So, I'm bored and want to have a little conversation of our actual view of the world as an observer...

So, I'm bored and want to have a little conversation of our actual view of the world as an observer. Before you tell me to go on Sup Forums about this shit, I want to see how Sup Forums give their insight on this matter, since let's be honest this is kind of getting out of hand. So my questions that I wish to ask.
>First, why do we have borders? Is it race, insecurity, control for the government, cultural disbeliefs, our jobs being taken, seriously what is it? After eons of human existence, we still have the ignorance to set borders for others, even though the funny fact is %80 of food agriculture comes from Mexico and outright all the cheap labor provided from the Mexicans help our economy grow, cough (looking at you Amazon) cough.
>Second question, since the beginning of human history how an economy works, is by trading of precious metals or equivalent exchange, but sadly the dollar bills or the printed money that we have are meaningless when another Greece happens, so my question is what is our end if this stupid wall is built? Who will pay for it, and don't say Mexico, seriously Sup Forums I'm trying to wrap my head around this, and honestly it seems like a shit storm within a singularity...
So Sup Forums I would like to hear your voices, and opinions since a collective mind are better than one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously Sup Forums, you may respond to as however, you may please, but I just want this to sink in. Cause shit is stupid right now, and I'm kinda getting done looking at the same reposted thread over and over... I know I'm not the only one here that is cough (old fags)

Your a foggot.

Thanks, I pride myself to be the biggest faggot here, but unless you have some insight or some actual mental capability to see what's going on in this country, instead of reposting the same insult over and over, hit me up f a m


Well, I did say you may respond as however you please. Also, I did say I'm trying to be the biggest faggot here, so in Layman's terms, thanks.

Pretty much this.

Yeah, I kinda figure trying to have an actual conversation on the state of the world was kind of a bad idea to post here. Well, I guess I might delete this thread and move on with life, shows the state of how the world is currently. This was a fun social experiment.

Answer to your first question is culture and values.
Answer to your second question is that we will throw another 500 billion on top of the 20 trillion national debt that never gets paid back.

Wouldn't that cause another 2008?

What is your favorite type of girl penis op?

Oh, that's easy it's REDACTED, hope that answer suits you.

Ok, here is a deeper question.

Your butthole, you know because your a faggot and it's big, because you have gay sex, like with dicks up your ass.

Fucking shit ass

Lol, no. 2008 added another 6-8 trillion to the national debt, the national debt did not cause 2008.

I'm gonna leave this on for about five minutes or so, I may delay it if something interesting comes up, but I highly doubt it. I just wanna see how many people see this thread, before it goes out.

*children pretending to know things, other than how many dicks they can suck on one day*

I can answer the first question, but it'll be reached abstract.
We build borders to survive and thrive. Meaning, as far back as the official classification of homosapiens (perhaps farther) we have gone our ways to live another day. Over time our methodologies improved, we got creative with our survival.

Something happened, slowly but surely.

We may have not noticed it at first, but we sure acted it out. Because as we barricaded/walled off or fenced off even small animals, this have the next generation more time to explore.
Simple, the less you spent fighting for your life the more you could investigate life itself.

And investigate we did. And we asked the right questions (again, if not blatant, it was still in action).

The patterns where charted, those who fortified granted the next generation the gifts of time, work, and thought. So, by that string of deductions, a fortified society betters men.

If you're to look at many ancient stories, you'll find a good handful with some things in common;

>A city or god, whom is the representative of order and culture
>This city or god either is destroyed or is doomed, exposed to the outside
>Outside the city/opposite of this one god is that of nature/chaos, the representative of primitivism, raw and unforgiving
>To defeat the chaos, those left create an amalgamation, a new god that is the sum of the older, now outdated god's
>This god/night/a hero at least, faces the creature of chaos, kills it and makes use of its remains

The earliest example is the story of mesopotamia

In short, the walled city can breed tradition, culture, and intellect.
BUT, the city is only as pure as the "king", and your king may be a tyrant. If so, the walls crack, and the dragon flies near

If you call all your Boyfriends *cough*
Who fuck you everyday then maybe 56 people will see this thread.

Your dirty op.

Well, what I'm trying to imply is that, wouldn't the national debt create a devalue of our current currency?

This guy might be gayer than you ok

Fucking pseudo intellectual wannabes.

You don't know shit, except how to fuck butts.

Buy property and pay taxes. You will understand the importance of borders. Globalism turns the whole world to shit instead of half shit and half okay.

Care to join in our conversation then? You seemed to understand more than us, and I would like to hear your insight on this matter.

If the usa is your butthole, and Mexico is the dick fucking your butthole. Would you be getting fucked?

I see although this is true, it has created slight problems with the state of mentality in this country, although we're living in a golden age of human history with an intercontinental communication line and technological applications. Although it may be a paradox, "to have peace, their must be war"

You seem fun to be around, although freedom of speech is allowed here, as stated above.

Ya, governments help maintain the chaos within nature, though the time we can be used for this could be diverted into something more practical.

Your about as competent as jayden Smith, if you do not understand why countries have borders your a retarded leftist millennial faggot communist.

Not everybody in the world is straight, Syrian refugees are not straight, South Sudanese child soldiers are not straight, Mexican drug cartel foot soldiers are not straight, Serbian gangsters are not straight.

Most of all op, your not straight.
Because you suck all that cock

i like that they look like larger versions of the berlin wall.

>Thread is delayed for five minutes for now

Sorry to correct you. Also, I did not claim to be the smartest or dumbest person, nor all I asked was for external observations from other individuals. Although I appreciate your comment, you and me, and everyone else knows we don't really care what you have to say, and what I have to say. In the end, it's all meaningless, but it is fun to talk about it.

Ya, I was foreseeing the future and I thought "Oh god another Berlin wall"

Then it intact means something

Also, my spelling and interpretation of what I'm thinking are not perfect, but it at least has some points of message across. Isn't that what language was created for? To get your message across.

>Why do borders exist. Why are we so ignorant, mannnnn?
Animals have territories, every tribe in history had them, every nation has had borders. It's not a thing white people invented in the USA.
Even stone-aged Aboriginal tribes in Australia marked borders with white rocks, and getting caught in someone else's territory without a message-stick showing invitation was punishable by death.
Borders exist to protect not just resources but principles, ideas, and laws.
For example, if one country decides to make slave labour illegal then in order to protect businesses that comply from business outside that don't, an economic and physical border needs to be maintained.
Or, banning guns isn't going to do much if people can pass through a porous border and buy them and come back in 30 mins.
But obviously the biggest driver is resources. This isn't just about greed, it's about ensuring the people in the in-group, who have followed the rules and honoured agreements with each other, social contracts, agreed to work together in the past, have an equal entitlement to the resources they jointly created, protected, and / or rationed.
Outsiders will treat it like a rental car and deplete resources. Hell, insiders do that too and they are hard enough to manage.

The fact that today the USA imports as much as it does from Mexico and China is hypocritical, but that is not an argument for no borders.

Sorry, this whole "life" thing is kinda new to me.
>Insert high level of autism here...

Have fun sucking all that dick

This true, but what I'm trying to ask is why do we still maintain a state of having borders? For instance, was there any civilization that had no borders? Also, what would the benefits be for a borderless country? This being it retains its own current borders, but allow immigration of all kinds.

Will do, although I still would like to procreate.

1- Cultural differences, even among homogenized civilizations which come from variations on geographic location/ language and thus genetic populations
2- Do you honestly believe "cheap labor" helps your average mexican? That "Open borders" make your average joe richer?
Aid never ends on the intended hands below the border
Those are only beneficial to corrupt govt, narcos, multinationals and banks
Try thinking with facts and not feelings

t. Actual mexican here

Borders are about culture and economical protection. If your economical system revolves around fair wages and tax contributions to the poorest member of society, you can't afford to let any shithead in. Culture because people don't adapt that easily and often try to force on/change those around them, gang up with people they can relate with, create subcultures that will create tensions. I am French, I am talking from experience...

Don't know, don't care about the wall, as my previous point might suggest, I know close to nothing on the issue.

Oh one last thing, I found something interesting for you.
>Check this out

Might appeal to you more than this thread.

Dudes can't get pregnant

good fences make good neighbors young child

Oh, I wasn't trying to discourage you or any other race. Although cheap labor does exist, it does not count for a large portion of the Mexican population. More or less I have no feelings about the whole matter, I'm just thinking logistically. Which is why are we creating this wall when we already have a border. Also, the average joe richer thing was kinda taken from our great leader, I was trying to repeat what he was saying.

noun: eon; plural noun: eons; noun: aeon; plural noun: aeons
a unit of time equal to a billion years.

how long has humanity existed?
Scientists estimate that the hominid lineage diverged from the ape lineage 5 to 8 million years ago. Homo sapiens, the species to which we belong, has existed for about 100,000 years.

>terminology faggot get it right.

ps like the question you posed just felt I should make fun of you for that.


Thanks, guy, I already stated this previously, but i appreciate the clarification

> what I'm trying to ask is why do we still maintain a state of having borders?
Why do you think it's any different today than it has been in history? Open the borders and just watch what happens. Outsiders will treat the richer countries like rental cars, taking everything they can while giving zero fucks. That country will then become poor, and some other country that DOES protect its wealth, its investments, its laws etc with borders will rise up and we will be back in the situation we were in to begin with.

why do we still have borders in our house? OP is a faggot

Hm, I see. So what I understand is fear itself. Like deterrents itself, it is a fear of change in mentality.

I got what I needed to hear, this thread will now be deleted.

Thank you all for this social experiment, and those that partook in this.

Ur welcome bb

Fear? No. You are interpreting whatever you want in my words. So I guess there's not much point in trying to tell you otherwise.
But you can use the word "fear" as a very general label on all kinds of behaviours. E.g. people seek happiness because they "fear" sadness

The 2008 crash was caused by the housing investment bubble which in turn was caused by the deregulation of the banks during the Clinton era, it had little to do with the national debt. Matter of fact we're actually heading towards a second crash like that