Who else /self-hating gay/ here?

Who else /self-hating gay/ here?

How do you cope?

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Stop hating yourself and go suck some cocks.

I'm not adding to the gene pool so it's ok

Do you hate yourself because of your gayness or just because you're despicable excuse for a human being with nothing to show for and no perspectives?
If it's the latter i can relate to you.

Stop hating yourself man.

Just don't be a flamboyant faggot in everyone's face participating in gay pride parades and shit and you're fine.

There's literally nothing wrong with being gay, just don't be a stereotypical whore, but that goes to straights to.

This, I'm gay but I'm not a feminine camp piece of shit. God I hate those guys

uh, you have no reason to be? Canada and America loves gay people. If gay, you're royalty.

it's probably a problem. I hate myself a lot.

No, this shit is just like claiming to be a "moderate" Muslim, fuck off

I hate myself because im exactly what I advocate against. We need more white nuclear families and I want to promote and participate in it but my mind is making it much more difficult than it should be

>shuts chamber door
>dials gas up to 11

Fags don't deserve to be hated.
You are better than most people.

You don't pollute this world with hordes of stupid fucking children.

You are never filthy. You are always somewhat smart.
You are tidy, whichever neighbourhood you move into, it gets better

Because of you, I have more parking spaces, your shitty little kids don't take them instead of me.

I wish I could be gay.

I like men. Men like me. We respect eachother.

I hate women. Women hate me. I don't respect them at all.

I just can't bring myself to sucking dick.
I can't live without women.

Peace gaybro


my uncle's gay and he and his partner are rich and everybody loves them. Always throwing BBQs and family gatherings. Live in a great upper middle class neighborhood.

The rest of my family acts like ghetto trash.

Worse, much worse.

Self hating gay pedo.

Cope? Barely, I'm on antidepressants, stimulants, and painkillers, and those are just my scripts. I shitpost daily almost constantly and have been jacking off to the same two memories for over a decade. Ive tried to kill myself more than 20 times but I can never pull the trigger or jump.


relax a litte bit bro, plenty of cool gays around,
i am (and probably most of pol) only really against gays which flaunt and seek to undermine the classic idea of man/woman relationships which are the basis for society (ie, pro creating, working hard for your children and wife etc etc)
no need to hate yourself over catching a boner for your fellow bros.

So paedophilia is involuntary?
Have you tried getting a hooker and going all out on her?

im sure you enjoy getting bum raped at their BBQs lol

Jesus loves you man, just recognize what you do is a sin and attempt to avoid it. we all have our addictions and sexual immorality is prevalent in the west

Pedophilia isn't natural and can be cured

Do you ever live out your homosexuality?
It may be the case that you are denying yourself which makes you a pedo.

Fuck you, faggot-lover.

Get fag married and get a surrogate to pop a baby. 2 parent households are the most important thing just don't force your kid to be a faggot. Or just adopt a white orphan.

Yes you retard, sexuak attraction is involuntary, otherwise I would just fucking choose to be a straight normie.

How? Yes it's just as natural as homosexuality

Shit sorry, I have no idea about paedophilia.

Again, have you tried getting a hooker and just going apeshit on her?
Might change you

Don't you think I'd rather be attracted to adults than children? I would kill 100 niggers if I could become a normal homo.

>don't stick your dick in aids-ridden buttholes
>problem solved

>tfw puke whenever I see 3D gay stuff
>I'm not even safe in 2D from the degenerates
Being a faggot is hard

No kek, women are gross

Where the fuck do you live? Lmao


I'm a self-hating gay.
But my self-hate has nothing to do with me being gay.

"You are WEAK. You BEG for enslavement, you BEG!" - Alex Jones


I always feel uncomfortable about being gay. I have heavy alt-right beliefs, but I always know loving guys is fucking weird and irks people. I cant tell my parents about my boyfriend because I'm worried about their reaction even though it probably be a mild, "I'm surprised, but I still love you"

my boyfriend is better than any girl could ever be though, more caring. There's no expectation of having to pay for him and I feel as though we're both equals. We're not flamboyant in any way, I just never feel 100% comfortable with it.

I'm not gay, but I hate myself because of a lot of things. I honestly believe the world would be a better place without me, I have bad genes: manlet, spider veins all over my legs, not intelligent enough to make a difference, so I shouldn't procreate, there is no one who would miss me, I have zero self-control, unable to do anything of value other than killing myself, but I'm too much of a pussy to go through with it.

So I visit Sup Forums and delude myself that I'm doing something of value, but it doesn't always work.


Gay is a social construct while in reality there is no such thing as gay. Just a fetish like any other.

That's what I tell myself at least.

at 3:00:30


it's a fetish, that's why it's not pedosexual


I am the spitting image of the guy in this porn video, so much so that it creeps me out to watch

Would you fudgepackers consider me/him attractive? I am merely curious

2 redpilled dads is probably the best upbringing you could have lmao.

I just don't socialize with other gays. I suck cock in public bathrooms and sex clubs like God intended.

I'm alt-right/fash-y and not gay. It still annoys me that many people in our camp treat homosexuality really irrationally or have the absurd idea of it being a choice or "hypersexuality".

Just treat homosexuality like any other disablity. Let the people who have it be but don't glorify it or act like it is something to be desired.
That is all that is needed imho.

There is 0 evidence of what you said being true

I made 0 claims in that post except for being alt-right and not gay.

Maybe you misread or misunderstood what I was trying to say?

Suicide by cop?

Maybe I did. Thought you implied that being gay is not a choice or not hypersexuality.


>All my friends expect me for who I am
>The only person who doesn't is myself

Ok fine word nazi I'm pedosexual

This thread is cancer. Pure cancer.

I did imply that I believe that and I also think that you have 0 evidence for the contrary.

There are solid epigenetic and evolutionairy reasons that lead to homosexuality in males.

Lesbians are just high test women though who either got abused or fucked over by someone and have given up on the normal dating market.

so they accept you as an illiterate faggot?


i'm a cocksucker and i don't consider it a disability. in fact, it is an advantage. i don't have to be chained to a wife and children. i can fuck who i like and i have disposable income. i get to fuck doggy-style all the time and i have A LOT of sex with porn-star tier men.
i think most men would be gay if they didn't have some built-in freudian need to nurse mommy's floppy tits and eat her bleeding, scheming vagina.

poopdick 24/7, fuck why cant we reinstitute gas chambers

I am not going to prove a negative, because I am too lazy. I am left with anecdotal evidence to believe that sexuality is based on enviroment and decisions you make.

Of course it doesn't hinder you in yoru degenerate faggot empty lifestyle.
It certainly does cripple your chance of reproductive success however and that is basically all living beings are measured by.

>i think most men would be gay if they didn't have some built-in freudian blahblahblah

That's called biology.

Honestly, I was defending homosexuality as not a choice in this thread but degenerate faggots like you just make me want to turn up the ovens and throw everyone in regardless.

a sexuality is natural, a fetish isnt that's the point of using philia instead of sexual., it's common sense

Nisi glup, vidim po tome kako pises.
Nemoj se zaludjivati izgledom. Svako od sebe moze nesto da napravi ako ima volje.
Ne želje, volje.
Znas do jaja engleski, ako visis na Sup Forumsu barem si upoznao personalitete iz drugih zemalja i znas kako funkcionisu.

Zamisli koliko ljudi ima vecih problema od tebe. Ja imam slepog ortaka ovde u Norveskoj koji je izgubio zenu pre cetiri godine, vid pre tri. Porodicu kad mu je bilo 5 godina, sestru mu ubili crnci zbog toga sto je bela i jos nn stvari zbog kojih bi Svako normalan izvrsio samoubistvo.
E ali on je i dalje ziv. Imao je toliko problema sa nervima zbog vida, toliko bola i migrena da je povracao po 20 puta svaki dan. Zubi mu se topili od kiseline, srecom sve ih je zamenio.

Covek i dalje moze da se nasmeje. Ima dvoje dece, cerku su mu uzele Child Services jer kao 'nije sposoban' da se stara o njima dvoje. A ja znam da je sposobniji od bilo kog drugog roditelja da ga ja znam.
Nikada nije kraj. Nije kraj do kada ne umres. Ako si vec na dnu, onda ne mozes da tones, mozes samo da ides nagore.

Brate, nemam puno saveta da ti dam jer nit' znam ko si, nit' sta radis.
Mogu samo da ti kazem da nadjes nacin da naucis norveski, nadjes preko neta nekoga ko ce ti pomoci oko autorizacije i sigurno ces naci put do norveske.
A kad dodjes ovde, nije lako sjebati stvar, lako je ziveti.

Sa srecom.

Just stop being gay OP.

Ah, yes, "the only reason to live is reproduction" meme. A fine meme.

You are not proving a negative.

Your side is the one who claims that it is either a choice or hypersexuality for which you have 0 evidence.

I however have data that points to evolutionairy reasons like the increased likelyhoof of a mother producing gay offspring the more sons she has.

If you can't imagine how it could be an advantage to get a gay son after you already had 5 heterosexual ones in your tiny ass tribe with a very limited number of available females then you're just a fucking moron.

Again, you have 0 evidence for your POSITIVE claim except for anecdotes while I have some data points that point towards my conclusion.

The only reason to live is to raise good kids in hopes that they themselves raise good kids. Repeat forever until we've colonized the stars

I never implied that. There is literalyl no reason to live in the first place.

But non-reproducing faggots are not conductive to a healthy society just as people with down syndrome aren't.

Self hating bi here.
I jack off and then fuck women.

Being gay is a choice.

It's your fault, you literal faggot.

Faggots have contributed more to the culture and technology of the world than any breeder with the amazing ability to get filled with cum and pop out a baby.

You shallow fuck.
You stupid TV German Fox-News brainwashed fucking degenrate.

Do you think that everyone who can fucking reproduce is a contributing member of society?

Does that mean that these niggers and mudslimes who have a horde of children each are valuable members of any civilization?
By doing what? Fucking like rabbits and spawning offspring like rats?

You biased, shitty little brat.

I am the only son of my mother and no one was homosexual from my family. And I have the family tree of 6-7 generations back.

Whatever debating 1337 games you play that won't change anything. You can't say with which is more likely. I can go google something and give you the first result whatever retarded evidence i might find that is not backed.

gay but not self hating.

stop being such a pussy faggot, I guess

That's extremely depressing. You know we are just going to be wiped out, right? No matter how many pointless generations we breed, the whole race is doomed in the long run. It is sad to define your worth by the longevity of your species.

FACT: self hating gays have been known to develop into serial killers.
Don't self hate.

>You are always somewhat smart.

If only

So you don't see yourself making babies with a woman and living with her for the rest of your life?

Not even one bit?

I don't think that's true. You can't expect to succeed with such a shitty outlook

It's what I want but im having a hard time pursuing it.

Why don't you just turn straight???
People choose to be gay

You're smart enough to write in English user. Most people (in your country) probably wouldn't be able to type a text like you did...

I am ashamed of being gay too, because like leaf flag said, it's exactly what I advocate against. I would like to form a family, have kids, but with my boyfriend. And I fear that he may left me to a shite women, because he is bissexual. He is redpilled, and knows that being homossexual is degenerate.

Well not literally all, but from my experience:
>met nn bi people, fucking weird
>met some trans people, fucking degenerates
>met a ton of muslims, 99.99% are scum
>ton of niggers, 98.99% are scum
>met over 10 gay people, still got gay friends, each and every was based

Statistic mean nothing to the individual, sure, but this isn't a fucking coincidence

I have never heard on the news:

Gay is ok


> I can go google something and give you the first result whatever retarded evidence i might find that is not backed.

What I said about the increased likelyhoof of gay offspring the more sons you have is not some niche data that is contested. It has a hard fact and you just dismissing that as cherry-picked or whatever is retarded.

I don't doubt that there are gays who can be attracted to females as you are, faggot, but I no heterosexual male can just decide to be attracted by men just like no gay person can decide to stop being attracted by men.

You might be able to make the lifestyle choice of having a wife and kids but you can't make the choice to find men disgusting.

Again, you have anecdotal evidence for a point you haven't even thought through properly.

Homosexuality among females should also be way more rampant if it actually was a choice due to being much more accepted when it fact it isn't.

>Do you think that everyone who can fucking reproduce is a contributing member of society?

Of course I don't think that. Individuals without children can obviously contribute to society. Is it desirable to have a huge group of non-reproducing males fucking around and spreading STDs? On average it is clearly not.

Ethno-Nationalism is just as much part of my ideology as nuclear families are so your comment about muslims and niggers was not warranted.

Please clear up your own thinking before you try to attack me you low IQ moron and fuck off back to wherever you came from.

How come?
Don't you live in the land of the free and home to the brave?
Why should gay people feel free to be gay then?

>non-reproducing males fucking around and spreading STDs? On average it is clearly not.

It is literallt the same fucking thing if a man/woman or man/man or woman/woman fuck. It is still the same motherfucking chance of spreading STDs

IQ has absolutely nothing to do with ones' ability to argue. And the flag above me is Norwegian, you uneducated cum stain.

You sad, complexed, small dicked, lobotomized burger.
What do you contribute to society?

>It is still the same motherfucking chance of spreading STDs

It is not. The likelyhood of contracting STDs is insanely higher when doing anal and the frequency of intercourse and number of partners gays have is also exponentially higher.

The STDs part wasn't even the main point of the argument but you lack any ability to think for yourself and I don't feel like spelling out every minute detail.

You are genuinely too stupid and more importantly uninformed to have this discussion end up being productive.

This was my last reply, dumbo.

>What I said about the increased likelyhoof of gay offspring the more sons you have is not some niche data that is contested. It has a hard fact and you just dismissing that as cherry-picked or whatever is retarded.

Alright fine, could you point out this holy scientific research? If there is so much evidence there will be many articles and I will have a good 10 minute read on facebook on all details regarding this offspring thing.

>I don't doubt that there are gays who can be attracted to females as you are, faggot, but I no heterosexual male can just decide to be attracted by men just like no gay person can decide to stop being attracted by men.

>I don't doubt that there are gays who can be attracted to females as you are, faggot, but I no heterosexual male can just decide to be attracted by men just like no gay person can decide to stop being attracted by men.

You might be able to make the lifestyle choice of having a wife and kids but you can't make the choice to find men disgusting.

I find men and penises disgusting yet I want to fuck a feminine boy and I never express anything that would be attractive to another male.

Doesn't mean anything. This area is not so well researched for there to be any conclusions.

>Homosexuality among females should also be way more rampant if it actually was a choice due to being much more accepted when it fact it isn't.

How do you know it is not more rampant than the males being """"""""gay""""""""""?

kill yourself, fagit.