White people should pay a reparations tax to blacks

White people should pay a reparations tax to blacks.

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Then all black should be imprisoned for not filing income tax during the slavery period

Try harder.

How "white" must you be to pay it?
How "black" must you be to receive it?

>pays himself reparations

How about I pay you with lead and copper.
Fucking nigger

Race is a social construct. It depends on which race you identify as.

I identify as whichever one gibs me da most monies.


I identify as nigger now give me money. See I fit right in

Shitty bait
OP is a faggot

Blacks should pay a reparations tax to whites for the cost of all the slaves we had to set free. Those slaves weren't cheap

I love you guys

We'll have committee with Spike Lee, Ta-neshi Coats and Bill Clinton to approve or deny peoples niggerness.

I identify as a pale skinned native african american. Legally I demand that I get the benefits for being both black and native American.

Sorry, you enjoy light-skin privilege. You have to pay as well.

I can settle this easily.
OP? Are you or have you ever been a slave?
No you haven't.
So shut the fuck up nigger

We do, it’s called welfare



What about whites living outside the USA/from a place where they didn't have black slaves?
What if you only recently entered the USA?
What if you are Jewish, should we demand reparations from the Egyptians?(who you claim were black)

if you are so offended by white people and white culture, perhaps you should move to a country which is all black

i hear somalia is really nice, perhaps uganda too. maybe you should go to zimbabwe, all white people were deported so its all black now.

wont somebody remember the native americans?

Jews were black as well.

White people were taken as slaves by the romans... time to pay up Italians!!!

Its ok I am from the UK. We invented slaves

Native Americans were black.

Blacks should pay every other race for comitting majority of the violent crime despite being he minority of population

Black money-grubbing hearts? Yes
Ethnicity black? Not really

They wuz kangs too

No you didnt, the ancient greeks did.
back then slaves were white.

We'll they're on the scale sure.. but we didn't really use them as slaves. Not like the darker tones. Or the railway building yellow tones..

You literally invented nothing. Slaves were a thing in ancient egypt, Rome.
In those moments your ancestors were painting their faces in blue and raveling in mud while Rome had already constructed sewers still functioning to the present day.

I don't care, but I can't suffer illiterate idiots.

Dark In skin color =\= “Black”

Kangs who owned slaves, time to give out reparations blacks!

But if you trace anyone back far enough they all come from africa, so yes... they are

Slave traders back then, still slavery now, constantly killing each other

But everything is the white mans fault

>You literally invented nothing.

Soda water: Joseph Priestley, 1772
Hydraulic press: Joseph Bramah, 1795
Steam engine: Richard Trevithick, 1801
Glider: George Cayley, 1804
Tension-spoked wheel: George Cayley, 1808
Tin can: Peter Durand, 1810
Modern fire extinguisher: George William Manby, 1818
Electric motor: Michael Faraday, 1821
Waterproof material: Charles Macintosh, 1823
Cement: Joseph Aspdin, 1824
Passenger railway: George Stephenson, 1825
Lawnmower: Edwin Beard Budding, 1827
Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot, 1835
Electric telegraph: Charles Wheatstone & William Cooke, 1837
Chocolate bar: JS Fry & Sons, 1847
Hypodermic syringe: Alexander Wood, 1853
Synthetic dye: William Perkin, 1856
Bessemer process: Henry Bessemer, 1856
Linoleum: Frederick Walton, 1860
Sewage system: Joseph Bazalgette, 1865
Modern Torpedo: Robert Whitehead, 1866
Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell, 1876
Light Bulb: Joseph Swan, 1880
Steam turbine: Charles Parsons, 1884
Safety bicycle: John Kemp Stanley, 1885
Pneumatic tyre: John Boyd Dunlop, 1887
Thermos flask: Sir James Dewar, 1892
Electric vacuum cleaner: Hubert Cecil Booth, 1901
Disc Brakes: Frederick William Lanchester,1902
Stainless Steel: Harry Brearley, 1913
Military tank: Ernest Swinton, 1914
Television: John Logie Baird, 1925
Catseye: Percy Shaw, 1933
Jet Engine: Frank Whittle, 1937
Electronic programmable computer: Tommy Flowers, 1943
Hovercraft: Christopher Cockerell, 1953
Automatic kettle: Peter Hobbs, 1955
Float Glass: Alastair Pilkington, 1959
Hip Replacement: John Charnley, 1962
Carbon fibre: Royal Aircraft Establishment engineers, 1963
Collapsible baby buggy: Owen Maclaren, 1965
ATM: John Shepherd-Barron, 1967
World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee, 1989
Wind-up radio: Trevor Baylis, 1991
Steri-spray: Ian Helmore, c. 2008

Fucking riggity rekt

If you’re tracing back that far it really doesn’t matter. You start taking about small percentages that got watered down through generations. “Native Americans” weren’t Africa black.

They were paid with affirmative action instead.
Would have been cheaper to pay reparations back in the day but they did what they did

We wuz spirichual
An aliumz
An sikick
N gawds n shieeet

The UK gave us the west.

>Jet Engine: Frank Whittle, 1937
Hans Von Ohan might have something to say about that.

I agree.

Reparations for each and every black person that hands in their passport, we will even pay for the one way flight ot africa


Any Nazi's left wana dispute that?

Like the UK, they wont be missed

And if that one ripped off a proud German ubermensch, then how many others ripped off caucasian inventors?
This pretty much proves they invented nothing. Original assertion stands.

>no nazis left
>who tf am i supposed to punch then?

>Hans Von Ohan

He created the first flyable jet engine in the same month as the wittle engine wish was nothing more than a bench.

china and india have the two largest and fastest growing populations on earth.
Sooner or later we'll all be fucking beige friendo.

Better the chinese than a bunch of african niggers.

I can't afford to pay taxes. They took my cotton plantations away from me.

>intellectual checkmate

The only reason we have "races" is because people couldn't move around much. Now everyones going everywhere and everyones fucking so in a 1000 years there might not be any "races". Just all beige people. Then we'll have to find something else to fight over. Like whether our parents were chinese or indian.?

I don't see how this relates to the US making it's main export black people

I'm light skinned but don't benefit anything from it apart from not looking scary to white people. I grew up dirt poor rarely had fresh not pfeserved fruits and vegetables and never got allowance

TFW when it's already happening honestly whiteys have done this to them selves for the trauma they have caused us from our past whitey got btfo

Export? You mean import? You dont send the niggers away. You let them stay and give them free money?

>who tf am i supposed to punch then?
Your boyfriends prostate.

A one time benefit of the value of the average slave in today's money. Here's your $1500, fuck off, nigger. Then they should shut up.

bruh Bernie was right fuck these white privileged monkeys they have no idea what struggle is

I hate this "black lives matter" bullshit. They have all the privilege Asians and Hispanics espwcialmy are getting no benefits

These pigs will have there time and they won't know what hit them

Is this real?
What is he trying to even say?

Lastly do people think wealth is a finite resource? Wealth is created, it's not like a pie that everyone has to share. If Bill gates for example hadn't created Microsoft and all the wealth it created, then that wealth wouldn't exist.

Slavery was abolished in the USA in 1865. There's not a fucking man or woman alive today that's ever been a fucking slave. You get a "chance" at an education, you get to vote. Dafuk more you want?
Go to school, get a good job, buy yourself shit. This is what white people do. You have the same fucking privileged. Do you think white people get free money? Fuck no. Shut up and work for it like everyone else.

Wtf is latinx?

Looking for this before I posted /thread

exactly, blacks have the most "privlege" of any race in America. Everony walks on eggshells around them and there are literally laws on the books that allow people to discriminate against other races for the sole purpose to elevate blacks.


Yes non-white people believe it is finite, because they have terrible schooling even here in the US

I guess you dont work together with blacks

Comrade Bernie is right. But soon White median wealth will be $0 when they're dead.

No more White suburbs.
No more dogs shitting everywhere and barking at night.
No more feminism.
No more democracy.
No more bleeding heart faggot cucks.

White Genocide is the greatest event to ever happen in Human history.

If anything black people, the second majority, is keeping all the other minorities down

just because black people spout the same nonsense over and over that they have been indoctrinated with their whole lives doesn't make it true.

which category would this shit stain fall under?

I do not have any blacks here to work with no?

white people already do, bitch. How do you think welfare (the only thing keeping black people alive) exists, bitch?

Honestly you're sort of right. All our problems in the west have been caused by White leftists. From mass immigration to the destruction of the family unit they can all be traced by to progressive marxist policies.

I don't blame black people for being the way they are, you can't expect someone who comes from a country where there are more people infected with bubonic plague than PHDs. I blame white leftists who continue to ignore reality and think that in their fantasy land they can someone make it work after the 99 failures to date.

White people grey charged less for property and were allowed to buy better property in the past that allowed their wealth to increase while inhibiting black people from getting education or better wages and not being allowed to invest in better property. They're still subject to segregation just because they can't afford to move in to a higher quality of life property. And if they try they get charger more and have higher interest rates even with the same out better credit than white people

Exactly, I have friends in Korea who think black people are like 40%+ of the population based on all the shit they see in the news and from American culture. They are shocked when I tell them they are only 13%

Hi scary terry!

that guy should be taxed for making me see that haircut

I mean besides that.


thats because black people destroy neighborhoods and properties. I would never rent to negros because 9 times out of 10 they destroy your property.

bruhhh these dum ass bitch white bys and there limp dick cocks that can't plz shit honestly what happend your evolving backwarss you racist cunts

Negros get easier loans than any other race. Lenders know that they won't pay, it's called predatory lending and it proved that blacks are deadbeats and deserve to not get loans, they can't pay.

On the internet nobody knows you a nog

Xhe is not a guy. Shitlord.

Non English fluent minorities working pay for welfare

Rephrase the question to,"Should we give people who had slave owners as ancestors reparations?"

We were talking about sending them back to africa?

Not a guy but still a faggot

Well that would mean accepting black people as human and Sup Forums won't have that.


Niggers should have to pay for the cities the have burned down protesting.

I am 1/128th black, how much money am I going to get?


They are subhumans.

it's called welfare carl