I've finally decided to kill myself

I've finally decided to kill myself.
But how do I get rid of the body? I dont want to go to jail

Don't kill yourself. Instead, go to jail and have a swell time.

>Decided to kill myself
>Dont want to go to jail

Do it

Legend says that when you succ your own cock you kill yourself and don't have to worry about going to jail.

Why are you going to jail?

Because he killed someone, that being himself

Who's gonna hide the body??

Buy some cinder blocks and chains. Rent a boat. Chain blocks to feet. Jump out of boat.

Shoot yourself off a bridge if you understand me,
you will fall into the water

Take a bath in some strong acid

>Legend says that when you succ your own cock
I had a dream I did this. It wasn't as gay as I thought it'd be. But I wish I knew I was dreaming while it was happening, it should have been obvious because I can't even touch my fucking toes without bending my knees

You must lose the self to find the self or you will forever reside in a prison of your own making.


>I dont want to go to jail

Don't do it man. If you can't handle life no fucking way you'll be able to handle prison.

Put it this way, renting your ass out to some rich homofag is way better than being a prison bitch.

Don't do it pls

in prison you have zero responsibilities
you just have to sit on your ass all day
no bills, no job, no stress

Get a friend to shoot you

Bury your body and cover it with a layer of lyme. It'll dissolve within a month or two.

Dont kill yourself youre commiting murder and thats against the law

It's simple stoopid. dig hole in the middle of nowhere, climb in, die.