Feels thread

Feels thread
Hey user. Do you want to hear a little story? I'm sure you do. It's about my big brother, who works/worked with cars.
So my brother wasnt the best in school, but not that bad. When he finished school he had to find a job, my father helped him (quick side note he's actually my half brother, HIS father died) and he started to learn to be a car mechanic. He worked for maybe 2-3 years there. Then it all happened. My brothers chef once visited america to buy cars there and ship them over (we live in germany) but he came back with a handgun. Once there was a customer who was really angry for some reason, and the chef pulled out the weapon and threatened him with it. The police came and took him in. He got into a psychiatry and was there for 2 months. Then he got out, maybe a week ago. He was a great man. He had a wife and a kid. He died. Shit sorry i thought i could write all of it but its too hard because i knew him too.

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Holy shit bro.



What's wrong with it?


My family originated from russia, my parents lived in the same village

Who died? How'd that person die, whoever it was?

It's 3 AM. I can barely sleep. Her thoughts haunt my mind. Why did I let her in when she didn't want to be let in.
Help me move on. How do I stop getting her thoughts in my head



Focus on yourself. Whatever comes to your mind that might make you happy, do it. Don't hesitate, because it's all you'll ever do. Do what you love, and if you don't know what that is anymore, find it.

> tfw can't leave Crimea
>tfw live on 100 dollars per month
>tfw schizophrenia
>tfw no future

what bis this ?

How did he died? I can't understand.


I don't know. My bro told my family today. My brothers chef. He used to give my brother always a little bit more money and we bought dark souls and many more games with the money

>even in the fucking canary islands



Op is going to sleep
Love you all


Because we're never in the "now". We're either fearing the future or regretting the past.

Map where furries can place a pin on their general location. There's a few pins in Antarctica and the Bermuda Triangle, and that misplaced cluster off to the side is Chernobyl

Is this a YLYL thread?




Need more of this shit, better than ylyl threads








Baby suicide. Wow. You can see it on her face. That kid knows what it's doing.


>be fat fuck
>skinny brother been losing even more weight because our fat fuck of a family has tramuatized him
>he teaches me the basics of eating right and dieting
>I always get somewhere, start to lose weight
>I always end up crumbling somewhere and go back to eating everything I ever can
>always end up fatter than I was before
>never used to care about my weight, never affected my life, now it just haunts me. I hate interacting with others because I FEEL FAT.
>but no matter what I do I just can't help myself.
>I'm fucking hopeless.


I lost

Oh, ok then
