Can I live off this? is it healthy?

Can I live off this? is it healthy?

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Yes just drink 5 every day

you know what they say, if it's brown, it's a nigger

you know what they say, love is blind

you know what they say, uhhhhh... gay?

watch general sam's soylent challenge. probably the only real one ive seen

If they are healthy depends on what you compare them to, what do you usually eat?

It's probably a lot healthier than ramen/pizza/other highly processed foods, but I do imagine it contains a lot of artificial stuff, especially sweeteners, which might not bee too healthy in the long run. Just check the vitamins and minerals (remember to check up what vitamins to be looking for, as it might not include all) and that they cover your daily needs, if they do, and the alternative meals you'll have is some of the ones I listed above, I'd say go for it, just pay attention to how you feel


yes goyim, drink soylent as it is good for the body, become a good soyboy for (((us)))

tldr of the vid i told you to watch. its a meal replacement for a lifetyle on the go where you dont have time to make food, but if you try and live off of it you wont get necessary nutrition and will most likely be tired a lot

These are the same as the Nutrament, Ovaltine, or whatever nutrition/sport shakes that have been in drug stores forever. The only difference is millennial style marketing for today's faggot generation.

>soylentgreen is people

word, i think im going to stick to ensure. i won a lifetime supply when I was 8 and im still getting boxes every month

It's brown, not green you cuck.

You can try but you gonna get malnutrition, or worse => cancer from long term synthetical vitamins. Look it up, studys show it already. Also, you will mias oit on healthy things like whole grain. Also because you dont have to chew, many budyfunctions lose impact. If you are 70 or older, you gonna get stuff like this IV. Enjoy food while you can.


Specially made for OP


> cancer
Wtf won’t give you cancer these days. You have mother fuckers saying that eating pussy will give you cancer.

No and no.

The guy who invented it drank it for 30 days straight and he was fucking dying by day 30.

Face was red as fuck and he look severely ill.

I wouldn't even touch that shit.

