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Cut off leg

Rip off the nail, it's way past saving. Peroxide that shit and bandage it up. You'll be good to go.

fucking gross desu

You blew the lid off the whole thing

Make a talking puppet show with your toe as the star


I fucked it over 2 weeks ago now
I've just been letting it grow out
It's beautiful

omg this is my fucking fetish. PLS PLS MORE VIDEOS. TOUCH IT... PUT STUFF ON IT... POKE IT PLEASE

Just wiggle at it until it falls off. Wouldn't recommend ripping it off in one go unless you want to bleed everywhere.

It's firmly attached still, don't think that's gunna work

There sure are some weird fetishes out there

go see the appropriate doctor for this, even if you rip the nail out you will likely get a fucked up looking nail grow in and be painful, a friend of mine had a really bad nails that would dig into the sides of his big toes so a doctor removed them to see if the replacement would gorw in better only to have it go full horseshoe looking shit. ultimately the doctor removed the nail again and then used a potato peeler looking thing to strip the nail bed so the nail would no longer grow.


rip it off pussy

Probably not a good idea

go see a doctor?!

Then tape it in place or wear socks and leave it alone. Just make sure it doesn't get infected and it may fall off later if a new nail starts growing underneath.

Eh, I'll consider it

cut your dick off for those dubs


either go to the doctor or rip it off, i don't see another option

nice quads btw

Already got quads, don't need to.
I'd need to loosen it somehow, it ain't coming off without causing some serious collateral as it is.

Alright, it's late here. I'm off. Maybe I'll post again later. kek

holy fuck