How do you go from this

How do you go from this... this?


I don't know but I hope Millie doesn't end up the same way.

There is hope if she doesn't workout every day.

3-5 days is sufficient


What the fuck is this shit?

You don't know about Chloe The Great?






to this

Dark clothes are slimming.

audible chuckle and fucking CHECK'D dude.

And she's clearly off season there.

holy shit this picture

it's the middle of the night and it hit that sweet spot top kek

It's not even her final form!


>How do you go from this...

to this?

>not cool, I don't think I like you guys





to this



getting paid a shit load of dollars to act a certain way because you are, in fact, and actor
wow how hard to understand

How long until Chloe becomes completely washed up celebrity.



Easy, Nicholas cage is a crazy focused personal trainer.


what do you mean longer? She isn't exactly in her prime anymore and she's still young. Maybe she'll have a comeback but she's already seemingly donzo.

Dio edit where


Frieza is powering up.

Harvey told her she was getting to fat for movies, lol.

You don't know how right you are.


This is the best shoop right here.

Gets me every fucking time.