face and let don't wash it off. might sound a bit weird but helps 100%

Im already doing all these. Only not taking vitamin A.
I know they dont care. But they will always put me down for it. No girl will ever want me when i have this acne.

sure does.
i would say cut oil and dairy completely, give it a few weeks for your body to adjust

I seriously doubt people are actually putting you down unless the 26-year olds are way less mature where you live. Regardless, people making fun of you is only a problem if you have a weak self-concept, so that other people's opinions carry great weight on your picture of yourself. If your self-concept is rooted in your values, other people's opinions will matter next to nothing. It's really hard to see this from the place you're at right now (assuming from your depressive observations about yourself and your life that you're pretty much in the place I was).
Girls really mostly care about self-esteem anyways. You may not get the hottest girls if you have a lot of acne (as the hottest girls often require both self-confidence and good looks), but you can no doubt get an average girl with your face and good self-esteem. In my experience (though admittedly limited with the hottest girls), the girls which haven't always gotten everything they wanted are better people anyways.

Btw, if you commit suicide I'll think you are a fag and your mom will probably shit on your grave for ruining her life.

have you tried using a warm compress with apple cider vinegar? Then 3 times a day using 70% isopropyl alcohol with a cotton swab on infected areas. Lastly, mix oregano oil and coconut oil and apply a very thin layer to affected areas. Change pillows cases daily.

Didnt ate any dairy for months probably...


I've been there. Everything else is bullshit.

Cheese grater + face

Acne caused me so much emotional pain from like 16-28. I feel for you bro...all the treatments deliver with their Initial Breakout 100% of the time and then the results never came to fruition.

wash your face regularly.
it's not that hard

Someone nobody mentioned so far:
get outside in the sun. At least 1+ hour daily

Driving between work/university doesn't count.
I noticed long ago whenever i don't see the light of day too long it goes all to shit. Once i regularly get ouside hiking,biking,etc. it goes back to perfect skin.

You seriously think that works for everybody? Guarantee this guy takes better care of his face than you take care of anything. You're fucking stupid.

How to make that compress with apple.cider?

What worked for me and my little brother was simple wound cleaner / disinfectant

Basically rubbing alcohol. It will work, but also dries your skin up, so you need to use basic lotion about half an hour after the disinfectant has dried off of your face.

Trust me, it really is that simple.

>assuming not b8 and genuine (I know I should know better)

Wash your face only every other day for a month using nothing but water. No soaps, no cleansers, no products. Obviously, if your face is actually dirty wash it, but otherwise stick to every other day. Washing everyday with products kills the bacteria your skin needs to stay healthy, it also dries your skin, and clogs pores. Dry skin produces more sebum to try and fix itself which leads to greasy skin, blocked pores mean that the sebum can't get out and so a spot comes up. If you allow your skin time to repair you'll have a better time of it.

Good luck pizzaface

OP pls watch this old commercial and have a laugh

Nobody hates you for your acne, lighten up about it and stay high energy. You're balling and chaining yourself over nothing.

Negativity in combination with low energy will drive ppl away from you, not acne.

bruh, my face was worse than yours last year i used Tazorac for 3 month cleared my shit up all the way. Tazorac works everytime you just have to have patience. Acne products work over months not weeks or days. You wont see any changes till the 4th week of using it either so if you're looking for a quick solution you aren't going to find one.

Well. I work physical job. I sweat. My face gets sweaty every day. I wash it as fast as i come home from work, also at morning and evening

I already dont have many friends for being antisocial and that doesnt bother me at all, i love being alone in quiete. I only want to have clear skin.

thats your problem - too much washing. Try only after work

dont do accutane if you ever want to have kids. I dont think OP will ever have to worry about that though.
