Sup Forums likes bashing on atheists but can you actually prove a Christian god exists?

Sup Forums likes bashing on atheists but can you actually prove a Christian god exists?
>hard mode: you can't post fedoras

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Can you prove it doesn't exist?

By your faith be healed

Can you prove God doesn't exist?

A large proportion of Sup Forums IS some brand of atheist.

We just don't like the kind that go around thinking this makes them some sort of genius.

I don't believe in anything, but can agree to most Christian values anyway, when it comes to morality, and not because I think I'll be rewarded for it when I die.

>what is burden of proof

>what is burden of proof
Fucking hell, how retarded can you be?

Of course God exists. Stop being so retarded, OP.

if their was a deity, to be specific a deity that roughly represented the christian one, Judgement day would be due like a dozen of times.

>Earth is flat
>Can't prove it's round
>Checkmate roundfags.

Exactly. where's your proof he's not real?

Fuck off Hans, go gas some kiks just don't spout your idiotic opinions

In the beginning there was a sound which formed and shaped matter through frequency and vibrations that correlates with a mathematical pattern found in nature and the procreation of living organisms. There needs to be an observer, a mind over matter as the double slit experiment shows that matter is indeed influenced by an observer where its properties change from a waveform to a particle like behavior depending on circumstance and input from an observer.

What this means is that the Universe could not have been conceived without an observer.

Of course. He rose from the dead. And you're still talking about Him.

I am convinced that God exists, I have read Aquinas and his arguments are sound, and a few other texts as well, but my question is how can we know if He is the one? God is logically proven to exist, however, we can't be sure which holy texts are the "right ones". Maybe we are all wrong, and a religion that unveils His true identity is yet to be born on this Earth.

Here is the proof for the resurrection of Jesus:
You only need to watch the first 30 minutes of the second video.

I tell you that there is a race of dildo-unicorns with healing powers living on the surface of mars. This is real unless you prove otherwise.

See how retarded you sound?

The burden of proof lies on OP to explain why God does not exist, if he is making such a claim.

I do not proclaim to know that God exists, I only believe he does through my own faith.

The issue is that most don't understand the faith aspect and don't understand that rational and reasonable men can believe something that others do not with no evidence based solely on faith. Matters of faith are not material and thus are not subject to material trial and error to "prove" they exist as they are inconsequential at the material level.

Also who cares what someone else believes.

Might check it out later, but can you explain basically what happened?
Also there are many records of people who were assumed to be dead and then came back after some days, weeks or even months, most of them from the third world.
Does that make these people as worthy as Jesus (which is a contradiction to Christianism)? Or would it mean that Jesus is not special at all?

>White people worshiping Arab gods

Ultimate cuckdom

"if a deity or deities truly wanted people to believe in them, then said deity or deities could demonstrate their existence with miracles, and explain their plan(s) for humanity or the lack thereof. Being all-powerful, if they truly wanted humans to believe, they could send a divine sign not left up to interpretation. "

Since gods don't seem to care whether we believe in them or not why should we care wether they exists or not?

So if everyone closed their eyes would the whole universe cease to exist?

God cannot be logically proven to exist, faith exists outside the limits of rationality

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Read .
I know a god exists but I'm asking if He is this

>believing in god is irrational
What else is new

From your perspective yes, if you are born without vision your perception of the universe would be different from ours. It's the mind that forms and shapes perception according to the environment.

I mean, nothing

FACT: atheists and "pagans" breed less than any other religious sect

>inb4 hurr it doesn't matter

Burn in hell if it suits you. Just don't cry to me about not telling you, and don't cry to God either. You chose it.

>hurr muh fear evangelism

Next time you're scared you're about to die, think back to such a remark.

I'm kinda in the same boat. I think God speaks to us through our environment, thus having been raised a Christian that is the way that God speaks to me.

If there is truly one religion I hope it is mine. Having studied most religions to a degree at least to understand their underlying morals I think that Christianity holds the most to offer, so is most probably the correct religion. Of course this could just be confirmation bias.

Still searching for a good denomination. These sorts of photos make me lol as I search for a good community.

Lol are you seriously using "absence of evidence" as an argument? Every religion is founded on the absence of evidence.

>Can't prove it's round

you can pretty easily do that

Why is the idea of God as the first cause wrong?

>from your perspective
So no.

You can't tell me what to do.

It's not, antitheists just like feeling edgy, so they deny it could be anything but cosmic randomness.

But can you prove He doesn't exist?

>Still searching for a good denomination

There is none. Stick to the Bible since it is God-breathed.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

t. dirty protty

No, I'm saying that just because you have no evidence of something it is not evidence that something absolutely doesn't exist.

For example - someone robs your house. He's a good thief and leaves no physical evidence of him being there behind. This doesn't mean that your stuff evaporated.

You have to understand that the model that shapes the universe is "everything" and "nothing" at the same time it takes an observer to influence this paradigm.


I grew up in a "bible church" (nondenominational).

It bred lukewarm bullshit. I was treated like shit by my peers and as a result turned away from the church.

Furthermore simply reading the bible is not enough since there's no way for me to interpret it, since I do not know hebrew, greek, or latin, so I cannot determine the REAL intention behind the words.

There's a reason they're called biblical scholars...

Am thinking of Roman Catholic. Since I'm in USA, I don't really think Orthodox has a big presence here.


it's very easy to make up shit that cannot be disproven actually. Hey I'm God, try to disprove that.

That's not proof.

Can you prove you are who you say you are?

>Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent

No reason given, not logically sound.

>Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Babbys first existential crisis.

I get your quotes make you feel good, but do you actually think about them at all?

Yes, you have my word, mortal.

Not proof.

follow the breadcrumbs

You can know a thief went through your shit if shit is missing from your house. The moment your god even comes close to having such an impact on the universe, i will accept him

>Ancient Greek philosopher
>Saying thing about God
>not plural as the Greeks had a pantheon.

It is for religious people.
Notice how you asked for proof. My point was that you can not dispove my statement.

I haven't gone to church in probably 10 years, user. I have no faith in men, only in God. I understand exactly your feelings toward churches.

You still cannot go wrong with the Bible, if you are with true conviction.

>You can know a thief went through your shit if shit is missing from your house.

Really? Every time something of yours goes missing it is absolutely certain that someone stole it?

Mine is you can't prove yours.

I can prove inazuma a cute.

While I understand your sentiment and have felt at times that it could be a good approach, I find that I desire communion with other believers.

I also like to engage in small rituals, they help me get my head straight usually. I think the rosary and the other catholic traditions could help me a lot to reinvest time in my relationship with God.

If it's not permanent, it's at least a stepping stone. I've been lost for far too long.

Do you even read what you type? You just asked for proof, the very same thing antitheists ask of theists, retard.

P1: the definition of God is undeniable, he is defined as the greatest possible being.

P2: this concept of God exists even in the mind of the atheist.

P3: something that exists in reality is greater than something that exists in the mind alone.

C: God exists in reality.

Yes I know that. That's how religion works.

You're too stupid to comprehend simple concepts. Please take a moment to think how utterly fucking stupid you are. Kill yourself.

Not if you can't find your keys, but what else do you think happened to the TV that was in the living room?
Quit being intentionally obtuse.


Pretty sure school isnt done kido

Ok Romania, keep insulting me without disproving my argument.

>>what is burden of proof

It is racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, and xenophobia. That is what it is.

Oppressed classes have stories to tell, and when they speak, you need to shut the fuck up and LISTEN to their experiences. Reason, rationality, logic, and evidence have their place, but they are not the only methods of measuring reality. This is because human EXPERIENCES are also another valid means of gaging reality, as proven by the suffering of oppressed classes in the West. So, yes, sometimes experiences trump your "reason" and "logic."

Listen to people who tell you about their pain, because you may learn something about reality. If you speak against them and their experiences, all you are doing is REINFORCING racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, and xenophobia. We need to work together to create SAFE AND INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS where the oppressed can live without fear. If your "facts and evidence" prevent this from happening, then they must be ejected to prevent violence.

Thankfully, the American Humanist Association and other Atheist (or irreligious/secularist) organizations have taken up the causes of the oppressed to give them greater visibility. Together, we can work to tear down barriers to social justice like your "burden of proof" to usher in an era of TRUE equality.

Go here to learn more, and to see what YOU can do to further social justice:


Yes, this whole post is a giant shitpost, but I am trying to show you all that Atheistic organizations are now fully infected by SJW-ism. If you don't believe me, just follow the link. It is fucking awful.

>I find that I desire communion with other believers

Well there's nothing wrong with that. I'm more of an introvert, so one person or a small group is enough for me. I used to listen to podcasts a lot. Chris White and a few others. That helped me because I also fell away when I was younger.

Hope you find what you need.

>I'm a imageboard Christian

Your argument is "you can't disprove me".
I guess the fedora meme is real, you are a stupid edgy neckbeard who thinks he's smart because he says God doesn't exist, but is actually stupid as fuck.

>low IQ posters

Science is not out to prove anything. Go back to high school.

>can't have faith if on an imageboard
>cant be religious without also be white supremacist

how stupid are you?

I really, really wanna believe god exists Sup Forums i really do, i need something to relly when im just lost in this existential pain, but i just cant bring myself in believing in something that lacks the proofs of its own existance, please Sup Forums, prove it exists and ill join the crusades

Your image reminds me of this one for some reason.

I like how all this small stuff is impossible but god that basically renders all logic pointless isn't.

With that you can say is the god allah ? Then why would he wait so long to take over the christfags ,saudie arabia got rich from the oil christfags bought .

Is it the jewish god ? ,the jews also suck on the tits of the christfags, and would get destroyed if it was not for america's support

Read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis if you're actually interested in the philosophical argument for God.

Have you Nether-regioners made Geert your Supreme Leader yet?

If not, why not?

If you're looking for proof you need to find it through observation there's literally more proof at the palm of your hand than you'll ever need just look for patterns and you'll see.

You missed the important words "absolutely certain".

You think someone stole it, or that you just lost it but you don't know for sure. You are making a judgement call based on nothing but intuition.

Or in other words, something very similar to faith.

I want to bully Inazuma

I dont think that is going to happen the elite wont let that happen

please enlighten me, i clearly lack those observation skills, i dont deny god exists, i just dont believe in it.

>earth is flat
>cant prove its round
yeah dude you cant just fucking sail in a straight line and come out in the same place?

I can prove your argument for its existence are false. That's plenty enough.

FACT: not fact, jews breed the least actually


>Around the time that flat earth was seriously considered they could circumnavigate the globe...

>intuition based on observable facts is just like faith

Winston please GTFO if you're not even going to try.

Measure the proportions and relate it to other parts of your body, these are no accident and do not occur from nowhere there's intelligent design that follows a pattern that is not limited to your body it is also found in plants and animals and even weather and entire galaxies if you know where to look.

Nothing worst than a retard with delusions of grandeur.

That proof only proves that we have the word "god" and that the word means what it means. You can literally "prove" existence of unicorns with this type of "proof".

>God is real because a collection of texts in a 2000+ year old book says so


I think this fallacy is my favorite fedora tactic.

I didn't realise facts are fallacies

We exist despite all rational reason for this. Why?
Who knows, but suddenly an irrational cause doesn't seem so irrational.

I can literally just say that the correct proportions for everything that exists is a result of billions of years of trial and error in the evolution of the universe
how does that proves there's a god?
also thinking that something well done has been made by an inteligent being its just an automatic thought proccess of the brain and it doesnt mean its true either

>me complicated must be made by someone
>god is infinitely more complicated... must not be made by someone
>logic what is that

By your logic we should disregard everything that is old