Smoking pot

>smoking pot

Totally depends on your own morals and ethics.

Probably neutral. Its not like a morally good action but its also generally not a morally bad action. It encourages sloth, however, which is a morally bad action.

Neutral. If you say that moral is that which is not immoral, then moral.

Neutral unless driving

well its a natural plant and smoking it aint hurting anyone so moral

So "not hurting anyone" is now the defining characteristic of something being a moral action? By that logic i could shove an army man up my ass and paint the weasel to photos of Eva Braun in knee socks and have them call me mother Theresa.

datura is a natural plant too

Shit now I just badly want to do this

Despite what Catholic propaganda would have you believe, Mother Theresa was actually a pretty immoral person user.

Wow you made my joke so much better by making sure it was accurate. Pedantic faggot

Morality is a concept invented by social animals, just do what makes you feel good man

It's also a concept enforced by social animals.

And enforced by my dick, honkey


>is a concept invented by social animals
>do what makes you feel good man
>social animals
>feel good man

Fun fact: Man is an animal

I don't see a contradiction, Human is a specie from the animal kingdom

morality is a bullshit construct

smoke weed, get bitches

Idiot, that's like saying i'm water or a rock

I am the very model of a vegetating mineral.

Leaving your girlfriend for her much better looking best friend.
> moral
> immoral

waste of time

source: I smoked weed for 9 years

no it is not

animals dont speak

It isn't though. It would be like saying that you are matter.

Some animals do. Humans, for instance.

Wich make them different from animals, incidentally, fucktard

>Which makes them different from other animals

Some animals can fly, others can't.
Some animals can survive extreme temperatures, others can't.
Some animals can talk, others can't.

some humans are idiots, like you

Yes, some humans are idiots, like you.

Those humans are still animals.

Smoked almost everyday for 7 years until a month ago, been sober since. Seriously had to stop if I want to make anything of my life, using it occasionally isn't bad but it's easy to make it a crutch, get high so you don't have to think about not having a job or failing classes, get depressed when you're running low and desperate to get more, it can become a psychological addiction; and I've done plenty of harder drugs without feeling that way. Feel like I'm getting better slowly, not thinking about calling my dealer and getting high as much, a little more energy and motivation to do stuff.

immoral. second hand shit sucks. put it through some other method of not making noxious smoke if you need your weed.

why do you keep replying ? go fuck a deer or some other animal

Okay. I'll tell your mom you said hi.

so is heroin and cocaine




I smoke to help with severe depression and anxiety. The high is seriously a bonus. I should kill myself.

you matter.

Animals can breed only with their own specie or one of high genetic similarity.

there is vaping and edibles

Neither, it's amoral.

so is hemlock
go smoke some bemlock and post results

Morality is subjective

Live at my parents house, I have a job. My mother recently learned I smoke and doesn't like it, just minutes ago caught me coming in from smoking.

I often don't feel like a good person when I have smoke.

Sounds like it's going great

>>smoking pot

That's your idea of a moral dilemma?