Rekt bread Sup Forumsitches

rekt bread Sup Forumsitches

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Were are decapitation videos







Ive already seen all of this.

then post oc faggot

Non yank and never shot a gun.
Is that really the amount of smoke that comes from a pistol?



I was actually rooting for the guy


In an enclosed space it just is more dense. Has less room to spread. Also depends on the size of the rounds.

wew. any diving anons care to explain what the fuck that is?

Big tide pulling a diver. Hence the file name.

it's not tide it's surge, he would probably be fine. when the wave comes back through he would have been pushed back up the exact path and probably used that momentum to get out of the surge


ta lads


At least they were wearing a helmet

common sense should be able to tell you what happend?


whats going on here?

fuck u







>spotter A
>spotter B
not trying
>both spotters
unable to

i've been wanting to watch this with sound

certain ammo and some guns emit less smoke - but thats not a feature common self-defense weapons are optimized for
that gif is what commonly happens

Here you go, video with sound

the reason you dont dive around stony slopes or huge ships.
>even for experienced divers its hard to figure how to move in order to not hit something in strong tide

Nerve gas. duh.

more like N koreas little rocket man's rockets

What's that mist? A sprinkler system?

multiple skull fractures, allowing air to go from the nose in the skull


Completely justified.


Special FX

It's called a downcurrent

Jesus christ what the fuck were these niggers thinking. That is a gun shop lmfao

What a waste

You are a fucking godsend

Damn, that porker got rekt hard.

don't cut yourself on that edge.

the guy in blue loses so much time with his plastic thingy




dud he died?

Fuck you. I was like yass!!!!! Then fucking out of nowhere. Fu k. L

Why didnt they just get out of the SUV?

>whats going on here?
A strike at a mine. Workers asking for better conditions. Africa somewhere


satanic trips. also that near escape always amazes me keke

maybe she locked herself up in fear of carjacking and the electronics drowned and she hadnt anything hard and solid enough to break glass

I can't tell if he just broke his fingers or is just in shock but he's lucky as fuck he didnt lost an arm or more..

holy shit. what on earth caused that? just explosion. no fire.

But whyyyy

learn how to keep your subjects in the frame, stupid cameraperson

jesus... a box cutter?! thats just brutal.

this freaks me out af

just walks off. 'thanks for the lift to work.'


you really dont

thats what happens when you let your passengers smoke whole you are filling the gas tank



He need play more frogger.

>starts walking away
GTA npc logic.

>tfw no qt 3.14 female anime cat eating your dick.

Who cares - Niggers are shooting Niggers

that's a Nigger's Soul going to Hell.........

how do you know that webm is fake. Heres how:
I have no doubt that the motor cycle was involved in some sort of accident, but the truck has been superimposed on top. If a truck that full of coal or whatever it is carrying, had tipped over it would have made a noise so loud that the people walking away from it in the background would have been startled by it, but not one, even when they are looking in the direction of the truck, stops or turns around.

Also the way the girl falls and the miraculous escape just dont look right when you slow the video down. There is something very wrong there and I call fake

Did he just want a cool scar to make up stories about?

Where is this holy shit

Inconsiderate cunts not stopping for ambulances.

Oh shit! imagine the person they were taking to the hospital. Probably fell down some stairs gets put in the back of the ambulance then gets in a car accident. I bet people call him Lucky Jim, now

>what the fuck were these niggers thinking.
>these niggers thinking.
>niggers thinking.

Shit son, you got a lot to learn about niggers.
Niggers thinking
now I've heard it all !

>lets have 4 planes on one runway.


Nerve gas

Goddamn, this is the first video to make me feel uncomfortable in a long time. The sheer brutality of it... just fucking unbearable.

