Hey can someone in room #400 stop blasting with speakers i cant sleep you jackass

hey can someone in room #400 stop blasting with speakers i cant sleep you jackass

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We take over this place!

Where is this place? Is it even real?

around south africa

Proper Dredd flashbacks.

no fuckyou partyhard in here. You not invited cause of whitey skin bitch pay money money

Room #684 here.
Larry do you mind if I borrow your cup again? I can't find my fucking cup.

Sure! I'm coming there

Holy Shit! That's a badass apartment complex you live in! I'm so Jelly!

Room #677 here

If anyone has seen Larry recently please remind him return my cup he borrowed

Oy vey! Rent just went up

landlord here.

im gettin rich with all the real estate rent goin up. btw if u need something visit room #111 i live there.

Room #245
Can anyone please deliver back the dildo you stole last night?

Looks like straight out of that awesome new Blade Runner

#677 again...

Ask Larry.

woyld make an amazing hotel

hey larry here i dont have the dildo but im returning the cup

why is there an anime girl

It's an awesome building, such a shame that it's been left to rot. Designed so apartments had light from 2 sides, each flat would have been very comfy with nearly everyone getting direct sunlight at some point during the day.


shhh.... thats my apartment

Room #677

Thanks Larry! Best janitor ever!

In the same image a few months ago I spotted it too

#386 here. I think I can see someone standing on their balcany rails above me. Can any 400's see anything?

Room #415 here. I'm cooking meth at the moment if I move from this table to look out the window we're all going up in flames

Friendly old lady #677 again...

It look to me Joe is having another episode. I'm sure a #400 will confirm

#401 here can confirm.

#677 here

#415 let me know if you need any more of my meds to finish the cook

#666 here, if no one get dubs i'll burn the complex.

time 2 blaze it ame I rite guys??


Works so well for nazis

#677 Here

#666 you even try and I'm letting my cats out allowing them to shit all over your room.

Room #101 here, please ignore the screams of pain. I'm trying to get this guy to answer what 2 + 2 is equal to.


#415 I'll have to run to the drug store on my mobility scooter

that's what happens when niggers are allowed inside

Jesus Frank. We all know you are raping again. Your excuses are just fucking terrible.

Also, where tf is Larry? Still waiting on that cup. Niggers gotta drink.

Old lady #677

It's ok Scott if you can get your wheel chair up the step I'm happy to give another cup

Which one of you keeps hogging the same phone line we can all hear you faggot.

is 4. Minus 1 that 3. Quick maths

It's probably Martin again he's obsessed with those hooker chat lines...

Wondered how long until someone worked out the meme.

I chose to ignore it because I'm not a fagg

>Note to self... blow up room 111

Thanks Betty.
U wan sum fuk while I'm there?
I'll return cup tomorrow.

S... Senpai... That's... That's our secret... You p... promised you wouldn't tell.....

Jews will not be happy user.

No problem scott, having you leg blown off hasn't stopped you from storm the trenches before, you silver fox

Can my dephormed, brain dead, unbathed niece ride on your scooter? Shes stinking up the place and I sold her scooter for my little tikes chemistry set

You're right... shit on welcome mat of room 111

>woyld make an amazing [spoiler]suicide spot.

Old lady Betty #677

Of course she can it'll stop everyone looking at me for smelling like piss

it's photoshopped

Drug dealer from the penthouse,you poorfags are making way too much noise

>Room #001
>Shit interior
>At least I don't have walk down 32 flights of stairs...

Ponte towers, Johannesburg, South Africa

Room #653 here my ceiling is leaking wtf going on up there

First world problems.

Betty from #677

653 you live underneath a brothel what do you expect

>First world problems.
If you think having the first room in this place is good..

#555 here. Could #575 please close their blinds? Nobody likes to wake up with their coffee and see a naked 400 lb neckbeard dancing to Barbie Girl.

#444 here, has anyone seen my bicycle I left it outside my apartment yesterday and it seems one of you niggers stole it.

The Google-Mitsubishi Heavy Industries paramilitary are back on their stem-cell raids, stay inside

I think they're using Facebook-Samsung tactical neural implants though, they'll probably smell you out if your genotype is right

Africa's anus

holy shit! WTF is this? a bee's nest for humans? where does this exists? I'm impress and in a bad way. It reminds me of a prison.

south africa, it's a housing project experiment that went badly wrong

Yeh, in africa. Saw it on a doco. The nogs throw all their rubbish into the hole in the middle.

just google "south africa housing project weird" or something like that

If you're #555, then I'm #666...

that wasn't a good google query, sorry

it's called Ponte City Apartments, Johannesburg though

Maybe YOU photoshopped her out

Found a short doc on this building. I like it in a weird way. I woun't mind renting for a few months.


could be a nice map for csgo

SA Police here we know what kind of porn you #684, #677, #245 have been watching and that shit should be illegal.

Betty from #677

Perhaps it should be illegal... But you're the main star now bend over while Scott from #684 rams his leg stump up your mangina

nonsense here's some cooldrink money

What would happen if I took off the mask?