What else but anarchism ???

What else but anarchism ???
True anarchism is knowledge NOT violence

Thats a bad analogy. Implying that the pawn can never take the government. I don't think it works like a game of chess, at all.

Anarchy can not work in a post-Industrial Revolution world.

Ain't nobody is going to want to go work a coal plant or pick up trash if they aren't getting paid, and in order to get paid, you need an economy. And in order to have an economy, you will need a government to set and enforce certain rules...

Worse, humankind in the technologically advanced era has become wholly dependent on structure. Without said structure, someone will come and create a structure...

It's actually Banks, Corporation, Media, Government........

..until someone rapes your mother, cutting off your arms and legs while forcing you to watch your whole family tortured to death because there's nobody to punish the criminals.
And you?
You'll be stuck for the rest of your life with no limbs, thinking how great Anarchism is.
You're actually fucking stupid.

I, too, was 14 once

I'm in the military. Inaccurate. Also, pawns can become queens, but never kings, when in reality, you can become any of those things the pieces supposedly represent if you apply yourself. Life isn't chess, and your image is absurdly reductionist, inaccurate, and puerile; kind of like anarchism.

>what else but anarchism ???
Plenty of options, the amount of problems anarchistic societies could cause just to rectify an issue with the state is far more risky than other political stances.


lmao that you think corporations are below government

Came here to say this.

Lmao, hey OP if you want a good look at what real, applied anarchism looks like, rather than your edgy fantasies, google Somalia. And if you really enjoy being called out on your stupidity, take this thread to

Because I want a stable democracy, OP.

Anarchists are retarded, flaky and uniformed about political science.

OP is saying don't be the pawn
don't play their game

>take this thread to
>you are not a mod
you do not in any way get to dictate what or how others post here

you're welcome

>Anarchist societies
There is no such thing, either. They will always default to something else, given time, because with anarchism there is a power vacuum that opportunistic humans will exploit. Think about "the reign of terror" and what happened once government control was reestablished.

but if you get to the other side, you become a queen, the most powerful piece on the board.

Are you dense or just new?

Police here, I just want to get home and play PUBG.

What we need is no government!
But then i guess we can’t all just run around without a plan, all trying to dig our own well so lets all get together and combine our efforts. But i guess now we need to speak to those other guys so we can have some of those potatoes they’ve grown. We can trade them some of our onions. So i guess we ALL can’t go wandering over there with our onions, that would be a bit silly really as we all just talk over each other. One of us should go. But who? I don’t really want to tbh. Any volunteers? Great! But 5 is too many. Lets all decide or ‘vote’ which one person would be best for that job. Great! This works much better AND IN NO WAY IS THIS THE BEGINNING OF GOVERNMENT

He is right as fuck though.

I said your're welcome

Okay, so I suppose I'll just be another homeless bum, rotting from the inside out.



What is it you actually want from anarchism? Suppose I hand you a genie with unlimited wishes, but the wishes are restricted to restructuring society and property and can't control people's wills directly...
What's your endgame for after you've wished "the government" to stop existing? What are you next few wishes as people come with shotguns to steal your lamp from you?

I would put it

Corporations > Media > Government > Military > YOU > Police in the conservative areas in the US

Corporations > Media > Government > Military > Police >>>>> Animals >>>>> People with a special identity > YOU in the Democratic, liberal, rotting inner cities.

You could have also just stated that you don't know what anarchism is.

Yeah that is one thing OP really didn't take into consideration

>True anarchism is knowledge NOT violence

Hows that delusion working out for you? You do know the only way to escape this system you believe we are all in is to end you own life, right?

show us on the doll where the Democrats touched you user

user sure knows what rubber cement smells like tho

It's actually reptilians, greys, jews, Banks, Corporation, Media, Government........

>implying this doesn't happen now

No one to punish them? Bullshit, it'd be completely legal for you to reciprocate, and cut off some heads.

no telling how many reptilians we've actually fapped to

>he asks, as he posts from his brand new iPhone 12 with 8G service in one hand and a starcucks latte in the other

You wouldn't last a fucking day without your electricity and internet service, much less basic needs. Sort yourself out.

They could be community run. We already have the infastructure
we could develop a generic smartphone that people could pay for out of community service

see all you faggots want to do is continue the corporatocracy.
You faggots never question shit or envision possible alternatives.


> They could be community run.
Explain to me how you think this will work.

i can think of one. i mean, if that's not a reptilian, then i'm santa claus.

you know that all pieces are being played equally, right?


The community has collective ownership. How is this hard to understand?

It can work, you idiot.

I hope no one actually replies to you, because you're only going to attack little mistakes in their sentences, calling it 'argument'.

Get rekt faggot

>local community making a smartphone
yeah, and then they'll make a satellite and a rocket and make their own internet.

She actually pumps out 1000s of reptilian embryos capable of imitating a human female daily. We're clearly outnumbered.

But lithium refining relies on cheap, expendable eastern european labour.
With shitty polution/safety control.
P.s. Ty slav for my dope phone and hybrid car.

>Only corporations can design smartphones


So any member of the community can go wreck the tower for shits and giggles, and the rest get to smile and say "Good job, that's your right as the owner?" Who pays to maintain the cell tower?

Tower > knight/bishop!
Learn your chess americuck!

Then miners would be living the most privileged lives, user, as they should for doing the kind of work they do. There would be no middleman to collect.

Oh you really don't want to be part of this working community and "wrecking" shit, user. You'd regret it.

We don't play chess. It's not a video game.

Whoever made that image doesn't understand chess. The rook is a more valuable piece than a knight.

chart is based on size, user

Damn, beat me to it.

Yes! Knight and bishop are equal, while tower is worth more!

not all of them come out fully functional though. this one came out broken.

You're right, but I don't want to be part of your community and not wrecking shit either. I'm asking you how you expect this to work. I'm sure it's all clear in your head, just like young earth creationists think their history makes sense. I'm just trying to get you to explain how it is you actually manage to provide, fund, maintain, and regulate goods and services and deal with people accused. Is it all on an individual basis? If I suspect Tom is poisoning the well, do I just go shoot him? It's not like I can call the cops, you're anarchists. You don't have cops. It's not like I can sue, you're anarchists, you don't have courts.

as a result of too much mass replication--it will very likely be used as a food source later

How the fuck does any society work, user? You think you need magistrates and people in power to do shit.
You don't. You would be asked to fulfill your role in society the same as everyone else. You seem to think that means everyone sits around and shit rusts.

A community implies structure, structure implies hierarchy, hierarchy implies a leader.

How would you maintain the infrastructure, including electricity needed to run it? How would you produce phones? How would you get people to do these things for you(the "community"), how would you prevent the inevitable competition that attempts to murder and enslave your people because nothing is stopping them?

>see all you faggots want to do is continue the corporatocracy.
You faggots never question shit or envision possible alternatives

Weird, you'd think if there was a better alternative we would have implemented it by now. There isn't. Anarchism isn't even a considerable option for a developed nation, you're literally just fucking retarded. And that's coming from someone who used to be a leftypunk back in the day.

yes. obviously. humans have existed for 100 000 years, and only just now that we figured out to organize in functional corporations that can make smartphones.

unless you're on your homemade smartphone right now, you're wrong, and i'm right.

How many people do you need to work on infrastructure, user? A couple hundred at a time, if even that. And they would be skilled workers.
Jesus you faggots think that if we take away power structures, people wouldn't be able to function.

Everyone wouldn't be making "home made smart phones" you dense fuck.
We'd use existing factories.

Spoken like someone who takes everything around them for granted.

Anarchy means:

No roads
No running water
No electricity
No internet
No video games

Only subsistence farming for the rest of your life. If you actually put some thought into it, you'd understand why.

Yes I can tell by the fact that you posted an anime reaction image that you are now 15

>No roads
>No running water
>No electricity
>No internet
>No video games

why would they suddenly disappear, user?

So basically this is just an anarcho communist thread.

You severely overestimate the productive capabilities barebones society, which is what would remain after the anarchy part.

sure you would.

of a* barebones society

We would simply transfer the existing society over to collective ownership, user.

they would get super bad over time because of use

>Roads, running water, most electricity are funded and run by the government
Video games and internet are a bit retarded but they'll be infinitely worse with anarchy. Also enjoy tolls and inconsistent use on every utility like roads.

You wouldn't have one, user. You'd be on it all the time.

I'll thank you to explain yourself rather than assume things about me. Your inability to answer simple direct questions doesn't bode well for how well thought-out your position is in your own mind. What incentive scheme and punishment scheme do you intend to use and how to you intend to apply it and coordinate it on an individual basis? Or do you simply assume there aren't going to be slackers eating from your food stockpiles without contributing anything?

What existing factories? The ones that got looted and burned to the ground? Those existing factories? In your world, those are long gone. Try again.


The infrastructure exists already, user.
the money, if we even had any, would be retained by the people, not middlemen, so no.
Labor would be the commodity.


You're so convinced that the only way is through oligarchy that you can't imagine any other scenarios, user.
You want this oppressive unsustainable system to continue.

that is the obstacle here
your assumption that society would just be farmers with no roads or smartphones is just intellectually lazy

It is chess. We just don't have to be a pawn. Correct your status as a 14th ammendmant citizen

Why would they be looted or burned down? Are you advocating violence?


Government should be moved between media and military. Corps run the show.

> You're so convinced that the only way is through oligarchy that you can't imagine any other scenarios, user.
I am, but that's irrelevant, because I'm not the one proposing the idea. I literally CAN'T imagine your scenario, because you refuse to tell me what it FUCKING IS.
> your assumption that society would just be farmers with no roads or smartphones is just intellectually lazy
That wasn't my assumption, it was the question you were supposed to explain. How are you making these happen without a government? Explain your process.


Do you know what happens to infrastructure when you domt maintain it?

Man is an inherently violent species, user. Do you think everyone would just magically turn into benevolent creatures of love and kindness after your "revolution" takes place, and not try to kill you?

Yeah but i want more.

The scenario is cutting out the corporate power structures and putting it into the hands of the people.
most things we do day to day do not require government
and we would solve the bigger problems through collective means

Is this fucking b8?
Are you genuinely this naive?

Why would we not maintain it?
Are you assuming that an anarchistic society would just be lazy people smoking weed?
You are, aren't you?

>We'd use existing factories.

I see. Which member of your anarchist lesbian dance theory majors knows which button on this changes to the correct tool? Or what the correct tool is? Which of you knows G-code? Because you had to kill the guys who were working here to steal the factory and they don't want to help you anymore.

Why? Human nature.

Listen, this is all academic. However, you are in luck! You and everyone else are going to get to experience your "utopia" very soon. Here's a hint:

We learned nothing in 2008.

Because it's inevitable that the person with the most resources will inevitably rule.

Anarchism only really works on the small scale, like running a shop or a cafe, not running a country.

> The scenario is cutting out the corporate power structures and putting it into the hands of the people.
"The people" huh. So do you have a guy whose job it is to run to each person's house and collect their vote on everything that happens?

Collectivism is where society is evolving.
Ignorant people are those who are violent and that could be addressed through education and eliminating poverty.

i would make my own space rocket and live on mars in my homemade space colony. i mean, how hard can it be?

You literally believe this oppressive system that favors the 1% is the only way to exist, user.
Do you even possess critical thinking skills at all?