New YLYL thread

New YLYL thread.
Come on fags

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Id keep my eyes on both those faggots




Because they're towel heads



You got your towel heads mixed up m8

Dude she's fucking terrified

Does you mean this type of towel head?

She knows that Allah is flying the plane now


Those are turbans, are they not?

haha literally me

yep that one is funny

that's a dalit aka low caste hindu

yea of the sikh variety, the only thing they ever bombed was an Air India flight.

Sikh's have tried to convince me to go to their temple (in Australia), only thing they got from me was a "Yeah, fuck off".



good, I dont believe in pushing anything on people.

legit gonna get my generator and turn it on inside and wait for death if this is real.



Fought it, but the cringe made me kek.

Wtf? I got banned for this. Fuck.


Everyone named Jared Is cringe



> (You)
>good, I dont believe in pushing anything on people.
Yeah only in people, especially 9 year olds.


Normal day for Pajet


Is she ok?



She would be too dumb to know it's called a carbon monoxide alarm if this would be real


see all the fruit explode out of that truck?

Bet the driver got out and said "hey! how d'ya like them apples"

they like to bond with the community, they're good people usually. My neighbors are sikh (canada). They're not trying to convert you, you ignorant trash.

please this is not funny :(

Actually Sikhs are forbidden from proselytizing so the most they would ever do is invite you to Langar, which is a community meal meant to bring together Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs that live in the province of Punjab.

>laughs sovietly


I never said they were, faggot. I just don't see the point in going to a temple of a religion i don't give a shit about.













thank you danger dog

Fuck off with your reboot

