Guess who's back?

Guess who's back?

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Shady's back.


less than 72 hours. Calling it now.

Tell a friend.

Someone has already been arrested in an attempt to get it

Are we playing capture the flag again? does the game continue... does the rise rise again ?

It's already been up longer than that. And it will be tough to get it down. Destroying it is the only realistic idea


>dems divided the country to the same levels of the civil rights movement days
>blames repubs for dividing the country some magical reason instead
retarded libcucks, why do brainwashed propaganda ingesters involve themselves with politics?


Obamas both created a divide, and Michelle continues to widen the growing chasm.
Dems want a civil war for some insane reason.

72 hours is way too long. Doesn't he have any power to remove it?

>knowyourmeme com
>the stream was moved several times after being disrupted by trolls from Sup Forums’s Sup Forums board.
that just hurts. why the labels?

thx /bro/


>Guess who's black

Shadys back


where is flag?

>He will not divide us
>Plants flag in France
>Is he protesting Trump or Philippe?

I'm saying it'll be taken down again soon I guess lol

is that where is it France ?

realistically someone will probably just deface the site before it gets taken down

The website says

le lieu unique, Nantes, France

they're using lol

Nantes, France

France. Makes complete sense.
Protesting the president who won a demoocratic election by placing a flag thousands of miles away in a place that didn't even try to fight Hitler and lets Muslims cuck them now.

maybe like set it on fire somehow idk

flamethrower drone


train a falcon to attack it?

not a bad idea. Get another one to put a pepe up there too and we have an entire operation

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand He Will Not Divide Us. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Shia's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Hillary Clinton literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike He Will Not Divide Us truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Shia's existencial catchphrase "He Will Not Divide Us," which itself is a cryptic reference to Hillary Clinton's Russian blaming epic "What Happened?". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Shia LeBouf's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a #HeWillNotDivideUs tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Pray to God for a lightning strike?

>plants white flag
>in France

>shia is definitely /ourguy/

Oh boy it's starting again, prepare for another internet historian video.

Is that a mousque? Doesn't that make destroying that along with the flag a win-win?

Perhaps something like this?


no, its some shitty art gallery/museum

>literally firing a gun at a building
lol that won't look suspicious


how tf is he supposed to hit a flag with an unaccurate flaregun

Can anyone cast fireball?

>>shia is /ourguy/
never expected to hear that hear

Wow, you guys really didn't like having a darky for president, huh?

lol name anything the yankees like except fat and guns

ok but where are you gonna get a flamethrower drone from?


country music

There must be a middle ground between not touching it and literally lighting it on fire. Maybe you could train a falcon or some stupid shit?

look at the gif, that shit fires like a fucking drunk man pissing

>obama runs for president
>question his status as an American during all 8 years and call his wife a man

I mean it beats the current president who pays russian whores to piss on each other while his illegal immigrant wife gets railed by secret service.

american football

Maple syrup. Cheese. Apples.
Baseball. Football. Basketball. Hockey.
Fishing. Hunting. Hiking, anything outdoors and in the woods.
I could go on but na

>trump getting cucked by secret service while he watches russian whores piss on each other


You underestimate the power of user. You underestimate it greatly

Do the Care Bear Stare

true, some of the faggots on here are rich

just get a normal drone and attatch a shit ton of sparklers and a fuse to it

"unaccurate" isn't a fucking word assmunch

le lieu unique, Nantes, France 38 meters high building

18is meter if you stand on the first roof

well if we have richfags here can't you hire some free climber extrodenair or something
to get the flag down?

nigga sorry for getting my vocals wrong, i'm not an english speaker, but is that really the most important thing in this thread?

Frenchanon here is providing intel, good on you france

That'd be pretty stupid, as he probably would get arrested

OMG why do you all care?

Why the fuck would he divide france anyway

handheld high power laser?

guess who's back? guess who's back? guess who's back? guess who's back? guess who's back? guess who's back? guess who's back? na nah na

Nah dean killed him.

could burn it down with one is what im suggesting


not if he is sneak and/ or fast

25m from the top of the roof to the top of the tower. Guards on the staircases on the sides, lighting during most of the day. CCTV uncertain, but a strike on the camera could be easily accomplished.

already tried that this season and in s4 if I remember, didn't work. Stupidfag

i'm dutch

My flag is red, white and blue
Not only white

does someone's a gun?, you can shot that thing easily

>why do we care
Bitch we aint got anything better to do

It's fun? What are you, the fun police?

red = bleeding white
blue = suffocated white

Probably because of Macron turning out to be more right-leaning than expected, and imposing heavier stuff on immigrants

>Or we could burn it with the power of god

Whatever happened to the bucket drones?

Where are you going to hire a climber who's talented, sneaky, and fast. You'd just be hiring a professional burglar

You guys are hilarious.
>8 years of autistic screaming over a nigger POTUS
>8 years of "not my president"
>8 years of calling for civil war, doomsday predictions, and "he's coming for muh guns and muh freedums"
>8 years of the nastiest shit tier names and hate filled rhetoric towards POTUS.
>Still blaming Dems for "dividing the country"
kek, shoes on the other foot and you still can't take responsibility for your own actions. You're worse than niggers. You're all worse than niggers.

your country's pommes frites are straight fire


maybe you can hit it with a paintball gun?


quit trying to derail this thread. fuck off to another thread.


>Not that you diserve it, but here is a (You)
How much do you get paid to do this?

Captain Jack ?


now everyone report to the dance floor

You're hilarious.

>Thinking the last eight years are responsible for the current divide
>not knowing this divide has been brewing since at least Ruby Ridge, Waco, probably before that