So my buddies and I are going to take shrooms for the first time soon. What are some beginner's tips?

So my buddies and I are going to take shrooms for the first time soon. What are some beginner's tips?
Also trip thread.

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Keep a lighter. If you ever feel out of focus, look into the flame and recover. Think of it like Bonfires in DS.

My advice is to remain inside for your first time, in a safe place, don't trip with heaps of sober people, they inevitably try to fuck with you.

Just stay safe and have fun, music can be beautiful, but with more than one tripper agree on the tunes beforehand.

So is this Dylan or Darrell?

Music can be good to keep your heart rate slowed down when on shit like Acid, I had a weird time on shrooms so can't give too much advice there

I must not be interneted enough to get this reference.

How much should a first timer take in your opinion?

If it starts to turn bad (which generally only happens if you're with people/ in a place you don't know, or if you don't actually want to take the shrooms, so you'll be fine,) don't try to fight it. Just accept that the trip is going in a direction you didn't plan, and let yourself relax. That is enough to end most bad trips.

Other than that, just have a good time.

What tunes do you recommend?

Word b/ro. Thanks for the tip.

It totally depends on your weight. I took 3.5 g my first time, and it was just barely not enough. I got high as shit, but didn't experience many visuals. I'm big, but not really fat. If that sound like you, I'd go closer to 4 g. If you're skinny, 3-3.5 is good, if you're fat, go over 4.

Was just checking if you were one of my buddies. We are also doping shrooms for the first time soon

What exactly should I expect from a first time dose?

Just whatever makes you happy/ chill. I love rage against the machine, for example, but I don't listen to it when I trip, because it doesn't set the mood. Personally, I go for stuf like this:

I had a weird time on shrooms but my mates always say that like 3.5g grinded up and chewed with gum is the go-to

Shit like MGMT and Tame Impala, and Shoegaze are usually classed as "tripper" music.

I'm 5 foot 9 and about 185lbs. Just recently got out of the military and it's drug time. Already experienced in fairly heavy weed doses but want to try psychedelics now.

prepare a playlist with trippy/uplifting music (shpongle is best imo) and make sure no one bothers you for couple of hours

turn the lights down and close your eyes every now and then visuals get stronger from this

when you no longer see visuals you can try smoking weed to boost it again or going out to park or forest feels really close to nature

if anyone gets a bad trip just switch playlists or turn the music off and get a conversation going keep good vibes

its not really that big of a deal just have to do it right

Expect to feel really, really happy. Thats what the high is like for me, at least. The visuals are almost secondary. As for them, you aren't gonna see shit that isn't there, or anything like that. The walls will sort of... breathe, I guess? Thats the best way I can describe it. Like they're inhaling and exhaling. There will probably be light trails flowing after anything that moves. Colors will seem more vibrant. Things like that.

Word. I like those bands so I'll make a playlist. Thanks.

You're probably good with 3.5 g. And if you still smoke weed, do so. It will absolutely increase the effects. Personally, when I trip, I take 4-5 g, and then immediately smoke a joint. Then, I'll smoke again once every hours or so. Just enough to keep the high going.

i've done a ton of LSD and a ton of shrooms. i've had shrooms that had a giant cap (like 2.5 inches and a half inch thick three inch stalk for $15) and once someone sold me a giant bag for $100 as they were moving to california. i was doing them every night after work at AOL tech support in 1997/1998. i would do LSD on the weekends. shrooms aren't that great.

the main difference between LSD and shrooms is that shrooms don't make your ears get super sensitive to audio as much, you still appreciate surroundings and can't "lock on" to things like it's audio/video plugged directly into your brain, and then LSD will cause you to create an imagination pocket that fills up quickly. it's like weed but it's a much bigger and richer pocket of concepts and ideas. you'll run through a big sequence of imagined events REALLY fast and that's when you end up getting SCARED really fast by a bad imagined experience and you FREAK. you can't help the freakout because it's all adrenaline and endorphins because your mind pushed all the right buttons and it happens FAST. that's a freakout.

shrooms are different. you can definitely do down hard but it's just that... it's really "going down the rabbit hole" because you do it deliberately and slowly, and think about things that make you... EMOTIONAL. you can get to a burst of emotion as it builds but with shrooms it can take a few minutes. with LSD it can take 20 seconds to think your life is over and your head explodes with fear.

ultimately, i call shrooms "groovy" for that slow, winding trip to emotional explosion. be prepared to cry. it happens.

Set and setting..
Nature is good...
Don't drink booze first, the mushrooms won't work as good...

- Stay at home with friends
- Have something to drink at home
- Watch CGI Movies (Star Trek, Avatar, Gravity etc)
- Listen to Goa Music
- Watch trippy YT Videos,Ed-V-tWzMdg,gSe6EWkY9gw,oXmhcVvinYg,v3ZkCLUFrys,VIG2AvyZG1s,lX6JcybgDFo,Cv1g3zWKy3Q,Q3oItpVa9fs,uTxnECbI0-U,QgzwwocUv3c,BPNTC7uZYrI,IKf_d9PYBmk,ksC-aDv06Tg,WoIWV0yplvc,4wWvv6R-ZqQ,6mTeFW6p9fE,zoFK_WWII1c,W3NeHcvaU_g,k37WtFVfDfs,7YWvEojBhV0,0DGoQo3HYF0,XR9-y4u9mew,3oUMkoKEcyc,hIgmiDnmVdU&n=Lets%20Trip%20%2Fb%2F

Trip Videos that i always watch on shroom trip and many more.

I hear that you can get nauseated. Is this true? Because I jate nausea more than anything and i feel it might fuck up my trip.

Generally the nausea isn't from the trip, its from the mushrooms themselves, and that can be fixed by taking them the right way. How were you planning on taking them?

This is fucking awesome advice.

Yes can happen. If i eat them like raw i often get sick while tripping and then i have to puke, but atferwards i feel like a new person, but if i make powder out of it and fill it in caps, i dont feel sick at all.

yo. i just had my first shroom experience literally 3 days ago, and btw ive done acid 30+ times. it doesnt last too long but heres a few tips. YOU WILL NOT DIE. my friend who had his first pysch experience on shrooms thought he was dying and almost killed himself. just have someone to reassure you no matter what, you will wake up sober and normal the next morning. also, music is amazing, aswell as any movement. i have a butterfly knife, and its the most beautifl thing to play with on psychs. just try to have fun, stay indoors, listen to good music and have some deep talks with your friends. since you feel literally insane, if you let yourself go and act a little crazy with your friends, its a blast.

Powder + caps is a good idea. If you don't have caps, making tea is nice, but complicated. Its easy to get the water too hot and ruin the psilocybin. When I started, I would take the powder, mix it with peanutbutter and honey, and make a sandwich.

Not sure. I guess I was just going to eat them or maybe look into tea. What do you recommend?

Don't eat anything for 8-12 hours before your trip. You want to have an empty stomach.

>butterfly knife, and its the most beautifl thing to play with on psychs

Sounds like an awesome way to lose a finger!

Also some movies are fun.. trip balls and watch Tarkovsky's "Solaris"

Tea is good. Just read a few guides beforehand, its easy to mess up and ruin the shrooms. Just eating them is great way to throw up. Shrooms are fucking gross.

Adult Swim shows like World Peace or any MillionDollarExtreme productions and stuff have trippy editing. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas plays on your senses a lot too.

Sorry it's small.