Redpill me on the neanderthals. Were they white? They basically lived in Europe, right...

Redpill me on the neanderthals. Were they white? They basically lived in Europe, right? And that's where white people come from.

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they were the true master race

they barely spoke

Yet when they did it was the truth

The original white skinned humans in this world

white before being white was cool for 200k years

they have literally no part in human history, humans whiped them the fuck out
faggots with their race mixing dreams need to piss off, their is no neanderthal dna inside us.

t*rk with US proxy?

They were white, but not human.

The Neanderthals evolved from a species that left Africa called Homo Heidelbergensis. As they began too migrate towards Europe, the climate became colder as most of Europe was still in an ice age.

The Neanderthal evolved because of the climate. They were extremely robust, had larger brains with a bun on the back of the skull with white skin to absorb as much vitamin D from the sun in the Northern climes.

No one really knows why they died out, but is was most probably due to early modern humans out competing them with their improved technology.

They're a species of Human, as they are within the same genus.

Now they have mapped the Neanderthal genome they can tell that many genes in modern Eurasian peoples are loaned from Neanderthal admixture. Mixing did happen no doubt there. The only debate is to what extent.

Basically, Neanderthal admixture is what makes Europeans and East Asians (which have it) fully human. It is what has enabled them to develop and sustain complex civilizations, while sub-Saharan Africans (which completely lack Neanderthal admixture) are as a group incapable of organizing themselves this way.

considering scientists believed 10 years ago that they communicated by using eco location like bats, I have reasons to doubt your source

neanderthal predation theory

Eurasians have around 3% neanderthal admixture. Niggers have close to 0%.

Some people say that this admixture is the reason why eurasians dominate other races, but keep in mind that abos also have neanderthal admixture and god they're retarded.

First known cases of burying our dead are from the Neanderthals.


>their is no neanderthal dna inside us
3KB aub, terug naar school.

Both Homo Sapiens and the Neanderthal are "descendants" of the Homo Heidelbergensis, each adapting their respective habitats. It was Intermixing with the Neanderthal that gave the Homo Sapiens the cranial capacity to become what it is today.

They are also heavily influenced by another human subspecies Denisovan however, which was more primitive.

Neanderthals weren't even humans, they did not look like your pic at all. They have huge eye sockets and nose structure, they had big brow ridges and probably looked scary as fuck. They were ultimately too solitary and had lower birth rates than nig nogs and were bred out, but not before terrorizing and hunting humans both for food and to rape their women. Which is why everyone but sub Saharan Africans and some islanders have Neanderthal DNA.

That's true.

Perhaps it nullified the neanderthal genes.

There's also a theory that niggers are part erectus.

They have Denisovan admixture.
Pic related

>They were ultimately too solitary and had lower birth rates than nig nogs and were bred out, but not before terrorizing and hunting humans both for food and to rape their women.

>too solitary and had lower birth rates
>raped human women

>No one really knows why they died out, but is was most probably due to early modern humans out competing them with their improved technology.
I thought the most recent theory was just race mixing with homo sapiens until they got assimilated.

so I guess white ppl are the ultimate cucks being that they mixed with cavemen and chinks
we pure race now

so u be saying....we wuz neanderthals and sheit

Muh Purity

if he was in cornrows, and stealing a bike, you couldnt tell him apart from any other basketball-american.

Yeah, they could reproduce with humans but not the other way around. They lived in much smaller, tight knit groups while humans had much larger groups. They were also much larger, stronger and smarter due to living in a shitty ice age climate. That's also why its believed they had big eyes and noses, for better sight in low light conditions and to regulate body temperature. Despite being smarter and stronger, they weren't advanced enough to outweigh the human advantage of numbers.

abos have homo erectus admixture and that is the reason they look like what they look like

Interesting stuff.

Damn, evolution is pretty fucking amazing.

Homozerg diaspora


>their is no neanderthal dna inside us.
but that's wrong, unless you are a subsaharn African

the book is really good, and raises some interesting points about population bottlenecks, and hyperaggression in males, and why we hate people outside of our groups, and people that dont look like us.

the cannibal angle is interesting too.

Except they did. They had the same gene responsible for human speech and a similar voice box.

Just imagine living at that time where humans turned the table against what is basically an entire race of Bigfeett/Sasquatches

Where neanderthals decendents of those that left Africa? If so, does that mean that they where more advanced than native Africans?

Echolocation is for sight not communication.

Other way around. Neanderthals pre-date races as we know them, but they're the ancestors of all humans who left Africa. If you're not 100% black (even American blacks are something like 40% white on average) then you have Neanderthal ancestry.
Ireland has the most prevalent Neanderthal ancestry IIRC, so make of that what you will.

Neanderthals are a hoax just like global warming.

We have to revive them.

Literally the opposite.

we wuz rapists

The Jews are neanderthals. Just looking at the OP and I can see a jew.

Look at any jew and you will see a neanderthal.

>Redpill me on the neanderthals.

ancestors to ashkenazi jews

>(even American blacks are something like 40% white on average)
Where the fuck did you get that number from? The average is lie 23%.

>If so, does that mean that they where more advanced than native Africans?

the better you are at math and problem solving, the more neanderthal DNA you most likely have

we also traded with them and another homo maybe habillis maybe not

>no Paleo-Indian/Future Inuit wife

What's the point, hunting endlessly without the little things in life?

They were nothing like that, dear proxyfag.

That video is horseshit. We know what skin color and hair color a lot of them had because a lot of them had a mutation which is similar to what causes gingerness in people

I think it depends what metric you use. "Black" isn't a scientific category so much as an umbrella terrm for a wbole bunch of genetic markers, and the bar has been lowered in the west so as not to exclude people who are considered black. When people say Obama is half white, what they really mean is that he's half white and the other half of him is a mongrel mix that can pass for black in a bad light.

Richard Fuld from Lehman Brothers is an individual displaying the superior characteristics of Neanderthals:

-Projecting, aggressive and confident mid face
-Non prominent homo sapiens chin (chins are actually a sign of weakness, do wolves, felines and bears have chins? I think not
-Big, alert eyes
-Larger cranial capacity and occiput than puny homo sapiens

And I forgot strong browridges

>Richard Fuld

that guy looks Italian

>Neanderthals were approximately 6 times stronger than humans

Looks just like my grandfather's sister.

They were hyper conservative. If they were still alive today they woud still live stone-age style. They were very bad learners.

>You will never participate in the Human-Neanderthal Hyper War

The part of brain which you see with was more developed in Neanderthals, they had better vision and they were great at painting.

That photo is literally a reconstruction based on a neanderthal skeleton. I can't tell if you're trolling.

>6 times stronger
>get killed out of existence in hand to hand combat and war

I sincerely fucking doubt it


smells like bullshit

Homos head numbers and Neanderthals were manlets, unless they wrestled their strength wouldn't matter.



to anyone who gives a shit, he's saying "injustiça" (injustice/unfair) - we lost against spain our eternal enemy on a semifinal

No they share the same gene for language that we have. That isnt to say that we inherited language from them, but rather we have that gene in common. The entire Neanderthal DNA genome has been sequenced already.

Holy shit the amount of pseudoscience in this thread is amazing. This board has gone full retard.

>unless you are a subsaharn African
He is from Netherlands, so that's possible.

you throw enough bodies at a fight, you're guaranteed to win. add in total war for THOUSANDS of years against the boogeyman who will rape, kill, and eat you, and add into that you will only get laid if and only if you can bring down one of these things.

odds are the Cro-Magnon's were doing commando style raids, and ambushed them. no one would be stupid enough to give them a fair fight.

ok there julius deronshay mccloud, aka pooky.


no one really knows what killed them completely, it might have been a virus spread by humans for all we know, or maybe once we arrived we outsmarted them in terms of hunting and left them without anything to eat, the hunter gatherer lifestyle is risky and you can die in droves if something changes drastically like with the advent of a new superpredator stealing your dinner

They were a different species that inhabited Eurasia. They weren't white, they weren't even human.

What about the Cro-Magnons? Whites have admixture with them as well, especially Finns. They were the original Europeans.

I recently watched some documentary and the theory presented there was that European Neanderthals got replaced by continuous migrant waves from the Middle East. Basically the same thing what's happening now...

Complete misinformed idiot you are.

It's hybridization with Neanderthaals that created the populations of Europe and Asia as we know them today.

If you have a high nose bridge, blue-green eyes, fair pigmentation etc. Those are all traits Homo sapiens acquired from Neanderthaals who had been living at high latitudes for over a million years before the sapiens crawled out of Africa.

Having Neanderthal DNA is LITERALLY a pre-requisite to being White.

His face is not long enough and his chin is too prominent.

So European people were originally cucks? now it all makes sense rofl

what would you do if a neanderthal with 6x your strength wanted to fuck your qt homosapian gf?

They didn't "die off", they hybridized with Homo sapiens who were more numerous, and we are a result.

The Neanderthal DNA lives inside every European and many Central and Western Asians.

It's pretty clear in modern anthropology that neanderthals had larger brain cases than modern humans, and all the homo sapiens that they ended up mixing with are now the ones with larger brains, like asians and caucasians.

Neanderthals were fucking dogshit at forming complex groups, thats one of the big reasons natural selection buttfucked then out of existence.


That's true, but their larger brains likely meant what would now be considered genius-level aptitude for spatial reasoning that gave asians and caucasians such fantastic organizational and engineering ability

We aren't sure about which traits we got from Neanderthals though, red hair for instance I think is one of the few which has been shown to NOT be something we inherited from them.
I mean just consider white skin, both whites and asians have white-ish skin and both have Neanderthal admixture, yet the genes which lead to depigmentation are the two groups.

>As Paabo explains it:
>"The team determined that Europeans who lived between 37,000 and 14,000 years ago were part of a single founding population that didn’t significantly interbreed with other populations. Since the drop in Neanderthal DNA couldn’t be explained by population mixing, the authors argue that the genetic material was forced out through natural selection.Further evidence bolstered this theory when the researchers found that Neanderthal DNA got culled more often near genes than in other parts of the genome.
>“The Neanderthal population, because of its small size, may have accumulated many slightly bad mutations,” said Pääbo. “It has taken tens of thousands of years to remove them from the modern human population, and it may still be going on.”

If they weren't white it's a bit weird considering blacks have no neanderthal DNA.

African Americans are basically a hybrid race. Most of them have mixed ancestry.

So all of you don't know what wiped them out...

Also, their range and their time frame of existence was very wide, they probably had a much wider array of variation among them than we do, and near eastern neanderthals, which are likely the ones we interbred with the most as we got out of Africa, weren't necessarily that fair looking considering the climate.

Neanderthals were kind of like WH40k's Necrontyr, sickly and mutated until saved by Sapiens. Lol.

light eyes are only 10.000 years old, a recent mutation

what happened to swedih peoplw? Where ever they are they seem to spreas their cuck genes.
Its like evolution went totally wrong.
When swedes came to minnesota, during the 1900s and 100 years later, minnesota is the state with most somalians in it. etc.,
are cuck genes real?

If a Neanderthal was born today he would be capable of the same human-stuff we do.

Red hair is a form of fair pigmentation which evolved only at high latitudes, like blondism. There is no doubt.

In fact, the first confirmed contact between Neanderthals and niggers (aka Homo sapiens) occurred in the Levant, modern Israel, when climate forced them to migrate south.

That is how the pseudo-scientific "Caucasian" race came into existence, with the characteristic skull and fair pigmentation.

Yes, all humans on the planet are hybrid of various pre-human hominids. Europeans and Asians are descendants of the various offshoots of this hybrid group.

>So European people were originally cucks?

I don't know what you mean by this, but European populations are a hybrid population with significant Neandethal DNA, which means there was extensive interbreeding in the past.

It's the Neanderthal component of our DNA which gives us the features and characteristics and social behaviour so different from the Africans of today.

Neanderthals were skilled craftsmen, hunters and foragers, much better adapted for survival in the harsh north.

Could I fuck Neanderthal women? I'm being totally serious.

14.000+ years, see Villabruna hunter-gatherers.

I suspect that theory is incorrect and will be revised. We know the Neanderthal genome has genes that code for light skin, and this is related to lower pigmentation in hair and eyes.

if you don't have a neanderthal reverse-rape fetish you're basically a faggot