Most underrated movies. Pic related

Most underrated movies. Pic related.

You mean over-rated?


Was about to post this, great movie

The sinking sequence is just incredible.




Troll? Titanic was the Highest-grossing film of 1997..

What about this year?

Ask a guy who has watched The Grifter 16 times anything’s



Wing Commander

agreed. this was a genuinely great film.




I must have been 14. I was so ready for this to come out. I dragged my friends to it. I never heard the end of how bad it sucked (which it did)

Why not 17 times?

too bad about keanu reaves being in it. just about ruined the movie

>its ok to be a joo Freddy.

>fight club
This joke is not lost on me. It's just not funny.

This is the only real answer.
