I can't sleep. AMA

I can't sleep. AMA

Start counting til you hit 2000 bitch

Shake your dick and cum in your mouth that always makes me sleep

Cant cum

why can't you sleep?

Why cant you cum user

Yeah user why can't you cum

What did you have for dinner?

Dominos or local?


Yeah tell us why you cant cum user

I smell a femanon

Can females not cum or something?

>12 posts
>8 posters
guess the samefag

op fell asleep

I thought it was pretty obvious the "why cant you cum" thing was the same person, maybe the joke flew over your head?

I think the joke lost its momentum and plummeted straight into the ground before reaching my head

I guess op fell asleep?

Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
Like ghosts or UFOs or aliens or something?

If not, you're boring and this thread should be about me.
I've seen 14 UFOs and my mom and my brother legit saw a ghost that looked like the girl from The Grudge. ama

>can't make a gril cum just by the sound of your voice
Beta scumlet detected

I've been avoiding sleeping for more than four or five hours at a time because I get killer headaches after more sleep than that. Haha

Listen to me
Don't let go
Don't let this desperate moonlight leave me
With your empty pillow
Promise me the sun will rise again

I too am tired now
Embracing thoughts of tonight's dreamless sleep
My head is empty
My toes are warm
I am safe from harm

I dont wanna wait for our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be sorry?

Go back to redit shitlord.

Goodbye to sleep
I think that staying up is exactly what I need
Take apart your head
Take apart the counting,
And the flock it has bred.

So, basically the first time I saw UFOs whas around 3am on June 12, 2014. I had a watch on and I will never forget the date.
I was out on my apartment balcony firing up a cig, when I saw what looked like bright meteors in the distance. The sky was clear except for a couple of large solid clouds, and these "meteors" flew together like stars, but much larger and brighter. I was depressed as usual, so I took a drag of my cig while this was happening, thinking, "well, I guess this is how the world ends."
The bright lights got closer and suddenly two broke away from the group, flying into the large cloud above my valley. The cloud lit up from the inside for a moment, dimmed and then lit up one last time before going out. The other 3 lights continued overhead without a sound...

This wasn't the first set of UFOs I saw that night, cont?


Should I ask the old lady working with me tonight if she minds me ignoring her in favor of listening toy audiobook? I usually work alone and am almost done with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy part 3 but I don't know how she will feel about headphones, being old and all. Most of the other night crew don't care, but a few make a big stink of it