I always struggled to think why any society needs money. Nothing costs "money", only time and effort...

I always struggled to think why any society needs money. Nothing costs "money", only time and effort. I am in favor of a cashless society, I think it would get rid of a lot of problems. If we abolish money, everyone would be living much better than what they are now. Can anyone tell me why we cannot immediately switch to a moneyless society? What problems would arise?

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That's been tried,it was called National Socialism,the big banks didn't seem to like that though.

wow these NWO shills are really at it

Money arose out of a natural need to find a stable and reliable form of exchange of items of different value.

Money is not the issue, exchange of items and valuables is, so what you advocate for is not a moneyless society but a propertyless society, aka communism.

So get the fuck out of here you proto-commie without an understanding of your advocated system.

OP has no marketable skills

How is NWO not capitalist?

Implying pure socialism: Zero freedom
Otherwise money is simply an extension of the much less efficient barter system.
People who demonize money itself are fucking retards.
3/10 made me reply

You idiots are making it so easy for the Jewish globalist cabal to take over and implement their New World Order enslavement. They will be first in line when they start ushering in RFID chips (for our own safety of course) and will blindly give up their freedom for servitude under the cleverly disguised mantra of "we are all world citizens". You morons think they're fighting for justice and an end to capitalism, but what they're really doing is inviting their own slavery. This kind of collective Orwellian group-think is a threat to freedom everywhere.

Imagine you have a job as a translator and you want to buy a new car. You'd need to wait until Toyota needs another car manual to be translated into that bumblefuckinese you translate into so you could ask for a car in exchange for your service.
It's a bit cumbersome system, isn't it?

Alternatively you get money for translating into bumblefuckinese whatever people want you to translate into it, you get money for it, you use the money to buy a car.

This is a very simple explanation of why money is needed.

The JEW WORLD ORDER is made up of:

Political Power,
Military Power,
Economic Power,
Scientific Power,
Cultural Power,
Religious Power, (Lucifer)

All to produce:
A One World Government,
A One World Economy,
A One World Military,
A One World Society,
A One World Religion,
A One World JEW BANK,
A One World Currency,
A Talmudic Orwellian New World,


The JEW WORLD ORDER will be financed by CARBON TAXES from the JWO Fraudulent CO2 SCAM.
The JEW WORLD ORDER One World Government will be totally OWNED and CONTROLLED by the London and Wall Street JEW BANKERS.

There will be:

NO Democracy,
NO Voting,
NO Freedom of Speech,
NO Gun Ownership,
NO Property Ownership,
NO Farm Ownership,
NO Protest Marches,
NO Privacy,
We will all be SLAVES.


YOU will all be forced to serve in the JEW One World ARMY against anyone who resists the JWO.

Any person who does not fall in line with the COMMUNIST JEW WORLD ORDER will be EXTERMINATED.

Resisters will simply disappear.

If you want to know what is coming soon in the JWO all you have to do is go back in history to the JEW COMMUNIST Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

The JEWS Invented Communism. Communism is a Talmudic tyranny made manifest.
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was totally financed by New York JEW Bankers.
The Russians were mostly White Christians.
The JEWS fraudulently forced COMMUNISM on the Russian Christian people.
65 MILLION PEOPLE were MURDERED in that JEW COMMUNIST Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
All the Military Leaders and the Educated were MURDERED FIRST.
FOOD was used as a WEAPON.
All Resisters simply disappeared in the Gulag system.


Do you mean abolish physical currency or abolish money altogether?

Value is subjective. Money measures that value. You have no way of knowing if you gained in value or not. If you produced $100 in value and profit for $200, you know that people like the product and you need to make more. But with no prices then you have no way of knowing whether you profited, losses money or broke even. Thus, you don't know whether to reduce the goods you produce or increase. This tends to lead to food shortages either way. Value can't be measured by labor, size, or weight. It's all subjective.

Yeah, it's capitalist communism. Like everything that has been done in the USSR.

If it's based on capital, it's capitalism. These new forms of marxism doesn't have anything to do with Marx himself.

How else would the Masons and Jews manipulate everything without worthless paper?

Humanity is dumb as shit to comply with this nonsense.

Because people need to measure their production to exchange, and using money is much more convenient than barter

Wow this is retarded. Let me guess, you also think there is such thing as "post scarcity."
>I think it would get rid of a lot of problems
No. It would create a lot of problems that are much worse than the problems money creates.

GEE WIZZ I Could do with some bread right about now.

oh wait i have to grow my wheat oh wait i need seeds, hmm, what do i own in order to swap for seeds.



So, your able to swap much easier

guy who has bread wants potato
guy who has lawnmower wants bread

lawnmower man want alot of bread for his mower
bread man doesn even want a lawnmower

aka no deal done

but money :

Ooo i sold my lawn mower for £100
i brought bread for £1
bread man can now buy potato for £1 and still have plenty bread left

do you not see this is why the jews want money less, as they own the moneys they own everything and if token is worthless they have all the means as to making the items people once swapped for tokens, so now jews can get a lawnmower for bread.

>If it's based on capital, it's capitalism
Thats not what capitalism is. Capitalism is "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state."

State issued money with gold (or some other valuable metal/mineral) backing has implicit concrete value.

Although if with the term "money" you are referring to the current increasingly worthless papers circulating on our economies... i totally get your point. It serves no purpose in current system and only burdens the "economy" and enables black market/criminal activities in which state and established institutions dont get their fair share and are unable to track the wealth transfering traffic.

>That's been tried,it was called National Socialism,the big banks didn't seem to like that though.

Hmmm...that doesn't sound right. I never learned about that in history class and I'm sure something that important would have been mentioned.

Since all money's fate is to pass on private owners' hands, this is a biased definition.

Or maybe you have heard of a state directly owning every single goods and service providing establishments on its territory?

Money is just a method of accounting for time and effort.

>if token is worthless they have all the means as to making the items people once swapped for tokens, so now jews can get a lawnmower for bread.

Mohammed you need to work on your english

I agree. Look into resource based economy. Basically only resources and time have value.

I think we should move into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the pure, distilled essence of fiat currency. Wouldn't change things on the level OP's talking about.

It's been tried user .. Hitler tried

Yeah, let's just return to barter.

Okay, let's discuss it from the standpoint of economic theory.

You acknowledge that time and effort are real commodities, do you believe that each person should have the right to determine themselves what to spend their own time and effort on? If yes, do you understand why a barter system is impractical compared to having a currency? If not, please consult a textbook, or simply think about it for a few minutes. If you do understand this, is your issue with the banks, and not with the concept of a currency? While philosophically intriguing, it is implausible that any western country will get rid of the central bank system and monetary monopoly of the state and corporatist banks at any point in the foreseeable future.

>this is a biased definition.
I didn't know the dictionary was biased.

You don't know a lot of things, amerifat.

The problem with contemporary society is that effort and time does not pay.

But money buys you a really, really nice life.

Money should reflect ones contribution in the economy. Profit shows both how much is ones work force required by others and how much he works. Remove the irrelevant jobs that get moey in exchange for nothing to suit an agenda that is against capitalist order, fe otherkin studies professor, restrict the possibility to transmit wealth through donation and testament, and what you'll have is meritocracy, where everyone will have exactly what he deserves. we won't have to print more money than we already have because we won't need to pay others for nothing.

Money is an extremely convenient way to give to a persons time and effort. Wages are literally given on timely basis. €10 an hour or €2000 a month or whatever. They are associating value to your time and effort and rewarding you with money based on the time and effort you put in

Money is a physical representation of time and effort you worthless shill. Maybe if you has a real job where you had to do real work and not shitpost all day you'd understand.

To top it off a lot of people even use time and effort to value things, "that new car will cost me half a years wages"

>Can anyone tell me why we cannot immediately switch to a moneyless society?
in today's world it is a plan of the left
had they done that 2000 years ago it would have been what you think it is
now we have to keep money and resist them

it is not so important anyway.
our problems are elsewhere

you mean result, right? The shit that 'they tried equally hard' can not be a thing even if it is the current year.

Money is simply a modicum of exchange user.
If your idea needs to be forced upon everyone to exist then it isn't a good idea.

Good ideas that work arise organically and spread quickly because they are effective.
The idea of currency has independently been thought of across the world in nearly every civilization in human history because it makes trade extremely much more efficient

or he could do it in exchange for a hundred boxes of spare office supplies, then trade that to someone who can never remember where thry put that pen in exchange for their car.

Anything that doesn't conform to Commies ever changing definitions is biased

No. I mean effort. It takes effort to make money for the most part. What are you even talking about?

How would people be able to acquire any resources without some form of currency system?
And don't give me the "just swap goods" argument. How are you gonna buy a loaded bread if you're an engineer working in a power station? What have you physically got to give?
The only way an exchange system would work is by giving up almost all technological progress

Society will always have a form of currency
Whether backed by precious metals or even if we trade fur to keep warm
There will be a way for me to have more than you
Anything without that is an unattainable utopia
If one person knows it is possible to have more than someone else they will try to get more

You may put a lot of effort and gain nothing. Results pay. Effort does not.

Ruling class were tricking the masses for some time about the afterlife reward. But there is fucking none.

He means if you have a retard working in your office, in your view he'd get the same pay as everyone else because he "tried his best"

>I always struggled to think why any society needs money
well just read a fucking book then. other people already figured it out, long ago.

Coming from an economist:

Money is a medium of exchange.
A barter-economy has limits. Consider the following

>farmer joe needs his tractor fixed
>He calls me mechanic Steve and offers him chickens, cows, pigs, goats, vegetables, eggs, or milk in exchange for fixing the tractor
>Mechanic Steve has plenty of food
>Mechanic Steve needs fuel, screws, and nails
>Farmer joe says: "I know Ahmed who makes bombs in his basement. He has those supplies you need, and I have caught him in my field yesterday fucking my goats."
>Mechanic Steve accepts the trade of 3 goats for exchange of fixing farmer joes tractor
>Farmer joe now has a working tractor
>Farmer joe's wife runs back to the farm where he and Steve just traded
>"Farmer joe! I was just down at the market trading our vegetables for some belgian waffles and French pastries when Ahmed blew himself up and killed 30 people!"
>Mechanic Steve is now stuck with 3 goats he doesn't need and farmer joe has a fixed tractor
>Mechanic Steve is upset
>Farmer Joe says to him: "well at least we don't have Jews"

Of course there's other factors to take into account. I apologize for not laying out the process of money making in its entirety on a Taiwanese watercolor board.

Who will produce things
Who will sell things in a supermarkt
if you not need to work
otherwise if you create groups by interests. ..

Good thread anyway OP

yeah, I know the whole "free market allocates resources and workforce in an optimal way"

ever heard how world after communism will be a perfect place to live?

>work all day
>get paid in bags of onions
>see new smartphone you want
>go to store
>they don't want onions
>they only want pineapples and tomatoes
>spend the weekend hustling to trade onions for pineapples and tomatoes
>finally get tomatoes and pineapples
>go back to store tog et iphone
>they have too many tomatoes and pineapples
>they now want apples and bags of processed leather

All currency. Everything will be free.

No, in my ideal system, people would be appointed to all the different types of industry. Some would be miners, some would be drillers. And it would be by force. If they resist, then they go to a labor camp.

In that case you better get a lot of guns and guard dogs and hope no one picks you off with a hunting rifle from 500 meters

Welcome to the Soviet Union

"To each according to their need"

If one needs more of something for a good reason, they shall have it.

People will still produce things, government will force them.

Monyless society is nit communism. It means solving the technical problem of scarcity and supply and demand using current information technology.
Bringing down the power of money requires the best democracy ever had where people makes decision in their local communities. If somethibg, ending money will destroy a big deal of the current status quo.

Also, you live in a representative republic, which is no democracy.

In a moneyless society, markets and commerce would not be needed. No middle man.

If you want food, go to the factory or farm making the food.
If you want a car, you go to the car factory to get one.

It would be much simpler.

Money is the representation of value and effort. Money is what allows people in a society to place trust on a product or a trade and to say that the value and effort which was put into such a product is worth the trade. It is as pure of a concept as food.

Even monkeys know how to use money.

Clearly someone hasn't read their Atlas Shrugged. There's a 20 page speech in the middle of it about the value of money. Step it up senpai. If you want to act smart, you gotta be smart.


I'm not advocating a barter system. You're missing the point. You would be able to get the phone without giving anything in return.

>Nothing costs "money", only time and effort.
Money is the measure of value given to time and labor.

Money is simply a medium of exchange.

We could go back to a barter system, however we learned fairly quickly that not everyone wants what you have, when you have it.

Money voids this predicament by allowing people to have a common commodity by which to trade goods and services.

There are four kinds of money:
Commodity money (Think Gold and Silver)
Reciept Money (Think paper money back 100% by commodity money)
Fractional Money (Paper money backed by less than 100% commodity money)
Fiat money (Paper money backed by nothing, ie valueless, unless forced by law.)

Currently we are using Fiat money, this is the fundamental problem in todays society. Until we fix this, Social communism is here to stay.

I highly suggest reading pic related.

and why the fuck would anyone put time and effort into making a phone for you with nothing in return?

Are you stupid or just plain evil? Communism is a system of slavery that only a sociopath would endorse.

What happens when those who aren't producing anything complain they aren't being given anything for free?

What happens when I only have goats and goats are worth hundreds of breads and I only want one bread?

What happens when I have turnips and want carrots, but the carrot farmer doesn't want turnips?

But, do you 'really' want a car? I would prefer calling one for the moment

That is some bullshit there. Now, the money is not a fair mean of interchange. Trading and money markets corrupted it.