How do I get banned from Sup Forums? I mean how is that supposed to be possible? I never created an account here...

how do I get banned from Sup Forums? I mean how is that supposed to be possible? I never created an account here, never logged in anywhere, so, how?

Post forbidden text. Like a referral link. Or mention another Chan.

Are you gay???

same way the CIA tracks the stupid shit you say on this site.

don't even think about vpns, thor or seven proxies, all of that stuff is long gone

>never created an account
Posting without an account is a bannable offence.

Summon a Mod and ask him to ban you. Pro tip: They like DBZ threads.

Just post cheese pizza and you are done for in more ways than one.

OP here, guys, that's not what I meant. I f I get banned I won't be able to post here anymore, right? But how's that without having an account here?

IP ban i assume

You just have to be a troll at this point..

Mods know where you live. A representative will put nerve gas in your vents and you will no longer be able to post. Or do anything.. Because you be rip

Your IP address is recorded when you post, and that's what gets banned.

They Ban your IP. But most of the time just resetting your router gives you a new IP. Now if they want to get extreme they can ban your MAC which would require you to replace or use another network card/device.

I just want to know, I'm no troll

ok thx

when banned from 4chun, you actually get v&nned

>IP ban
welcome to 2008

nice triple

>Mac spoofing is nonexistent in 2017


Unless you have an account there are only two pieces of information linked to you and your machine, Your IP or your MAC. That is the only way they can ban. welcome to 2017 and nothing has changed.

But... they do ban your IP. Have you ever been banned?

If they have the right equipment on their end they can resolve your true MAC and ban you at hardware level which spoofing will not defeat since they can resolve your true MAC and ban that.

I got a three day ban once but got back in by resetting my router.

Exactly, IP ban.

No one is contesting that this is how they ban. The MAC was only mentioned as some more strict sites have used that method.

well, if it's just three days then why not bother waiting?

Mac spoofer fag

oh i misunderstood what you meant here

Just a plain fag detected.

nice double-dubs
nice dubs