Hey user, generally speaking, how are you on a scale of 1 - 10?

Hey user, generally speaking, how are you on a scale of 1 - 10?

>Feel free to include your own descriptor if you prefer.

1 - I am planning / have planned my suicide. It is only a matter of time.

2 - Every day is a struggle. I want to live but I don't know how long I can keep this up.

3 - Pretty fucking sad most of the time.

4 - I wouldn't say I'm miserable but I'm definitely not happy.

5 - I am numb. Not necessarily in a bad way, but not in a good way either.

6 - For the most part, I'm pretty content.

7 - Life is good and I feel good.

8 - I can say with confidence that I am a happy individual.

9 - My life is fucking awesome.


Other urls found in this thread:


show your dick or stfu

roller coaster, right now 7, a month ago 3

10/10 everyday for me!

Atm 5, in a month or sos time will prolly be lower sadly

Here you go, user. Feel free to rate.

Also, just to contribute to my own thread, I'd say I'm a solid 6. I was fluctuating between 7 and 8 but it's been a trying couple of months.

definitely a 3, pretty much wanna die but too much of a pussy to kill myself

What kind of life do you have to live to be that happy?

Between 4 and 5.

I fuck all the bitches and smoke weed everyday

Going to take out various loans and waste it on shit then when the money is gone im going to take a sawed off shotgun, 12 gauge buckshot to the forehead.
Going to do it in the Appalachian wilderness so no one can easily find my mess of a body, hopefully bears come and eat my corpse

Your IQ is negative, right?

3~4 I play video games, do drugs and go to school. All of my life choices are bad bht there are good times. I have more regrets than pro's but I do have some good stories to tell. Bunch of feel good high stories.

You want your fucking family to be in debt because of you before you die? You realize in most countries debt is inherited


My family is in no way obligated to pay off my debt.
When you die your debt goes away


I'm positive in the pussy department

> Average day would be a 4 if its going ok
> Highest point ive hit on the scale in the last 9 months would be a 5

This is me but I wanna say nice my neighbor totoro photo. :)

Solid 9. Always happy, always room to improve.

Was 8-ish over the summer, currently residing at about a 2.

I can spiral into depression and self loathing, have suicidal thoughts and just stay my whole day in bed, but at the same time I know I'm doing this to myself; I chose the sad thoughts, I chose to eat shit, I chose the negativity, I chose the sadness.

I don't have any philosophical statement, I'm not motivated whatsoever, but I want to try. I'm cleaning my diet, I'm trying to be a better student, I'm trying to stop the mental masturbation.

I don't know, I'm just tired of being stuck. Is my fault. I don't deserve to be depressed. Maybe you have that privilege. I don't. If one day I commit suicide, it will be because I was a lazy piece of garbage that didn't even tried.

I don't know, user. Please stay alive.

not exactly but still close enough

Thanks, user!


4 or 5 every day of my life for as long as I can remember.

Lately, I only stop feeling pain when I'm distracted, and I'm distractible, so I'll get distracted from my distractions and feel bad again.

4 I guess

4 these days. Been working my way up from being stuck in 1.5-2 for the last few years. Hope feels good.

Between a 5 and a 6 for me OP

I think it's a pretty solid plan. Any idea what you'll spend the money on?

10. I realized there is no god.

Looks wise I'm an 8 (pic related)
Feels I'm a 10

4. I have MS, heart palpitations, and found a testicular lump a few weeks ago. Too poor to afford a 75$ doctor visit. Fuck chemo. The worst part is I feel I had so much potential. The bigger they are..

Though I intend on suicide in a car or die in the woods fighting, I control my own fucking death.

I don't think it's possible to be an 8 with acne, mate. Not even a 7.

Constantly hovering between 5 and 8. I've been in school for so goddamn long that I just want it to be over with, which usually shits up my mood.

Definitely 3. I just took a long look at myself in a mirror at the gym and realized there's not a single thing in my face I think look good.


Ive been 1-4 all my life, currently at a 1

7-8 Grills are starting to like me, half my life was 3

I’m a 5, I feel as if you live to do what ever you do in your spare time.

Guessing you have a Jew nose then

Nice dubs, user. Also, how about a pic?

Hovering between 4 and 6 recently. My new job is fun, but I'm still dirt poor and live with my parents. When I was working the third shift full time, I was about a 2 even though I was making bank (I spent it all on a car, a new laptop, guns, other equipment, and booze).

I agree with user

If i may ask what do you do user?

definitely number one, people are shit and life will only continue to be more shit despite everything being handed to the developed world always needlessly entitled and bitching about whatever the fuck. (young or old, male or female, gay or straight, etc. etc.)

I sell guns at Cabela's now. It's really great having a job that intersects with my hobbies and talking to all kinds of people about firearms, but it's part-time and the pay is shit.

I used to put labels on test tubes at a big clinical diagnostics laboratory just down the road, but I only lasted two years before I got shitcanned for too many fuck-ups. Much happier now, but still broke.

A few years ago, I was dealing with breaking up with the only true love I have ever known and was at 1 while my mental and physical pokerface was a 6. I still get down to 3 when I've had a lot to drink and am all alone listening to certain songs, but I'm doing better and cutting back on the booze. I just need to work up the motivation to get back into shape again.

2 but I don't want to live

I'm an accounting major. All i do all fucking day is pour over a ridiculous amount of homework assigned to me. Over half of my class failed the most recent test and a lot of them dropped out of the accounting program and changed thier majors.
My girlfriend of 2 and a half years left me because I have sleeping issues and I don't like to stay up late. Which is dumb so she probably just found another guy and didn't want to tell me the truth.
I have one friend. He is a pretty cool dude and I think I would hurt him if I ended my life. My family would probably be relieved. They are paying for my living arrangements because this accounting program is so hard I can't make good grades and hold down a job at the same time.
I'm around a 2. I have plans for suicide but it's only if they get a little worse.
I constantly try getting out and making news friends but I feel like nobody can connect with me nor can i connect with them. I hate to say it because its cringy but I think i'm smarter then 99.99% of people I meet and because of that I can't understand them.
I want to kill myself. I really do but a small glimer of hope shines in the future. Because I have good grades and come from a good school a company already wants to hire me after graduation starting at around 80-85k a year.
Thats in a year and a half.
I don't know if I'm gonna make it.
I miss my girlfriend.
I miss having a life.
I miss knowing what it's like to look forward to something and have somebody to love and love me back.
I'm scared and i'm tired and each day gets a little harder for me.

Nah, wouldn't call it a jew nose. It's not hooked. More like a big roman nose.

Picture is a couple of years old. I have shorter hair now, like Jake Gyllenhaal in Prisoners

You are going to be successful and find a better chick.

5 mostly

I don't think so man. I feel like a loser.
Rereading what I just wrote has me crying now. I guess I havn't really faced how bad things are and have just been putting it on the back burner.
I need help.

Between 5 and 6 now, talking to a girl and if that goes well it will definitely increase, if i actually had motivation to do the shit i have to do that would probably help too

My gf cheated on me, i have a dead end job and im stuck in a cycle of legal trouble and debt from it... 2

2 with out a doubt, got drunk with my friends the other night for the first time. One of them I haven't talked too in years because of a controlling and emotional abusive/manipulative fiance that my dumb ass helped him get with her in the first place (I'll never forgive myself) and I ended up having to listen to him fuck her even though he knows I love her. She's pulling away hard from me and I have no other options and even though I'm in college I have no social skills because I'm a fucking sperg so friend circle is small and dwindling. Don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life /b

5. I'm so jaded that my kicks are only too deep.

Toe deep

Yea shorter hair is better, but the clothes look like shit you still dress like that user

I'm at 2 I don't know what to do If I could go back in time I'd invest all my time for getting bitcoin

Bill says it best

Just tell yourself to never give up that's what I do

I was going to say, a haircut would be a good idea. That's about it. I mean yeah, some nice clothes would go a long way but you're a pretty attractive dude, user.

4 or 5 I guess. I'd kind of like to blow my head off, but I'm not in for it. I'm too close to finishing renovating my house, I'm dating a cute chick studying mechanical engineering, I'm clearing 60k a year at 33, and I could easily do a lot with my life in a brief time.

I'm just off meds and I really need to get back on them.

I'm a solid 6 right now, would be an 8 or 9 but lately I have had a dilemma. I have a gf of two years who I love, but I also have a friend of three years that I want to fuck. Like I would rock her world if given the chance. Only problem is she says she doesn't like me that way, I know it's a lie though because she told me a year ago that she would fuck me if not for my gf. Today we were in my car and I was giving her a ride, we ended up that I said she wouldn't reach over and touch my dick, I bet here that if she did I would buy her food. She immediately reached over and gave my dick a light tap (I was hard but she couldn't see due to the middle console. I know she felt it because of the look on her face which was a satisfied little smile. I asked what's up knowing fully what was up and she just made eye contact for a solid five minutes with that little smile. Then she realized that she was blushing and she turned away. Now I wanna fuck her even more. Sad thing is she ships out for the army in like a week or two and I keep asking to hang out. I don't know what to do, I know she won't just accept it if I say let's fuck so I'm trying to get her to engage but if it doesn't happen soon she's gonna ship out to boot camp and I am gonna be stuck fapping to photos I have of her. Somebody end me. I love my gf but I think I also love her now, I've wanted her for so many years and it's fucking killing me.

between 3-4

Mostly not. During the winter when I'm just home or during band rehearsals.

congratulations anons
im proud of how far youve come

This is me right now.

I don't think that outfit would suit you with that haircut I can't imagine it

It varies, doesn't it OP?

Some days, when I'm thinking about certain milestones, I'm at a 4. When focusing on other things, I'll be around a 9.

Most days, we all sit around a 6. Mainly because it's human nature to be content. Content is comfortable. Content is safe.

One of the problems in trying to life a 10 is that when you fall short, you dive directly down to a 2.

Depressive people will focus on their lowest and give an answer accordingly, manics will focus on their best and give you the respective answer.

I advise focusing on the better situations, but still identifying the worse ones and trying to bring those up to par.

You're definitely not a loser. You've got a lot to process (seeing a therapist or counsellor to talk things through with could really ease the pressure) and you're going through a tough time, but all things considered - you're doing great.

Do future you a favour and get some help. Don't give up on yourself. The best is yet to come. I believe in you, user.

Also, don't beat yourself up for feeling overwhelmed. Feeling the way you do is human and you're playing the game on hard mode.

I was a 1 a few years back, got a DUI and it really helped me turn my life around with the help of my wife, had a few different jobs climbing the ladder and now I'm a union environmental service worker at a hospital making $25 an hour... before my DUI I was a jobless alcoholic who hates the idea of work because I was afraid of failing... now I'm at like a 7... You can always fix your life... sometimes you gotta hit bottom to get back on track towards the top.

I was a 2 last week, feeling more like a 5-6 now

Alright man..
I don't have the time or money for it at the moment.
But maybe i shoukd look in to it.
My friend said something similar to me the other day.
Thanks bro.
If it's any conciliation, I hope the world throws some good karma your way.
Later man

Nah, I mostly wear V-neck t-shirts in pastel colours or black/white ones.

On good days I'm an 8, generally a 5 or 6

alternating between 2 and 9 every week or two for the past few years

Good luck, user

If you want I can send you some infographs.
Discord - #9479

at a solid 2 right now

Feel like I'm stuck in life in a simulation. Worked my ass off to get a degree and be healthier, gotten to where I can do 7-10 mile jogs and not be phased. Worked on eating better, sleeping better, and communicating better with other people and especially people of the opposite sex. Got knocked down a couple pegs after college when the market downturn left me unemployed for a year then landed a job that let me go, followed by one I took just to make ends meet. Left that one for my dream job and now because of my boss I dread waking up and going to work every day. Haven't had a significant other in a long time, and got blown off a few times recently. Can't seem to make enough to get my own house or a new car. Even with all my hard work everything seems like a pointless cycle of getting dicked over and over again. Starting to lose interest in even my favorite hobbies and not wanting to go out with friends. Definitely feel like I'm sliding back into a 1 despite trying to claw my way out.

7-8 right now, if things go well the next months and land a job where I'm currently in training, I could be a 9

2 defently leaning more towards 1

I'm +8
-Intelligent (enjoying a prestigious scholarship because I'm brilliant in my field)
-Considered handsome
-184cm, Fit (bodybuilder type, steroids user) and strong (+350 Wilks)
-Perfectly functional 8 inches dick
-Hot and busty fit bisexual girlfriend who also does anal and swallows
-Many achivements made before 30
And I'm planning my suicide too

Absolutely, I completely agree. That's some refined emotional intelligence you've got, user.

Probably a 6 or a 7. I like everything about my life except myself.

Somewheres between 3 and 4

find one thing that makes you happy and give it everything you have, if you cant think of something think harder faggot

If life fucks with you fuck with it back. Hit it twice as hard as it hits you every single time dude.
It's gonna get better. I promise

You're a happy individual planning your suicide? How does that work?

5 and 1. I have no feelings and I have plans to kill myself, will I go through with the plans is not determined.

i'm a junior in high school that has a learning disability and i'm constantly told that my grades aren't good enough to graduate. i'm trying. i'm actually trying. and it still isn't enough. i'm not on any medication which might be a big part of the problem. my mother is still trying to make appointments with doctors so it's just a lot of waiting right now. i really don't want to be like this forever. i know i'm too stupid to learn anything, i'm just sick of people constantly reminding me. it makes me want to kms so badly.
i know most of you will think i'm just some youngfag begging for attention. but this is a serious problem and i really need help. i don't know what to do.

:( Sorry man :(

Combination of 3-5, getting out of depression with some new medication and back to school.

currently going through some of the more critically revered media in my backlog. on movies. will be on music sometime soon. i figure i got about a week left before i get too disinterested to maintain the notion that i'll just disappear; and will finally break

Have you considered experimenting with psilocybin? If not, do some research

suicidal ideation. I have it. I can be on a totally happy day and still think about killing myself.

Right now, my professional life is, like, at a 9 but my personal life is, like, at a 2.