ITT: Stupid Shit You Believed As A Kid

ITT: Stupid Shit You Believed As A Kid

-When I was four I used to believe that if I went to sleep with my shoes on they would get up and walk around on their own when I fell asleep. For some reason the thought of a pair of shoes walking on their own at night scared the shit out of me

-Also, I used to think quicksand would be a much more prevalent thread in my day-to-day life

OP here, I also thought fax machines teleported the paper and thats how the info was transported somewhere else

I used to think Friday was the only day you could make fried food.

I also used to think that a barber was going to cut my ear off like Vincent VanGogh so I refused to get a haircut for around a year.

I used to think OP was not a huge faggot. Man kids are stupid, huh?

Wtf this reminded me of a dream I had when I was really young. I had a dream I saw shoes walking around in a pitch black room but the shoes were fluorescent. scary shit I wish I would’ve never remembered. Thanks op.

See. I told you so

demons couldn't see you if you were under the blanket.

but of course they can.

I expected to encounter quick sand in my day to day life too.

A babysitter once told me that if I turn the TV volume to full, government agents come and take your TV away.
I believed it for years.

I used to believe I was the only real person in the world. People stopped existing to me as soon as they were out of range, they just existed so I could ne entertained

hhaha, dude...the quicksand made me chuckle. How about lava everywhere, or some weird superstition about not stepping on cracks on pavement to avoid breaking your mothers back

You don't belong here. A real Sup Forumstard would have tried it just to see if it was bullshit. Then fucked the babysitter and posted pics or it didn't happen.

I sometimes wondered if everybody else could be robots and I was living in an experiment or something

Mine told me if my voice got too loud when the one eyed hotdog snake explores brown mountain my parents wojkd get taken away. I still believe it. I'll brb he's c-calling me..

I'm in my twenties and I still think this. Maybe this is why I'm lonely and miserable.

Thought you could out drive moon. Like driving home at night from somewhere watching the moon in the sky. Felt that if we just drove for another 10 min we would pass it.

I used to think that it was ok for older girls to rub you when you were naked. Turns out I was just getting raped when I was 5


Thought that when i was in the dark without a light outside that people would come take me

you gotta have more of that

>getting raped
You meant to say "being lucky"

You know it's really not as hot as you think it is. Getting molested is fucked

I used to think traps were gay

as a kid I was told that there's a god so I believed it hahahaha!

green text?

It isnt?!

curious, how has it negatively impacted your life?

Never believed in Santa, goofy please how can he deliver presents to all those houses in 1 night.
Same reason for tooth fairy

I did however think several meant seven till about grade five
Also believed in the bible. Had epic book as a kid with awesome pics per bible story. (One story one page and epic pic on the other.) read it maybe 100 times or more.
Still believe in the bible.

Yeah I got molested when six by cousin who was 12 or 13.
Also sucked dik of 8 year old cousin when I was 5.
I'd happily kill them if I ever met them now.

My mom was molested and I also have a good friend of mine who was. He's a dude and it was a nun at his middle school I'm pretty sure. They're both super paranoid and get that 1000 yard stare

I believed that movie stars were giants, because they were big on a movie screen. So I knew, at the age of 5, that I could never be in movies because I was too small.

I used to believe that I could be happy.

It's just disgusting to be forever emotionally damaged by someone elses moment of sexual weakness.

oh shittttt

Top kek user.
I hope you connected the dots pretty soon.

I thought as soon as it got dark out the monsters and ghost would come out in massive numbers. I was so scared of the night. Honestly believed every park, street, tree was full of the most evil shit that would get me. Just refused to go outside for any reason as soon as the sun went down. Like even onto the porch would have me screaming and freaking out. Sure my dad thought I was retarded and the neighbors must've thought I was getting beat all the time. One time I had to walk out to the yard and get something and I was terrified. Could even see arms coming down from the trees trying to grab me. Ran back in screaming, snot bubbles and pissed myself. Fuck me I don't know how my parents handled it, if my son did that I'd lose my patience pretty damn quick.
And then, one day it all stopped. Dunno what or how it happened but like a light switch I just stopped being scared.

I believed penises couldn't be feminine.

They're not?

>confusionism much

I think I may have asked my brother about it and he may have told me how retarded I was, but for some reason the thought just entered my brain, and I figured, "Well, that just makes all kinds of sense!"

I knew that they made movies in Hollywood, so I figured that Hollywood was just filled to the brim with giants, where even kids were as tall as my house.

Quints checked. Quicksand is for real.

No they're not. They're actually better than women.

most likely

Maybe remove your head from your ass.

when i was 3 or 4, got told eating boogers caused worms to grow in my stomach. never ate boogers again, but found crafty hiding spots for them.

I want to believe you. They are some cute ones.
I get confused about trap porn.
Most makes no sense to me.

I thought vidya wasn't a waste of time

since I cant see my face, no one can see my face.

I was 3-4. Its the earliest memory i can recall

When I was 8 I wanted to be a girl.
Glad I told no one. The idea passed.

Barbers already cut of ears so it's not really that stupid

Up until about age 7 I used to believe that, to make a baby, a man had to push an entire testicle through his dick into a woman. I figured that'd be fair as women need to push an entire baby out later.

Glad to find out us dudes simply drew the long straw in this entire equation.

your inner demons got covered by the blanket too

Dogs = Boys
Cats = Girls

But that's nothing special. I think all kids believe that for a while.

Delete your account

Your not wrong when you die the version of that person or how you perceive them will die with you

Used to think boogers were rotting pieces of your brain that fell out of your nose.

Yeah this.
I could see fucked up incest families not minding but being raped as a kid is fucked and child rapists deserve torture.

Uggh. That's gross. And real disturbing.

I used to think my dad was the boss if everything and could make anything happen. Like he had the final say on world events and shit. At dinner he was complaining to mum about the prime minister and I just assumed he was going to call him tomorrow and get shit sorted

I once had a siamese fighting fish when I was very young. My mum told me it would climb out of it's bowl at night and kill me if I wasn't careful. I left it downstairs at night and stopped feeding it.

My mum is a cunt

Found the pointy haired boss.
>be me as a kid
>believed that the holy spirit could actually heal n shit
>career plan is to become a prophet or pastor
>travel the world spreading the good news
>tfw holy spirit can't do shit
>now im studying to become an accountant

Must have been when you learned to make swords and armor in minecraft



good boy

You could have been a billionaire pastor. Now you'll just be counting my money.

Well, literally getting molested is being fucked

Finished, sir

that i wasnt an awful human being that deserves to die

However if there's no good news to spread then why would i exploit millions of people for my personal profit?
I would much rather help my community by providing a valuable service that can help people save on their taxes.

I was told by my older cousins when I was young that drinking Taco Bell hot sauce right out of the packet would give me cancer.

Dem digits

Holy shit same
I would always keep my eye on the moon as if it was following us on long car rides

A girl in elementary told me that to make a boy baby a man had to lay on top of a woman and to make a girl baby it was vice versa.

But I didn't believe her. My mother was pregnant at the time and my childhood curiosity had me read all the books I could find on the subject.

Maybe it's because you stopped being a pussy

In a seriousness user, be thankful your parents didn't beat you


I still find crafty hiding spots for my boogers

i used to think god doesnt exist

Ty. I did beaten a little. Nothing too bad. It was the 90s. But if you suffered at the hands of your parents, I'm sorry. Getting a hand raised to me was horrible, can't imagine how bad it was for kids who were really beaten badly

My parents hit me when I deserved it. I somehow didn't grow up to be a little bitch though.

What if everyone else is real and I'm the robot?

That wine doesn't make you drunk in defence of my dad being drunk from my mun

Thought it would get better when I was older

I used to think being a degenerate was cool
>I used to think playing videogames wasnt a phat waste of time and brain cells
>I used to think drinking/smoking/drugs wasnt a waste of money, time, and health
>I used to think going to parties with loud music and girls and stuff would be fun, turned out to be waste of time and boring af
>I used to think dating/having flings without any intention to commit to marriage was okay because it was normal.
>I used to think being gay was determined by genes and there was nothing "wrong" with gay acts
>i used to think dark humor was edgy and made me cool.
>i used to think we could have morals without laws from a Higher power, made up or not.
>I used to think we could divide by zero but just didnt want to out of convenience
>i used to think if i loved someone as a friend and cared for them, they wouldnt stab me back
>i used to think my parents hated me when they were my biggest supporters

In agreement with much of what you said but especially these. How wrong we were user, how wrong we were

>>used to think being gay was determined by genes and there was nothing "wrong" with gay acts
>>used to think if i loved someone as a friend and cared for them, they wouldnt stab me back
>>i used to think my parents hated me when they were my biggest supporters

this is the cringest shit i've seen for a while

I believed this too. Didnt get better when I asked my dad if this was true and he said: Mmm... Maybe!! And Walked away lol


Well technically you are still a virgin if you have never pushed one of your testicles through your dick into a woman

Thinking that piss is stored in the ball sack
Thinking that if you have 2 balls you can have 2 children.. if someone had 3 children, meant, that they had minimum 3 balls

I used to believe that teachers lived at school

Just got faxed a sheet of acid from the deep web fam

Due to the American education system, I did not know that any other countries had electricity until I was 16.

Thanks school.

Yeah alright
>how can he deliver all the presents in one night? santa is fake
>that dude totally split a fucking ocean in half though, bible is real

You're a wasteland dude

sister told me if you were constipated you had to pee and shit at the same time because the piss would allegedly re-route itself to lubricate the shit, allowing you to shit

I used to think the black shadow hand on the overhead projector at church was the actual hand of God and he would just change the lyric sheets when they sung. Tfw I believed this till I was 8 or 9

Taking medicine for an illness when you didn't need it, would give you said Illness.

No idea where I got that from.

>when you make a shitty greentext and someone re-posts it years later

This is me now... hello.

I used to think that everyone's bodies were run an maintaiemned on the inside by little versions of themselves who also spoke a language only them and the person could understand.

When i was really young i use to think that girls got pregnant whenever they wanted too and a dad was just optional

>a dad was just optional
This is true for black people.

They do that though.