Why are white girls so addicted to Big Black Cock?

Why are white girls so addicted to Big Black Cock?

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why does that girl have a giant log of shit on her back?

I read earlier it was because of "melanin receptors". Bill Nye even said so!


bbc stretches that puss puss


that's whoring
they're addicted to drugs


Do white women also like small black cock?



Daddy issues

i thought of all races white chicks detested black most (or top 3 bottom with indian and some other degenerate race)

She's funny looking in a cute way.

They don't like any black cock. But they seem to enjoy drugs and cash.

Because the porn site pays them to.


I do not know man, i do not know

There was a study done at Harvard a few years back the proved white women have melanin receptors in their vagina. They natural crave injections from melanin, and once exposed become addicted

Because it's so big?

I give no credibility to that study since it was funded by ((them)) actually white girls have melanin receptors in their assholes

Reminds me of this girl I know
>pic related

They don't. My girl thinks they're gross


any source?

There's no source, that's 100% made up.

They're addicted to the money that Jews pay them, because it's a lot more than a scene with a white guy. Also, more money buys more drugs, which they need to get through each scene without killing themselves.

>that's 100% made up.

I don't care about the skin colour, it's just that if you know half a shit about biology and anatomy that's obviously false.
>inb4 I got b8ted

Interesting. I saw a follow up study they did at Stanford in 2004 that found you to be full of shit and that you enjoy penises in your mouth.

Girls like big cocks. Society fetishises black cocks because they're supposedly big. Nothing more to it than that.

only John Bettendorf thinks this.

>I don't care about the skin colour
Nigger detected

Top kek


A little brown-skinned but mostly white. Sorry

>but mostly white

I'll let you figure it out on your own, you keep trying big boy

It's a biological and chemical thing. Don't blame the women, they can't help it.

Lmao. You aren't white

You sure? This is me