You rage you lose

You rage you lose

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100 million? Where did you get that number?

The biggest estimates of Native-American population before European/African contact is 6-6.0 million. Not 100 million. The smallest estimates are under 1 million.

There has never been 100 million Native-Americans and never will be.

Please excuse my impertinence. But are you asking me to check my privilege somewhere? Because in the final analysis, might makes right. And I don't see anyone mightier than the good ole U.S. of A. Do you? No sir. So we can do whatever the fuck we want to do and there isn't a goddamned thing you can do to stop us.
Go fucking cower and whine about your ethics somewhere else, son. We make the rules because we have the biggest stick. You can start applying your shit tier morality to us when you build a bigger stick. Capish?

y'know the indians fought us, right? it wasn't a genocide, they tried to kill the whites...

also 100million what?

I want them to remember us bombing them. I took pearl harbor personally and would do It again just as reminder that we're not sorry

I don't agree with the pic lol. It's just something I found that got me pissed

guess you lost then lmao

Kill yourself

My native friend told me hundreds of thousands of his people were killed. Many more died of alcohol poisoning, but that doesn't count.

Estimates have approached the 100 million mark:
". . . anthropologist Henry Dobyns took account of disease to provide . . . estimates of 75 million for the hemisphere and 10–12 million north of Mexico."

>European/African contact
African contact? Are you high?


127.5 million Mexicans plus however many more are in the US illegally.

To quote a post, simply click on a post number and the reply window will pop up.

>rage at a legitimate argument

The picture was meant to imply American Indians. Note the headdress. You quoted 10-12 million in the US and Canada. So, we killed every Indian between 8 and 10 times, and STILL didn't get them all.

I am Canadian so ha

Fuck off back to waterford you cunt

Not even murdered. We murdered maybe 10-15% of the population. The grand majority of the native population was killed by the diseases we brought with us.

I think he meant that many of the diseases Native-Americans died to came from Africans not Europeans. This happened more in South-America than in North-America were people were mostly killed by European diseases.


A lot of losers in this thread from the first post alone

your on Sup Forums. All of Sup Forums is losers

Who cares?

>So we can do whatever the fuck we want to do

Which is mostly bitching about not getting paid a tip cause you can't live on your three minimum wage jobs. Just cause you feel like and had nothing better to do, cause you're all so powerful.

Fucking burgers.


Ok, so?

What exactly do you want?

that's because white people died tho

I was trying to get a you rage you lose thread going but this isn't going how I thought it would. I should've used a different pic

>>Because I shouldnt kill you if you kill my people and steal my land

I swear white people always trying to justify their genocide.

we dont ignore it we just dont give a shit.

I feel like people don't care about 9/11 anymore

>I took something which I was not apart of nor alive for personally.
kek kys cucc

Gayest post of the day, congrats

saudi false flags have a limited shelf life

This is why the rest of the world is taking away your petrodollar.

>The picture was meant to imply American Indians. Note the headdress. You quoted 10-12 million in the US and Canada. So, we killed every Indian between 8 and 10 times, and STILL didn't get them all.
Those are figures of Natives killed, not the total pre-contact population.

ikr those fuckers keep reproducing

live/die by sword
no fucks given

>gets shot in the arm
>guy with a sawed-off leg comes in *mine is worse*
>still bleeding to death...

its called conquest you dipshit. Who cries over the deaths of the scots? Over all the Mediterranean deaths when Rome rose? We respect the English and The Roman Empire for being powerful and winning, not the scots and barbarians for being shitty little bitch boys.

So you're anti-immigration then.

Go back to fb newfag


100 millions. How many whiskey barrels and wool blanets we have back then?

Victims always remember the past. The rest just move on with life.

>We respect the English and The Roman Empire for being powerful and winning
YOU might, but that just makes you that much more expendable when the revolution comes and all this self-important pee-pee waving becomes a liability.
The sun has set on your empire, fake jew.

>just move on
>what is epigenetics

Being this fucking new

Go back to fb samefag

First day here?

Do people seriously think this way?

jews do

everyone in the entire world but you.
nearly all cultures live/die by the sword.
just bc your sword is shit doesn't mean you can claim moral high ground.

The funniest thing about this pic is that there are three poorly evolved dark-skinned cultures represented in this pic and had whites not spared all of them, one of those three dark-skinned cultures would've likely destroyed one or both of the others.

I guess the fact you don't know how to quote is related to the fact you took pearl harbor personally, since you are so old.

>yfw I get 5 months a year paid vacation
Get bent fagit, I didn't even go to college

So going somewhere and killing all of the inhabitants in order steal their land isn't classed as genocide because they tried to defend themselves?

So will someone actually post something worth a rage or we will just comment about the original quantity of native americans and the guy who can't quote a post?

A 100 million killed by just a few thousand pilgrims!
Fuck! White people are awesome

>the sword.

Word. Different times, we were seeking out a new place to live, not become butt buddies with a technologically inferior race.

>nearly all cultures live/die by the sword.
Once those of you who think so have been eliminated by those of us willing to rise up just long enough to purge you, the problem will have been solved and can be kept under control by less violent means.
Where is your god now, conqueefador?

i appreciate this post, it's very well crafted.

>World peace is just one more war away!

>I didn't even go to college
No shit, maybe if you had you'd at least have learned to lie convincingly online.

>I'm jealous so you must be lying
Nothing beats collecting paychecks while doing literally nothing

Are you saying the current people in power will readily give up their power without force?

not a war, a revolution. lern2difference

Americans didn’t “get over it” with slavery. Instead, a bloody civil war was raged between north and south. 600,000 Americans died, more than 1 million were injured. And nearly all of the injured and killed were White men.

90% of Amerindians were wiped out — by disease. As they died out, so vast tracts of land became empty. These lands were settled by colonists. Other lands, the Amerindians sold to them. It’s true that colonists sometimes stole land from the Amerindians. However, the opposite is also true. Sometimes, the Amerindians sold land to the colonists, and then reneged on the deal — they took back the land. That’s stealing from the colonists.

I am raging, so I did lose. I’m raging at ignorant people who don’t know history.

>the Civil War was about slavery
Post disregarded

>Being jealous of random burger loser stroking his ego on Sup Forums
>Things that definitely happened

Right. It was about "states' rights" — the right for states to own slaves. So it was about slavery.

>As they died out, so vast tracts of land became empty.

It's funny how you keep telling yourself that your leaders did nothing wrong, it's all just a complete accident, even as they're currently pushing you deeper into slavery with every passing day.

>90% of the native population was wiped out
Yeah, before the Eurocucks even landed on North American soil.
0/8, very poor bait.

they kinda did get over it, in that they expanded the slavery franchise to pretty much everyone. they called it industralization
>Other lands, the Amerindians sold to them
Amerindians merely leased the land to them. there was no meeting of the minds. therefore there was no valid contract.

>This obsession
I've probably collected checks while vacationing in your country

State's Rights was just the front page, opening the book will tell you in depth that the entire Civil War was about slavery.

it was about the rights of states to secede from a union and form their own. it was all fun and games, up to that point.

European disease

Right, right, sure you have.

It's alright kiddo, no need to go on, we all believe you, you're really a successful guy, we all look up to you, women love you, everything will be alright.

I'm less angry and more just depressed.
I'm a part of this species.

there weren't 100million people linving in what is now the US by the time colonists arrived. 75% of the native population had already been wiped out prior to the arrival of the colonists. We just finished it off.

Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992) – “over 100 million killed” “[Christopher] Columbus personally murdered half a million Natives”

We're gonna kill each other over stupid shit, welcome to Earth.

>100 million people murdered
I'd be mad too if I was historically illiterate.
Sneezing near people is now akin to attempted murder.

>he types, tears forming
Confirmed for never having been to the states
Getting great jobs is piss easy my probably European friend

Thats exactly how US is justifying all their wars.

"We just came to their country and started stealing, raping and murdering and then they attacked us" ...

100million? Gtfo.

They used smallpox as biological weapon against the natives by infecting clothes and giving them

US also still thinks after abu ghraib that they are the good guys and free people from bad people

They tried to. It didn't work.

Nobody thinks that. The job of the US government is to act in the best interest of its citizens. Bombing Arabs to hell to lower gas prices is in my best interest.

? they traded with the natives, most of the showed them how to survive in the harsh unknown environment.
then other tribes who were at war with the helpful tribes decided to attack whitey
whitey pwnt them
get gud fgt

who cares

> Just because you dont rape and kill other people you cant claim moral high Ground

You dont understand how stupid you sound

Worst you rage you lose thread I've seen. Nobody is posting anything worth raging about

Imperialism is never in its citizens' best interest. The Empire always turns inward, or IDF wouldn't be training every big city's police forces and no few of the smaller ones.

>oy vey

Time to call in the miscegenation police to give people some justice

>Blacks dies on Sept. 11 too
>America completely rebuild japan after the war
>Native Americans have massive reservations that are controlled by tribal groups and are not controlled by state governments.

Sometimes, it is better if we commit ourselves to disrupting the economy by boycotting the powerful. If a large economically diverse portion of the country refused to pay taxes, we could undermine the system. Essentially, if we drained the government's income, they would be in fight or flight mode. If they decided to fight the dissenters, the war would lead to their destruction, since the powers of the economy would back the anti government fighters.

>Essentially, if we drained the government's income, they would be in fight or flight mode.
They would still possess the vast majority of the country's wealth. I'm not sure how defunding the government will make a difference here.