I've completely given up. you're supposed to play the cards you're dealt but what if you weren't dealt any card...

i've completely given up. you're supposed to play the cards you're dealt but what if you weren't dealt any card? god kinda just skipped me when he was dealing them out. anyways i'm kinda over it, i'm still upset that i was never given a chance at a normal life. my shit is unfixable, i need a whole new set of bones lol.

anyways you can come here and just unload, i don't care if i am shit on anymore. say whatever you want it's fine. i'm already 100% sure that i'm less than a 0.0001/10, probably by at least a few factors of 10 but it's kinda irrelevant once you get that far under 1.

stay positive bro

I see you have still made zero effort to get in shape. This is at least 75% of your problem. Meh. You're getting what your lazy ass deserves.


I don't see anything stopping you from getting a girl. If you act like you're ashamed of yourself for whatever reason, people will see that too. Be positive, try to be funny, things will be ok

why would i? you notice how uneven my face is from left to right? the left side is fucking way bigger than the right. this gets worse/more obvious the more weight i lose. it's a lateral move. i wouldn't look any better. just a slightly different flavor of shit

suck my dick

Just get a gym subscription, ask the pros for a program, and do that shit as often as you can take it, and curb the sugar intake.
It's so much easier than it seems.

>given up
>clean shaved

someone shop this faggots frown upside down


i wanted to see how bad it was underneath it all. this pic was me a couple days ago, i just shaved everything today


Normal life is far over rated. What you need is shrooms.

Oh you'll be back complaining here, I have no doubt. You never go through with it you fucking pussy.

>I don't see anything stopping you from getting a girl
i don't know how you can say that.
i know how to lose weight. i lose 80 lbs once. when i saw the loose skin and how asymmetrical my face/skull is i realized it doesn't matter. 0 is 0, nothing will fix that. i've since put on over 100 lbs, at least now i don't have loose skin and the fat softens the glaring asymmetry.

why aren't you dead yet, stop complaining and just do it faggot

What he needs is dick

Yeah and a good dicking of course.

His personality is the problem. Fucking retarded whiny faggot

i wish euthanasia was legal.
i didn't say i was killing myself, i said i gave up. there's a difference probably.

U should shoot up a mall dude. Eirc nd Dylan were cool dudes imo. Class of 99 4eva!

Congrats on making yourself look twice as fat by chopping all that hair.

because euthanasia is illegal and my primitive survival instinct kicks in every time
yeah throw that on top of everything else, it's just maximum unattractiveness. there's never been anyone less attractive than me in the history of the world, i'm sure of it.
i wouldn't ever hurt anyone

yeah the hair was a little bit deceitful

you're breaking my heart man

Looking good Jesus

You've just got something wrong with you dude, seek therapy I've seen people wayy uglyer than you. Your like a 3/4, you work out you could be a 5 maybe a 6 if you get into really good shape. Everyones got problems, best thing is to not be a faggot about it.

>there's never been anyone less attractive than me in the history of the world, i'm sure of it.

That's statistically highly unlikely, but if you are sure it's true you should contact the Guinness Book of World Records.

>so ugly i break peoples hearts
even at your most wildly optimistic, i'd be below average (using the optimists 7 average.)

why fucking bother. also i've already explained why for me specifically that's not true.

You have the advantage of being male. If you're male and reasonably fit, you can still get pussy, even with a rough head.

Actually there have been studies showing that uneven faces are more attractive. Also stop being a bitch op. At least you weren't born in Africa

seems like a lot of work for something that is generally accepted as true. i don't need that proven by guiness as well.

So what's your plan? Where to from here?

that's patently false
proof? and surely there are degrees to it, and i'm beyond the limitations of "attractive asymmetry"

no idea. i feel kinda close but i've been closer.

>At least you weren't born in Africa
being born there would've been great
>more resources than anywhere else in the world
>more habitable area than anywhere else in the world
>amazing wild life and scenary
but oh wait, humanity managed to ruin it and make it as bad as you see it is today. makes you think..

grab gun... load bullet... point to head... pull trigger... win!

>You have the advantage of being male

U given up before u hav tried

OP, I actually know someone who looks just like you and he does quite well with the ladies. Dude is at least as fat as you and he lives in a city that has a horrible male/female ratio and yet his gf is quite decent. While most men in that city aren't getting any. The catch is that he's an outgoing, charismatic dude.

Going to forum filled with friendless losers to ask advice on how to better live your life... Nope, can't see anything wrong with that.

uh, a very specific demographic of humanity...
which is actually a massive disadvantage in 2017

Yeah... we tel him over and over again that it's because he's a jerk, but he insists on deflecting his problems to his "looks." He doesn't get it, never will.

Know what's funny? the Captcha. German-speaking folk will get it. Seriously. This is my captcha for this post.

>being a nig
>not having clean water
Sure man whatever you say

'Extra damage'?
Back to the subject, looks are important but not the most important thing. When I was at my peak attractiveness - ages 19-23, I would get a lot of stares from girls. Some even tried to flirt. I bombed spectacularly all the time. Missed all these signs. Now, in my later 20s, well out of college and at a lame corporate job, I have to work to get attention from girls. At the end of the day, you have to work with the present and continually making up excuses just doesn't help the situation. Furthermore, nobody cares why you are inept, only that you are.

>'Extra damage'?
Yes, as in psychologically. He's beyond repair.

Stale pasta

I used to be just like you. 25, 295 virgin. Here's how you get over that.
Step 1: Get off your ass and stop moping like a little pussy


Step 3: Go outside and walk.

Step 4: Walk around your house if you're too big of a pussy to walk outside

Step 5: Learn how to run for 30 straight minutes in just 6 weeks at 4 times a week.
(Yes, even your sorry ass can do it. I have Osgood schlatter in BOTH knees and I can run for 1hr straight at a 8:30 mile pace)

Week 1:(walk 14, run 1) x2 for first 2 days then (walk 13,run 2)x2
Week 2:(walk 10,run 5)x2 for 2 then (walk 8,run 7)x2
Week 3:(walk 6,run 9)x3 for 2 days, then (walk 5, run 10)x2
Week 4:(walk 1 run 14)x2 (walk 1, run 20, walk 1, run 8)
Week 5:(walk 1, run 25, walk 1, run 3)
Week 6: Congrats, you're not a worthless piece of shit.
Once you can do that don't go for speed, go for time. Personal best is 90 min but
don't stress it. This is only designed to get your heart used to long periods of exercise. If you want to run more or the pace is too slow for you work out more a week, but try not to skip.
ANYONE can do this, trust me it works and you would be amazed as the pounds shed off. I suggest weighing yourself before and after the 6 weeks. You will also notice a HUGE confidence boost after all of this. TRUST ME!


Props for suggesting walking as a start. Walking is seriously underrated.

Well just going out and running is stupid ESPECIALLY if you're a lazy fuck of any size. Without it you either:
have a heart attack and die
pull something
get discouraged that you cant run for a long time and quit

Walking is more for getting the muscles stretched and to get your heartbeat up a little.
It's always nice to walk for 1-2 min anytime before you start to run.
Remember kids, you're not Usain Bolt, you're trying to just become a better you.