Sup Forums tell me the difference between a monarchy and a dictatorship

Sup Forums tell me the difference between a monarchy and a dictatorship

As far as i can tell, a king is legitimized by god himself to rule over all the country. A dictator is legitmized by the weapons he has and the people that are following him

Thank u sir

Second German Reich was way better than Third one, except for mild toleranz of Jews.

a monarch's power varies more, from absolute to near nothing. likewise, the effort to get rid of a bad monarch can vary from telling him to fuck off to having to chop off his head.

A monarchy is what a dictatorship becomes, if and when there arises a proven system of dynastic succession.

These two are the best looking flags
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't

Norwegian, Danish, Estonian and Icelandic are better.

what about difference between kingdom and sultanate?

You are objectively wrong sir

The king doesn't fuck his daughters as often as the sultan does.


>ywn live in a monarchy

Hereditary rule is the difference.

Why not look at what they have in common?

They are both better than democracy for example.

That's a really low bar pham

Thanks bro. Keep in mind ours were designed by god so it would really be blasphemism not to like that one the best.

Pic related.

A dictator is the ruler of a people who think that they should have the right to vote, but don't.

Dannebrog is the best. Amazing piece. If Denmark had mountains, Scania, was more racist it would be the best country on earth.
5)St Andrews Scottish Flag
6)Union Jack
7)Saint George's English Flag
8)Finnish Flag
9)Bavarian Flag
10)Swiss Flag

The iron cross makes both look like complete shit, would be a lot better without it.

Also this is obviously the best flag.

you guys are faggots. monarchy means rule by one person, doesn't necessarily have to be hereditary.
dictator doesn't mean anything specific in politics, its simply a slur for an oppressive or bad monarch

Prussia had the best flags desu senpai

I hate how the nazis out their symbol on everything, imagine if the democrats but the Shillary logo on every flag and coat of arms in America

Most islamic sultanates are not even real sultanates by idlamic law and just normal kanghz (malik)