Are you a dumb nigger faggot?

Are you a dumb nigger faggot?

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2 × 3 = 6
6÷6 = 1

Eat shit nigger


PEMDAS bitches

It's 1 because an implicit multiplication sign (literal in front of brackets) has higher precedence than an explicit multiplication/division sign.
Not going to discuss that to length with trolls again.

Answer to:




top is more correct as the 2 outside the para was pretty much factored out of (1+2) so really 2(1+2) is actually just (2+4) with the 2 factored out.

I know OP is a dumb nigger faggots because only a dumb nigger faggots would think such sloppy notation is acceptable


This one is more annoying


1.2 duh

Also this


6 ÷2(1+2) =6 ÷2x3 =(6 ÷2)x3 = 3x3 =9

9.. ti89

What is this? Had Sup Forums turned into facebook now?



It really depends on what you mean by /

your picture has two is 6*1(2*(1+2)) and another (6/2)*(1+2)


I think you need to try that again...

The obelus is dumb. If you are writing equations, always use a wide line ______ to clearly identify the arguments of the division function. Or use parenthesis notation. (6÷2)(1+2).

2 meanings only if you are retarded.

That first thing you wrote would only be possible if there was a huge ---------- line with denominator in the bottom and numerator on top. 9

go to any math profesor and he'll tell you that that symbol you have there is undefined. school teachers will accept it tho since theyre actually retarded


I'm an applied mathematician. We never use ÷ or /.

It's a symbol only ever used on fast dial accounting keyboards (cashing machine, kids calculator, defaut smartphone and computer one...).

The only symbol indicative of the division operation is ______ : R2 => R. Anything else need a more proper definition.

The only proper interpretation is 9, anyone who says otherwise is retarded.

Putting the STUPID devision sign aside which should never have been there in the first place because a proper division sign is completely necessary for these things... Use distribution. 6÷ 2(1+2) 6÷(2+4) =1

The problem is the question is stupid

lol nigga you retarded?

Yes, I can't even potato

The problem is the the fucking first grade division symbol.

what I mean with / is the long divide line. sometimes, if there is not enough space on paper, it's ok to write / as long as one uses () explicitly


btw tyou have to say ______ : R2 => R and with denominator unequal zero or the whole thing is undefined

Prove your not an idiot solve this

BODMAS, brackets first, 1+2=3, then division, 6/2=3, multiplication giving 3*3=9

Idk 0?

solution: that thing converges if Re(s) > 1
are you happy?

we're in the complex space so you'd have differentiate between Re and Im

The answer is 9

If you got a different answer, you are incorrect

6/ 2*1 + 2*2 = 6/ 2+4 = 6/6 = 1


get rekt retards

"Similarly, there can be ambiguity in the use of the slash symbol / in expressions such as 1/2x.[6] If one rewrites this expression as 1 ÷ 2x and then interprets the division symbol as indicating multiplication by the reciprocal, this becomes:"

Parentheses in PEMDAS means that you handle all parts of the equation directly involving the parentheses. You MUST prioritize 2(1+2) including the preceding 2 because it multiplies by the parentheses. So solve the parentheses to get 6 ÷ (2+4) or 6÷6. I swear, some of you are braindead, especially the brits with their inferior "BODMAS" compared to our "PEMDAS".

PEMDAS you fucking retards

solve parenthesis first -----> 6/2(3)

then multiply -----> 6/6

then divide -----> 1



nigger fuck

The answer is:
Earth is a cube.

get rekt fucker


This is one of the exceptions to PEDMAS

Brackets must be collapsed before any other operation. Anyone doing parabolics in highschool should remember.3+ 2(X+3) is not 2x+5 it's 2x+9

wikipedia supports you bro
we schooled these retared fucks like little faggots they are

What would it be? It is ambiguous


by convention the author should clarify how they wanted it interpreted, by using parenthesis.

noted math historian Florian Cajori wrote in A History of Mathematical Notations in 1928-29, "If an arithmetical or algebraical term contains ÷ and ×, there is at present no agreement as to which sign shall be used first."


ergo undefined until defined


Some claim the equation is ambiguous, but the notation is common. It is understood that we apply the Distributive Law in the Parentheses step of PEMDAS. 2(1+2) = (2x1) + (2x2) = 6.

The only number you can divide 6 by to arrive at 9 is 2/3.

2(1+2) != 2/3

2(1+2) == 6

The left to right solvers, by replacing implied multiplication with implicit multiplication, are flipping the parenthetical expression to the inverse.

2÷(1+2) == 2/3


6÷2(1+2) != 6÷2*(1+2)

correct answer is 1

Brainlets who answered 9 BTFO

42 I watch Rick and Morty

>PEMDAS bitches

>Mentions PEMDAS but doesn't apply PEMDAS
