Why is America so racist in their depictions of black people?

Why is America so racist in their depictions of black people?
Look at the language used here. You can't tell me there isn't a racism problem in America

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You don't know any black folk, do you?

Are you going to give an actual articulate response or just cling to your racism to avoid facing the fact that you have accomplished nothing in life?

weak bait

this shit is retarded its just gonna make him more racist

they did something similar to me for saying "send blacks to africa"

just made me hate them more

i dont see a single mention of his race, just a description of him based on the actions he chose to commit

I'm not sure what the point of this exercise is?

Do people think the kid will hate niggers less after being humiliated by them or something

Because that's not how human minds work?

White America likes the narrative of the violent thug black person because it excuses, in their minds, the institutional racism of their country. They know blacks are treated more harshly, but it's ok because in white america's collective mind blacks are violent animals and deserving of such treatment.

That's why a black man killing a family is correctly labeled as a violent criminal but a white mass murder illicits the question "How could this have happened? He was a normal guy!"

he learned how to murder by watching his dad, who learned by his dad. it's like a family tradition. not sure why the murderer is the victim here.

for anyone reading the article the facts they gave are wrong. this nigger was the father of those two children, it wasn't a B&E where he panicked and accidentally shot her at all.

the real story shows that he savagely beat her to death in front of his own children.

erin marshal, his partner, was white.

>You can't tell me there isn't a racism problem in America

Preach! We need to gather actual evidence and compare rhetoric from each comparable case to see the difference in how everything is characterized. I don't know if there are books about that.

lol oh damn. what is it that white women specifically are doing that turns their husband into a killing machine. black or white, its always a white woman on the getting merc'd

But this is how Trayvon Martin was depicted. Angelic. Until the real story of how he was closer to the time of the event. (Turned out he was a thug and was hoping to beat up a "gay guy")

Forgot pic

And for this he was shot to death?

They were stealing the formula to sell, not to feed their baby. That's why the grocery store near me locks up all the formula in the front. It's easy to fence.

He attacked the "gay guy"

the media sensationalizes everything they feel the need to report. you post that picture as if there were ugly pictures of the white family and nice pictures of the black family that could've been posted. maybe there were, maybe not, idk, but thats weak fucking evidence mate.

and why is it you don't care when a group of blacks brutally rape and murder a white couple and the media completely covers it up because it was a black on white crime?

sauce? I just remember the dude was following him around and then getting laid out cause he was a puss. Though I do recall having a good laugh when they were showing pictures of when he as like 12 pretending he was some kind of angel. zimmerman got fuckin mauled by this rabid nigra


he was shot in self defense you fucking racist. if he hadn't chimped out and attacked zimmerman, slamming his head multiple times into the ground, he'd probably still be alive and dealing drugs

XD, she was trolling the shit out of them, but it is what it is. the kid was a fucking nigger. might as well expose it and let the world know what a heathen he was.

police told him to stand down and stop following the kid. proceeded to follow, ignoring the officers orders. proceeds to get mauled like a bitch. kills the kid because he's a pussy heeeeespanic who can't fight. dude deserved some time in prison imo for being a square. this is coming from a dude who cant stand nigs.

Almost every radio show spoke of it and Rachel Jeantel said it during an interview that Trayvon Martin told her this during the phone conversation right beforehand.


It's not like they eat babies!

So rayciss!!

Horseshit the post

When 7% of the population commits a vast majority of the rapes and murders (700+ since dat ebil cracker in Vegas) then maybe we they will be looked at in a better way, retard.

Well, how would you describe this person then?
A fine upstanding gentleman and a pillar of the community?
Are you claiming that a non-black person who brutally beats a woman to death, in front of their two kids would not be described in a similar way?

ok, yeah i remember now. the retarded hippopotamus bitch with a speech impediment said he told her some gay cracker was following him. his family took an L when her gorilla ass was up there.

Dog bites man isn't news

Man bites dog is news

Dog on dog violence isn't news either.

911 did, they aren't cops in FL, fucktard, stop sucking Treycoon's dead dick ffs.

dude its more than 7%. if we're going to spew racist rhetoric in here can we at least use actual statistics? i believe the actual figure of nigs in america is about 13-17%

Well, they can use a current picture, usually a mug shot when someone steals.
They can't really use a current picture of the mans family when they are dead and dissolved can they? Yes, they want photos of the murdered family appearing happy, because that will stir up more emotion in the viewer than a picture of the murderer.

agreed. he thought he was going to be some superhero neighborhood watch vigilante and he shouldn't have.
but that doesn't change the fact that angelic trayvon started the altercation by entering zimmermans personal space when zimmer was just asking questions.
doesn't change the fact that the media portrayed zim as a white man, doctoring his photos to look whiter and choosing younger, edited pictures of trayvon to look like an innocent child victim of white on black hate.

whole thing was an obama/media sham to increase the racial divide in america

black slave owners in africa often cannibalized their black slaves as punishment or when they no longer needed them

lol even still, shouldnt have followed if he was gonna get fucked up. plain and simple. dude had it coming. if you have to pull a gun in a fist fight you might as well cut off your dick and balls and sit down to piss.

twitter.com/search?l=&q=dear white people&src=typd

Because we have so goddamn many niggers here.

dude didnt even have the authority to ask him questions. could you imagine some random short fat spic asking you a bunch of shitty questions? no badge, no uniform. just some faggot in jeans and a collared shirt. i personally wouldnt want to wait around to see what they are going to do. the nigs dead now though, so whatever.

Because niggers ain't shit


>Why is America so racist in their depictions of black people?
because usa is the most racist nation on the planet. that's why.

mmmmm.... i dont know man. most asian countries are pretty tough to top.

i wouldn't take that article very seriously, considering that article is from the same website as this one: thegoldwater.com/news/4248-Japanese-Porn-Star-Drowns-In-Semen-While-Filming-Bukkake-Scene

besides, any news agency or article that's telling you what to feel is bogus.

so you're saying you'd just go apes hit and attack the guy rather than telling him to mind his own business?
don't forget if that community hadn't had so many break-ins by blacks he wouldn't have been a suspect in the first place. maybe blacks should reevaluate the culture they've created

i used to live in japan, for a few years, the country amerifats always claim is so racist. never experienced any racism. the locals are eager to interact with people of other races, and those who don't make an effort is still extremely nice. so i call bullshit on the whole racism thing. not saying it doesn't exist btw, but it's a very tolerant country, more than people think.

actually, my japanese ex was shocked by the racism she faced when she studied abroad in the usa. in the school people only interacted with people of their own race, and her roommate made bitchy, racist remarks against my ex because she was japanese.

i'm part american, and i have a degree i japanese culture and language, and i can say with confidence that the whole racism thing is just americans projecting hard.

you don't think he asked him that before he fucked him up? ive been shoulder checked by some niggers before and they dont just crack you in the jaw for doing it. someone told me its called a punk test. if you fail the test by showing weakness, they'll rob you or beat the shit out of you. im in california btw

I think there's definitely a problem in America. The thing is, most of the blacks I see are not doing what they should to disprove the racism. They play into the racism, give the racists even more reason to be racist. Like, when you beat a guy up on the train for calling you a childish Nigger, you're not doing anything to make black people look like respectable people.

I don't know what it's going to take to solve this problem, but I know that isn't it.


There isn't a racism problem
There's a nigger problem





Your degree and life is useless kill yourseld



and they could fly.


from what ive read/watched. most of them racism occurs in the workplace and academics. they will not take outsiders as serious contenders for top level careers/academia like we do here in the US. rarely ever happens dude. stop being a weeb.



majority of black people are fucking useless. they need to practice eugenics and drop the dead weight.



lol why because of the animal terms?
what this guy did was animalistic, it's not our fault blacks act like animals often enough to get that association


lil nigga

Stephen Paddock and Anders Brevnik say otherwise.

who the fuck care's

whey you stay at bruh

aww, shit, i have to do it now, because you said it.

problem is niggers

oh, yeah, 1 in a million occurences vs every fucking day occurences, you got me, you dumb nigger faggot

>youre not gonna ask that guy to stop fucking your wife first? You're just going to kick the door in and start beating the shit out of them?
You sound like such a fucking cuck right now

But the white guy with the family is the murderer


Wow a whole 13 cases.. this proves everything


holy shit man if i was playing with my best friend as a kid and some niglet came up and stabbed him to death pretty sure I'd be in the KKK by now




Ya damn these niggers



>even once

Well retard it's 13 percent. And of them who is committing the violent crime? The males. So congrats, you blew the lid off this guy rounding up half a percent.


America is so fucking cucked it's not even funny.

That's some wierd shit to have saved on your phone mate


XD. to be fair ive seen white do equally as fucked up shit. fucking niggers all around.


Or just maybe, you shouldn't assault people because you don't like the way they look at you in a country that's has more guns than people.


dont call me retarded when ya cant get the stats correct. the nigs need all the help they can get.

Thats such a racist thing to say nigger

>stop being a weeb.
thank you for proving me right that americunts are racist. because you think anyone who enjoys other cultures must be complete freaks.

and wow, such educated rhetoric must surely mean you're right. i'll write off everything i know and have experienced about japan because of your comment on Sup Forums, the website that was made to be for anime and japanese culture, and that imitates a japanese forum, yet you think this is the place to call people weebs for liking japan.

i personally know foreigners who applied to jobs they were completely unqualified for, but were still hired because they are better at english than most japanese. one even get free training in computer programming, just for her to be able to do her job. there are enough japanese who are very skilled in english, yet they chose the person who was better despite not being japanese. where's this racism you speak of?

Really? Go just about anywhere in Europe. Those fuckers will be racist to you if you're not the right type of white.
