Nationalism is not the final solution for Europe

Let me remind you of the original purpose of the European Union - people were tired of war and having their families killed every 30 years. Let's say you manage to dissolve the EU and turn towards nationalism - the problem of instability will still remain and be greater than ever. There will be "spheres of influence" and your country will fall into one too. Nations will be at each others mercy. Both WW's started from something seemingly innocent, a large country "cucking" a smaller, weaker country. In the end it backfired hard.

Now as far as economy goes, it's barely worth discussing. USA - 300 million, China - 1.4b, India 1.2b. I won't look up Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran and Saudi Arabia, but they dwarf the EU in size. If you split the EU into separately functioning pieces, the countries are literally small as fuck and will be bought up by China or USA or invaded by exterior forces. European countries on their own could barely dent the global economy. With that being said, let's not forget PIIGS - European countries whose economies would currently be Thailand status without the help of the European community.

In the face of danger, turning inwards is not the answer. Doing that will only prove that we have learned absolutely nothing from the past 1000 years of European history. The current tumor-like Soviet Union style European Union, which is forcing massive demographic changes has to go, but the solution has to be born from the ideas of unity, peace, stability and economic prosperity within Europe. Maybe it all has to be leveled down to find a new solution. But you already know the new solution isn't some sort of nationalist utopia that the populists are trying to sell you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nationalism is Europe's destiny

>born from the ideas of unity, peace, stability and economic prosperity within Europe.
So nationalism?

We will eventually unite but not under this crazy fucking regime

>That's right goyim flood your countries with filthy unwashed barbarians unwilling to build their own society but willing to wreck yours.

>Nationalism isn't the final solution

What are you proposing? Religion? Can't have that that's too racist unless its Islam. Race? Can't have that too unless you're talking about the Human race. How about rights? Nope Ahmed the filthy terrorist who hates your rights is just as important as the Queen. Money? Nope can't do that can't be seen improving the lives of actual Europeans that's bad for polls and makes me look smart.

So you see Estonia, Nationalism is all you have left. Nationalism cuts the bullshit on rights and is one of the last things that will shut a judge up (because you know even they dont want a bullet in the head at the end of the day). Without National identity or civic duty you end up with a fucked up society like Afghanistan or the malaise of Iraq a pawn of the foreign powers to be fucked around like Syria.

Or you can be like fucking Israel and take on mudslimes with impunity because fuck it everyone in the Nation needs to serve and serve well.

Easy to say from another continent that has barely had any big wars.

Let's ask the opinion of European men once they are done killing each other again in yet another pointless war.

WWII was the biggest white genocide and waste of strong white genes of all time. It ruined Europe and it's nothing to be proud of. If we do that one more time, it might truly be over for native Europeans.

>Let me remind you of the original purpose of the European Union - people were tired of war and having their families killed every 30 years.

>this is what Eurocucks really believe

I like the idea.

>irrelevant who? cunt complains about being irrelevant

fuck off, ur russian territory

If the people of the EU don't want a war and the EU dissolves, millions of people won't just want a war all of a sudden.

Stop the fear-mongering.

I am sorry for my country, we are becoming increasingly divided with a lot of eurocuck SJW jumping out of their closets. Luckily our right-oriented party is gaining votes so we might see a change in our next elections.

Er no.
The original "purpose" for European Union was to satisfy the Americans so that they would release of the Marshall Plan money for rebuilding.

America couldn't afford the shock of another war in Europe, bad for sellers, bad for buyers. The EU (or the seed that germinated into the EU) was planted to ensure the American economy would not feel that shock again.

>"the Europeans that they would be free to structure the plan themselves, but the administration also reminded the Europeans that implementation depended on the plan's passage through Congress. A majority of Congress members were committed to free trade and European integration"

>lel look strong and powerful muh Hitler is cucking Poland and Sudetenland :^)
>stupid slavs
>oh shit it turned into a massive war
>oh shit it's a white genocide

African dindu bing bong warlord tier thinking.

Economically unimportant
>Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran and Saudi Arabia

Lets compare them to
the Netherlands
Higher GDP than: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Pakistan
Higher GDP than: Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan
Higher GDP than: Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan

or looking at other European countries such as Germany, the UK or France
Higher GDP than: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Pakistan combined

>What is pan-european nationalism

The collapse of the Soviet Union demonstrates that point quite clearly.

Well you're not gonna get "European" nationalism anytime soon when you have an open door policy welcoming absolutely everyone who cannot contribute to your society in any meaningful way. Meanwhile skilled labourers and professionals have to jump through flaming hoops just to stay.

All I'm saying is these nigger countries are growing exponentially and there are many of them. With China, SE Asia and India you can see that they can become global threats economically.

If you want to be nationalist and remain relevant globally you have to start colonizing again. But I don't know, maybe that's what you want. All I know is it won't be healthy for the future of your family unless you pay to move them to a safe country (outside of Europe).

>European economies barely dent the global economy
I marked all the European economies for the Americans that can't into geography

>WWII was the biggest white genocide and waste of strong white genes of all time

Fuck yes. Hitler was the worst thing to happen to Whites
Next war cannot be with Russia
No more white on white

inb4 all slavs are ogres

>Both WW's started from something seemingly innocent, a large country "cucking" a smaller, weaker country.
And this doesn't fucking happen under EU?
Fuck off shill.

I don't care. Nobody would attack my country.

Deal with your shits alone.

>Eestifag is worried his EU handouts will dry up after Britain begins the EU collapse
Fixed that for everyone

even PIIGS countries are in the top ten world economies. Look, I too would love a united Europe not controlled by leftists, but it's simply not happening. I'd rather sacrifice some economic relevance rather than being wiped out from the face of the Earth so that the niggers who come here can become rich and claim that we wuz Europeans n sheeit

Britain already started EU collapse. When they joined and started pushing against political and democratic union in favor of trade union between competing countries.
If they leave, it will be the best thing they ever did for Europe after refusing hitler's peace offers.


First of all you left out #1. Now separate the others and add the factor that the EU economies are shrinking. EU economies are not as relevant as you would like to think they are in the global scheme.

Before we lost our independence we were doing well for ourselves. We never cared about the money, only about the security and independence of our nation.

Honestly I also understand why countries such as France and Netherlands don't want to pay for this monstrosity, but you're indirectly paying for your own security as well. Like I said, a lot of the European economies were bailed out by the EU, including us. Germany needs the EU for trade.

Technically the UK doesn't need it because you can be safe and well on your island so I'll leave you out of this. However it's pretty ironic to see some of the smaller and poorer members barking up to the bigger nations like they aren't allowing their existence in the first place.

Let me tell you a little story OP. There may have been a time in Europe when the european unity meme for peace, and prosperity was really the ideal of some people in the european nations.

All of this changed when some failed artist from austria noticed, that this idea some intellectuals of the european bourgeiosie had, really was nothing more but a nice empire. You are fooling yourself if you really think that the EU is about anything than power for the people sitting in brussels. Peace among the european nations and prosperity (this really was a thing i.e. better living standards, better wages etc.) were simply used to bait us into this new empire.

But, after some time they had two options. Either they share the wealth made by the big companies by giving out even higher wages, so that people would still work the shitty jobs or they import some "gastarbeiter". This didn´t only happen to germany, but the german people is known for their double-down extremist shit.

So we lived on, and when the EU was finally founded (there were some smaller versions before that) we again started shit with russia and began to take in more and more nations.

Some of these nations are literal shit-tier and everyone knew about this (i.e. greece, spain, the eastern block), but we didn´t care, because it was about power all along. Now the wealthy nations pay the debt via EZB for the small shitty nations for the sake of being big stronk EU, when in reality we ain´t shit. We take orders from the white house and are simply their proxy/ vassal state. (Just look at the fucking sanctions we imposed on russia. Most of the trade we had going on with them was taken over by the US. Oh, and by the way: Being the vassal state of the US and our NATO membership are the reason for the peace among the european nations, not some gay european peace idealism.

TL;DR: Prosperity is a meme since we´re all getting scammed by the big corps (cheap labour from 3rd world); Peace is NATO


The current situation is chaos and it has to change. But as the old saying goes, it can always get worse. Europe shouldn't be pushed in a direction where there's a potential of another needless bloodbath. The fight is no longer between European clans, because there are bigger fish to fry globally.

tl;dr but I assume it's another Balt bitchin 'bout brussia

Dude Europe is not peaceful thanks to the EU. We are all NATO members and if one state attacks another one, we are obliged to intervene no matter what

Fuck off JIDF. We are saving Europe by dividing it.

>€0,50 has been added to your PayPal account

"Kritik an der ökonomischen Begründung der Anwerbung von Gastarbeitern

Während die in den 60er und 70er Jahren entwickelte ökonomische Begründung der Anwerbung aus dem Arbeitskräftemangel in der deutschen Industrie lange Zeit für den öffentlichen Diskurs bestimmend war, wird in der jüngeren Forschung dargestellt, dass die Hauptprofiteure die Unternehmen in einigen Wirtschaftszweigen gewesen seien."

This one is really funny, because if you talk to brainwashed millenials they will always tell you that the Gastarbeiter built germoney, because their green teacher told them so. While the Gastarbeiter only came to germany in the 60/70s and every millenial will tell you that the fucking turks did the biggest fucking job, while italians acutally contributed at least as many people and came earlier.
Also this part of the wiki article says simply, that they weren´t really needed but the big corp profited of their cheap labour.

It should be apparent that economic ties are a bigger deterrent from war than some bullshit about "one for all, all for one" written on a piece of paper. No one really even knows what the NATO really does, effectively it's only a switch against Russia. European countries are demilitarized. If you want to, you can leave any alliance and wave a middle finger to them, then proceed to do whatever. Mere promises aren't meaningful.

yea but how likely is that to happen? Do you really see Germany and France going at it again over some coal and steel when they can easily stipulate trade deals with China for much cheaper than a war?

Peace isn't NATO.
NATO will only last until our governments decide that their interests are divergent.
The EU keeps their interests in the same place.

You say it's for power ? That's not completely wrong. But even if it was completely true, it still is better to have our leaders united in exercising power over their "empire" than having each of them in conflict trying to dominate the others.

Besides, each country is just as much about a minority of people exercising power for the sake of power.
And these minorities are harder to fight when they are divided, and when they're throwing us against each other, than when they're united in one place. The very fact that Brussels is regarded with suspicion makes it better than our national capitals.

>Peace is NATO

Oh wow. Hahahaha

Shutup Belgium you're the reason the EU is so fucked up.

I don't think it will be between European countries at all. The European economy would most likely suffer due to slower trade and exterior forces will start meddling in your affairs.

Pakis and Indians have bought up London already. All these shitskins are plotting to buy up all the industries and land. The more economic power we lose, the more they buy.

Yes you can deport them, but the businessmen and the politicans who hold the power are bought easily, especially with the dizzying amounts the oligarchs of the previously mentioned developing countries possess. This is why Russia was so balls deep in Europe's economy in the first place. You can avoid this by going full dictatorship, but I don't see them lasting long in Europe.

So this trade war with russia is a nice thing? Is this the prosperity we were promised?
Or do you think our constant meddeling with russian interest (ukraine, supporting shit states like georgia) is keeping peace? What does it matter if we don´t fight amongst ourselves if we constantly try to fight with our neighbours? At least we wouldn´t be that retarded to annihilate each other with nukes.
Russia with someone more radical in power than putin might very well.
It´s just the eastern poor man speaking out of you. Suck some more german/european dick and we´ll give you more subsidies for whatever shitty unprofitable industry you posess so that your people doesn´t want to opt out of the EU.

It certainly won't happen soon after EU collapses. But after a few decades of increasing economic competition in an increasingly difficult context as Europe loses its prominence, with Russia, China and the US taking sides to extend their influence... And maybe a wave of nationalism, then war is a plausible option.

Peace among europeans, yes.

>Nationalism is Europe's destiny

Nationalism is what ruined Europe. See World War II.


We have zero influence on anything.

If you want to blame it on someone:

agreed. european (white) solidarity is the future.

Let me remind you that Russia occupied and shitted up half of your country. If you're from East Germany, you're literally from a place of "Russian interest".

You are right actually. Germany is really the fucking king of the EU. And since Merkel is our king, the EU sounds like a fucking great thing, doesnt it?
How do you enjoy the ride, Abdeslam?

thats your problem estonia. your not even a real member of the EU. baltic fags might think that was the reason but your lives never were a factor. germany and amewrica is fueling another wave of serbian bosnian hostility

the reason the decided to make the Eu was to act as a platform for the euro currency to exist. banding together multiple nations gdp to justify a currency value requires oversight so nobody mass produces it beyond what their gdp growth dictates is acceptable

In theory you are right, but the EU is all for letting shitskins buy up all our assets. It means more capital invested thus more GDP.
Protectionism is the only way to prevent this, at least on the short term, and I don't believe that the Eu will ever want to become protectionist. It's even worse than stopping mass immigration for the.
true. Unfortunately the political landscape is radicalizing both on the left and the right. If things keep going like this we will probably have wars or at least serious clashes in a few years, even without European countries

Interested to hear people's thoughts on pan-European nationalism.

Let me remind you that Russia occupied and shitted up all of your country for more years than east germany even existed.
Just admit that you and the other balts are just shitting your pants and suck the EU/NATO cock so much, because you are worthless pathetic excuses for a nation.
Germany, if it would uncuck itself (and this it would in case of a non nuclear russian attack) could always fend of any russian attack, your country couldn´t. And that´s the whole reason why you people are such cucks for the EU and this thread even existing.

People need to realize that having in-group preferences or loving one's country does not require you to be an ass that thinks every else is shit like football hooligan pleb. A mother loves his child but most do not walk around saying how their child is better than everyone else's and how the other kids are shit.

Yea the king who decided to call on all rapefugees and invited them to Europe. That king will die soon and the new king will be a guy wearing a dress and worshipping some paedophile.

The king is dead. Long live the king.

Nearly everything you said in your original post was outright false or only half true.
>False equivalence comparing economy to population
>Thinking that an economy has to be united in order to have any effect
>Thinking that Europe will go to war if not for EU
You do realize that from 1648-1870 there were no wars between major European powers?
>Thinking that europe will get invaded or some shit if not for the EU
Don't fucking make me laugh. You guys literally spend pennies on military, while WE subsidize everything for you. The EU isn't what's preventing other countries from invading. EU is not collective security, nor does it have a military force worth anything.
When Europe was split into nations it literally ruled world. Now look at you, you're replacing your people with millions of filthy thirdworlders. You have a shit economy, no military to speak of, and the EU is regulating the shit out of your countries. Do you really want to be controlled by a supernational group of Jews and women? Or do you want to have a proud nation, ruled by the people that live there?

> be Polan
> join the EU to be safe
> learn they won't defend you
> 1.3 children per family
> it was 3 in 1960
> loose own identity
> they make you to admit man=woman
> not in terms of right but literally
> get mocked and ridiculed constantly as toilet cleaner


>You do realize that from 1648-1870 there were no wars between major European powers?

>American education


>When Europe was split into nations it literally ruled world. Now look at you, you're replacing your people with millions of filthy thirdworlders. You have a shit economy, no military to speak of, and the EU is regulating the shit out of your countries

That's coming from a guy living in a almost non-white country. Oh, and the economy of that hell hole is on the brink of endless downfall.


You're just talking like a putin fangirl.
The economic sanctions against Russia are far from being one of our prime economic issues, and meddling ( if you want to call half-assed public declarations that ) with russia's interests won't bring war.
Russia is not the only one with interests, btw, and Europe has as much of a right to defend its own, in Ukraine or wherever.
Fact is, it's unavoidable. When two countries or groups of countries are separated, their interests grow conflictual. And both sides are legitimate in pursuing their own, that's not a privilege reserved to Russia.
Now if Europe was divided, individual states would create more conflicts between one another, but they wouldn't resolve the conflicts with the other countries because of that. They just would have to wield more often.

And I'm from western Europe. Just travelling. Shengen is great.

dat roach is cute af

No, what ruined Europe was siding against Hitler instead of Stalin.

I guess the endgame is the collective loss of hope and values. Until our birth numbers stay the way they are I can't see things improving much.

Japan is on the other side of the globe and they are facing similar problems. USA and Canada are coping by importing all kinds of shitskins and they are losing their white populations fast.

The Japan approach would probably be viable for Europe. They are an island, but Europe is protected by the sea as well. If China can fend off the South Asian immigrants, so can we. Close the borders tightly and tell as many immigrants as possible to fuck off, especially the ones from African and Arab countries. However, it should be done and implemented together as Europe - for reasons mentioned above.

literally turkroaches just poorer

>smug liberal filth
>being this cucked

There were a hell of a lot of wars, but none of them escalated beyond petty regional conflicts or the occasional international bickering.

Never heard of Napoleon you dumb burger?

>be retarded as fuck
>rely on le funny memes

Burgers will be burgers.

> d I don't believe that the Eu will ever want to become protectionist.
The EU is what we make of it. Indirectly for now. But if we want to we can make it more democratic.
Right now it's our governments who don't want protectionism.
But even if one of them left the EU and had a reason to go that way, it couldn't. Because protectionism for a small country like Germany means ruin. At the European level, it would be easier.

One of the things that made Europe so powerful and the driving force of innovation was the intense competition of the Nation states .The EU basically kills that off in a generation or two

>the answer is communism
>muh version of communism
>glory days
>Slavic Muslim muts.

Into the trash.

Nah mayn we need united states of europe cause thatll so greatly work out for us mixing different launguages and such

Germans need the EU the most to conveniently sell the shit they produce to the whole Europe. Imagine their cars, appliances and technology getting hit with import taxes. They won't have it. They will find their way to manipulate other European countries one way or another.


Is the US federal government a form of communism?

And I'm not even suggesting we should have one here. Just that our continent needs unity to prosper in a world full of shitskins, who can breed like rabbits with the aid of modern technology and no end in sight.

You're facing the exact same problems.

Oh really?

Kids like you don't remember how the SEA basically saved Europe from losing all investments.

You stormfags don't know shit about economy.

I'll enjoy your sore anus when the Brexit fails

By that logic, Russia, China and the US would do better if they were divided into a multitude of small states.

That's stupid.

>surfing on Sup Forums while traveling eastern europe

Oh, little slovakia. You will never be western Europe. Stop pretending. I, actually, have been to your shitty country and have seen how much of a big fat mistake it was to give you the euro.
Five different people in your national parks selling some strawberries (from national park, trust me foreigner) while the distance between each of their "shops" is less than 3 meters.
Leave europe, learn how to capitalism 101, stop your russiahating, because they fucked you in the ass for some time, so that we can sell them our cars again.
And of course I like russia more than any of you butthurtbelt faggots. If it werent for you we would trade cars for gas and live happily ever after, but because of your paranoia and our eastern EU members we constantly have to deal with your shit.
Russia delivers gas to us, what do you sell us, except for cheap prostitutes?

Would have worked just fine if the union was built around white nationalism and European heritage.

If the EU continues on its current course, violence will become normal and industry and infrastructure will start to fail.

It would have worked so beautifully if the EU had high standards and the member states would have had to maintain a level of motivation and economy to stay in. But no, instead it spread uncontrollably and swallowed everything. At this point we're probably seriously looking at Israel and Australia to "join".

>Youll never be western yuropean
>Implying thats bad

The current course of neoliberalism is unacceptable and abnormal, no one is contesting that. EU leaders are conducting the population experiments like the Soviet Union used to. What they're doing is criminal.

We have more than 300 nukes, if they want to invade us they can try, but the Earth will become uninhabitable for humans.

>Implying WW2 was not an anti-bolshevik war
>Implying bolsheviks were not fundamentally internationalist

fuck off ahmed

you mean living in fear of the murricans as peace, right?

kill yourself retarded shill

The EU has laid the groundwork for a united states of Europe.
It is only logical that Europe collectivizes into a single superpower, however it will not come easy.

Aside from the obvious cultural differences, the differences in economic and military power are far more important.
The issue is that countries such as Germany and France rightfully do not want to have to 'carry' the rest of the european economy, even though they practically are already right now.

For a united states of europe to work the current EU power structure must fail, it MUST fall, and be reformed to be a democratic system.
The american system of a federal government with powerful local state laws might work in Europe, the fact that there is still a large form of local government and control will keep people satisfied.
Whilst combining efforts militarily and economically, effectively turning Europe into the largest superpower on earth.

But as I said before, the current european union power structure has to be removed, the bureaucratic leaders will only be a large roadblock.

If we are to move forward into a space age and colonize new planets, earth must first try to move into larger superstates, rather than stay behind with hundreds of nation states.

We are closing into a new era of exploration and scientific discovery, but we must be as united as possible, or it will not create scientific wonders and wonderous discovery.
Instead it will create war on a scale we have never seen before, it would put WW2 to shame. Total. Absolute. Interplanetary. War.


They will invade you economically and demographically like they are doing now.

I agree, the EU in its current form with the current secretive corporate power-addicts must end but we have to bring that end from within - not by aborting the project altogether. Europe united is the most powerful state in the world.

well put brother


Sup Forumstards deliberately want to give more power to the USA, chinks and nips.

Fools letting their emotions run over rationality. Like women.

no shit

Destroying germany would be though

You're a fucking traitor of the nation and the country, kill yourself you fucking communist piece of shit

>the countries are literally small as fuck and will be bought up by China or USA
so limit foreign investment to whatever areas you wish to whatever amount

>or invaded by exterior forces
nuclear weapons prevent this

you assume that alliances cant be made for some reason

>European countries on their own could barely dent the global economy. With that being said, let's not forget PIIGS - European countries whose economies would currently be Thailand status without the help of the European community.

the life of the citizen is more important, its better to have a smaller economy where your people have a better quality of life than to be india or china

>Both WW's started from something seemingly innocent, a large country "cucking" a smaller, weaker country.
happening in the EU, this is irrelevant from eu or non eu

>Let me remind you of the original purpose of the European Union - people were tired of war and having their families killed every 30 years.

I thought it was supposed to be a trade union.

To all pro-EU people do you realize how dumb it is. Without each country having it's own central bank how are countries suppose to pay off their debts to the EU? If all money is created by having the EU loan it out then it will run out because for every euro there is debt + interest to the EU.

>a major country would give a shit about a minor country so much that it would nuke another major country

>happening in the EU, this is irrelevant from eu or non eu
he's talking about krauts you moron

you don't become rich breeding like rabbits. China's population is starting to decrease and India has nearly hit it's peak population. African niggers is the real worry. Also what will happen is that the shitskin countries will fuck up and you'll have bleeding heart SJWs import them en masse and we're none the wiser. This is why we need nationalism.

>the life of the citizen is more important, its better to have a smaller economy where your people have a better quality of life than to be india or china
Economic power is everything, especially now that people can go from pretty much any point on Earth to any other point within 24h.

If you don't adapt, you will get bulldozed. If you choose not to participate in "the race", you put yourself at the mercy of those who do. It's what makes white Europeans white Europeans and niggers niggers. We were built to strive, not to stagnate.

Why do you need Eastern Yrop in the united Europe?

We are shit, as I read daily on Sup Forums. Perhaps you will be better off without this ballast. We appraently do not fit in.