Is it worth moving to San Jose, CA?

Updated/Continuation of Thread

I currently live in Toronto, Canada as a fresh college graduate with my mother downtown and I am debating if I should start my career here or in San Jose, California.


The career I am pursuing is a police officer. Cops in Toronto start off at 58k CAD which is 44k USD. Cops in San Jose start off at 84k USD which is 110k CAD.

If I were to join Toronto Police, I would have to stay 6 years to reach 110k CAD when San Jose starts at that salary (84k USD). If I were to stay 6 years in San Jose Police, I would be making 106k USD which is 140k CAD. It seems there is more money to be made in San Jose Police.


After researching, both housing markets are expensive without a doubt. Since I live in a condo in downtown Toronto, I know that the prices are ridiculous for the amount of little space you get. While in San Jose, yes the prices are expensive too but you get more space for your dollar. Plus it would be less expensive if you lived outside of the city in San Jose. I have a friend who is an Electrical Engineer and he wants to move to San Jose, so I might rent with him, keep costs low.

>Other Expenses:

The cost of living in San Jose is a little bit more expensive (27%) than Toronto. But you could argue that I am making more money in San Jose to be able to afford the high expenses. On top of that, you have to account that the Canadian dollar is 0.76 cents to the American Dollar.

>Other Reasons To Move:
Beautiful weather all year round, new experience, saving money, having independence and meet new people.

>Reasons Not To Move:
From what I heard, a lot of immigrants, ghetto areas, gang bangers, Spanish people, shit healthcare compared to Canada, gas prices and high car insurance.

>So it with worth moving for a possible better quality of life? Questions to me.

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fuck california

Fuck off we're full

Also, no beaners are going to take a fucking leaf police officer seriously

This cop wasn't paying attention in the lodge. You are supposed to holster your weapon before making goofy occult hand signs.

That isn't a real cop, that's Jake Gyllenhaal acting as a cop in the movie called "End of Watch"

Would recommend the movie, it's great

Lmao, thank you. It is definitely a great movie, imagine living that kind of cop lifestyle.

as someone who has lived here all my life, over 35 years now. DO NOT MOVE TO CALIFORNIA. Too many people for one thing, cost of living is sky high, too many mexicans and central american shits.

everyone who lives here is trying to move out, and you faggots want to come in. WE DONT NEED ANY MORE FUCKING PEOPLE HERE. The beaners and illegals have made rent sky rocket.

Who am i kidding, come to California, may you rot just like the rest of them.

Damn, that's real, thanks for the input. Any city or state you recommend that would pay really good and lifestyle would be nice there?

To be honest this.
You would have to completely get rid of your accent and sense of moral -and lawful- responsibility.
There is a reason that US city cops have a penchant for violence and strong-arming people: They need to survive.
You roll up on a Blood or Serrano cutlass trying to preform a search, your ass is dead meat unless you know how to crack skulls and assert violent authority.

Seriously man, I know a bunch of cops who worked the central valley, all of them are built motherfuckers with temper issues. They exude "Don't fuck with me or you die". Also a reason most of them are ex-military.

bay area san jose fag here

While downtown is nice with lots of shit to do, the cost of living here is ridiculous.

If you have money and find yourself in a well to do neighborhood, then go ahead. Keep in mind your california gun laws are fucking shit. Who am I kidding you're a fucking leaf so you'll fit in to this liberal shit hole.

I love the state. Hate the politics.

Cops are state pawns, get a real job.

You are full of shit. You haven't lived here for 35 years.
None of what you just said is true.
Poor people don't inflate rent costs, they deflate it, especially in a state that subsidizes housing on the level we do. Rent prices inflate with higher economic activity and higher wages, for instance San Diego and Orange County. Rents in the central valley are low as fuck for even good neighborhood for one reason: nobody wants to live in Merced or Fresno or any of the copy paste hot as fuck cities along the 99.

California is based, I'm glad for this image though, means I don't have to deal with retard who don't know you can turn right on red.

Soo... what's your take on this? Would you move or stay in Toronto?

I live in San Jose.

Cops here are known to go thru the Academy and then transfer to another town close by simply because of better pensions and benefits.

Renting in Sam Jose is retarded, a better choice would be to commute a bit and try living further south (towards gilroy), still high but more affordable.

People suck here. You're surrounded by gooks, poo in loos and mexicans. Usually not that friendly, and generally just get in your way and cause you to become even more racist. Not to mention the traffic/drivers here, literally the worst in the Country.

If you do decide to move here, I'd suggest going thru the academy (which is surprisingly top notch) then transfer to Los Gatos or Campbell, better areas and better place to live than San Jose.

San Jose is perennially one of the safest big cities in America. We also enjoy the highest standard of living in the world.
t.San Jose Native

Fuck off, we're full.

>You haven't lived here for 35 years.

You must be of mexican or some other piece of shit central american descent, sucks to be you.

I don't need your stinking approval. I have seen it with my own two fucking eyes. Mexicans and central americans have destroyed their country and now they came here to destroy California, and have.

Rent would plummet if it wasn't for Paco and his shitty job. That's the thing with illegals and hispanics people do not understand. They make the biggest pussy employees, they will take shit pay for impossible tasks, making it much harder for joe blow to get by. Instead of building all these shitty mexican businesses that fail within a few months, maybe they should start building houses.

Another thing, just take a look at how these people live, they shit where they sleep. They have no respect for their neighbors and they don't assimilate.

Some of the crap I have seen these people do, or not do.

They never pick after their pets (NEVER EVER)
They allow their pets to roam the streets at night with no leash, terrorizing the neighborhood and getting hit by cars. I saw my neighbors little dog almost get ran over by some other dumb fuck mexican, she did not even care. The cutest fucking dog almost turned into a pancake, and this bitch did not care.

Lets see, your kids sleep at 1am, you think allowing your kids to roam the streets = taking care of them. You make terrible parents.

You litter your own sidewalks with wrappers, used diapers and do nothing to clean it up.

You park in the middle of the road, turn on your emergency and talk on your phone, and when someone tries to come through, THEY have to make room for you. But you don't care.

You pack your cars to the brim with scrap metal, taking 8 seconds just to get into gear and move, you slow down traffic for everyone, not to mention the trash that falls off your trucks that are over the freeway. Fuck off 2 mexico.

I wrote .
IF you are going to be a cop.
You might need to harder up, unless you are like a lumberjack mounty already or some shit.
Also, lose the accent if you have it, will make people laugh at you.

You really should re-think moving to California and then plunge head first into that area's under belly as a police officer. If you want to do law enforcement do it in your own home town where you know the area, the people and so on.

Plus California is $$$$$$$ and there is a reason San Jose has to start out at a higher salary rate, no one really want to work there. See what happens is people go to departments where they can get there POST cert (police officer standard training) and then they put in a few years and NOPE the fuck out as soon as the can. Heading to smaller police area in smaller towns with less risks.

you can get killed or just the living shit kicked out of you as a cop so pick a less risky area then a city in California. Plus did you read up on the req for the job? Are you a US citizen who just happens to live in Canada? Does your school in Canada meet the requirements? You can't just show up and BAM officer.

I was born and raised in San Jose and was planning on being a peace officer there, was an Explorer and all.

Don't do it, San Jose is a fucking hellhole of liberal Bull and shittyness like pension fuck ups.

Come to the most lethal police force in America, come to kern county. Look into it. I work 911 on an ambulance down here and wouldn't live anywhere else.

Being a cop is one of the safest jobs in America.
You sound like a pussy. Are you a cop?

Cali, especially socal is a shit hole.
Your house and car will be robbed, repeatedly.
Anyone who's nice, is looking for a handout.
Can't own weapons.
Living expenses are higher than most places.
Every nigger you see will ask for a dollar.
Women are stuck up, just look on cl for that area
>I'm 300 lbs. but need a male model who makes 8000k a year.

Cali sucks.
T. Five year occupant who prays that it gets swallowed by the ocean.

>An entire novel of ad-hominem and hate for mexicans.
Nice. Really got me spergo.
One thing though, I'm not mexican.

>american economics
You're just pretending to be retarded right?

Where did you do your police foundations m8? I did mine in centennial college. What kind of experience do they want you to have?

It's the god damn truth. ACCEPT IT FAGGOT.
What else, they have no manners, they just leave their trash everywhere and expect the world to pick after them, not to mention they cannot drive for shit becaues their car is uninsured and weighed down with scraps causing the rest of the world to slow down.

Strollers filled with children, one attached to their hips and one of the way. These people have no worth, they are just here sucking on the government tit. That's what Mexico and Central america is shit, because you people shit where you eat and sleep.

I have now exited this thread.


Humber. I also have a degree in Criminology and military experience.

Look up rent prices on google and compare the central valley (where most of the mexicans are) and SoCal.
Or you could keep having an uninformed opinion. Your choice, rent is almost always reflective of economic prosperity.

>Rent would plummet if it wasn't for Paco

it's more like Paco and the other 15 Mexican's they STUFF into a rental unit. That's the real problem with having rentals or low income housing in a given area. If they lived like normal families it would not be that big of a deal.

but they cram two or three families into one unit and then park a fleet of busted up shitty cars all over the place. The house a friend of mine bought in Fairfield had something like 15 people living in a two bed room house. A house that should be around 185k but of course being CA it was going for near 400k when the market imploded.

I was born there, it's alright but California has insane taxes and no future.

>I'm right you are wrong nah nah nah nah nah. Can't hear you I'm being a faggot too loudly HAHAHAHA I WIN.

Fuck off casual.

You should also look up Toronto prices and convert that CAD to USD and see how expensive Toronto is as well.

Nice I may do that too. Thanks

>Being a cop is one of the safest jobs in America

It's safe in a raw numbers sort of way being you only get a few officers killed in any given year. Some departments can go decades with out even having an officer shooting.

Yet that's not "safe" from risk being unlike your average job any given day or traffic stop could be the one where they get killed. I have a degree in Criminal Justice and know more way more cops then most. It's far from this happy calm sort of job where you leave your stress at the door when you come home.

it's why you don't get A tier level officers for the most part. Oh sure some are and maybe even a lot of them are but a huge chunk are in law enforcement for all the wrong reasons. Like the two class mates I know who went on to be police. One was the school runt and the other was kind of dumb and the school fat kid. So OF course they went into "respect my authority!!" law enforcement.

Central Coast Califag here. Can confirm all this. Also, the reason mexicrement fucks property values is because they turn large neighborhoods into violent drug filled shitholes. Nobody but other shitty mexicans wants to live there, so the places that are without beaner infestations increase in demand and thus price. The mexifested areas drop in price, and as the plague of these people spreads. anyone who cares about their million dollar home dropping to 300k moves the fuck out asap.

I live in San Jose
I go to sjsu downtown and we pretty regularly get info from the school's police department warning students about muggings/ armed robberies and the occasional shooting from black or Latino youths and this is in a nicer part of downtown
I don't think I've ever seen a cop alone in my life though so hey there's that going for you
If you do get pals to rent a place with in a cheaper area away from the center of the city it's not too bad, everyone of my high school/ college friends who don't live with their parents have been able to find somewhere to live with about 2-4 people together mostly working minimum wage
>Other expenses
Yeah things can be a bit costly but if you make your own meals you can get a lot of food for not much money, plus our internet speed is pretty damn great
>Other reasons to move
My only complaint is the weather because unless you like dry heat the majority of the time and hate rain the weather is just okay here
The hottest days can get really hot but since we're still pretty close to the coast and the bay you can expect some pretty heavy fog in the winter
>Reasons not to move
Gas isn't that bad here and I can't say for sure because I haven't investigated them myself alone at night or dressed like a cop but I doubt we're as bad as places like LA or Detroit

Honestly the best part about San Jose is that it's close enough to basically everything in central California that you could easily drive there and back in the same day like the beach boardwalk or San Fran docks or Sacramento or Monterey Bay or wherever
The only MAJOR downside is it's about a 6-7 hour drive to get to Disneyland or Hollywood

Your after tax income for 84USD and 58CND without any deductions (which as a single male you would get non other than any investment deductions you make)

SJ only pays 85% of the medical and 95% of dental and no drug/vision.
Toronto has 100% medical, dental, drug, vision, maternal/paternal leave.

Also you have the wrong rate of pay. You took the trainee wage for Toronto but the trained wage for SJ.

The after tax trained for Toronto is; 52K CND.

So you have a 3K difference + exchange after tax once trained and full benefits in Toronto.
But a 27% higher cost of living in SJ.

You clearly haven't done your research correctly.

Do you make over $150,000 a year? If so, yes it's worth it.

I see you're good with numbers. I'll be honest, I'm not but took the time to draw some numbers up. I knew they were obviously very rough ones but thanks.

It sounds like Toronto would be the better stay.

I live in Los altos. A few months ago the beaners constantly bitching actually got the mountain view city council to consider implementing rent control.

There was such a huge backlash. The fact they even considered bending to the whim of illegals is the problem though. Thinking they deserve to live in the same city as us.

You will not start anywhere near 80 grand a year. As a starting police officer, your pay will probably be in low 40s until you get promoted.
Also California has a steep cost of living compared to other states and full of spics.

>hurr durr more demand = lower prices

Mexicans blighting an area is the only way rents get lowered, but then rents increase everywhere around the blight. See Detroit.

If you are retarded, you really should not be posting like you know anything.

Academy pay is $34.59 an hour, until sworn in as a police officer
Police officer, starting step 1 salary $83,824
Police officer, top step salary $112,248 (one step increase annually for seven years)

Meant for

I never said more demand equals lower rent prices you fucking retard.
I said that rent prices correlate to economic prosperity. Rent are higher in OC and SF because its a major higher education / productivity area.

Maybe you should be the one who shouldn't be posting if you cant even understand the posts you are replying to.


>safest city

faggot, I live in san jose and shit is getting crazy here. All these murders going on. Get real faggot

>central axis relock
meme technique Tbh

>can't own weapons
That's just false

>Rent are higher in OC and SF because its a major higher education / productivity area.
It's higher because the demand is massive.

Demand is a far greater influence on price than relative prosperity.

California is a shithole. There are plenty of better states in the US that are higher quality than California. I would say look for a small town to live in. A state like Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, some place like that. Small towns are better for law enforcement because there's less shit to deal with. California cops make a lot of money because they are constantly dealing with thieving niggers and beaners. You can follow the money but it isn't always worth it. Anyway that's my 2 cents, do whatever you want m8.

tfw i have those same sunglasses

Been living here my whole life (18 years) and thankfully I've been living the good life with a rich white family but I do plan to leave here, to repeat what others said the cost of living is pretty nuts (get used to dat sales tax).

The downtown areas/east side are pretty ghetto but the south Bay areas are actually pretty nice (I live in almaden), everything about shitty drivers is true though regardless of where you are, everybody on their cellphones.

Also I'd advise against SJPD as their pensions have been cut and lots of officers have been lateraling to other departments. I was in the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office cadet program for about a year in 2014/15 and the SO does a damn good job (didn't make the cut, just wasn't really for me) and I'd advise working with them over the PD.

Well that's my 2 cents

Also, weather is pretty fuckin sweet.

tl;dr if you like good weather and don't mind Messicans too much come on down.

LOL look at this invading spic running his mouth.

Good place to be if you like being around niggers + cucks