She got into all 8 ivy leagues. Her IQ is higher than yours


She's an anomaly. It doesn't effect me

She'll always be a worthless stinking nigger

If she's so smart then why is she a nigger?

If she had a high IQ she wouldn't be a mother of 2 by age 21

Besides, I got into Harvard as a white male

Affirmitave action

like Neo from the matrix?

If only I were a designated poster cunt for progressive values and affirmative action existed for whites.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand there is no way this article is race-related.

>from Guyana
>literally looks like a guy named Anna
can make this stuff up

What did you major in and how was there any sort of grade inflation? How did you like it there?

affirmative action


k selection makes some seriously dude looking bitches

I hope she uses her intelligence and this great opportunity to achieve great things, to the benefit of all of mankind.

Yes, so? It doesn't affect that the average black person won't be able to do this. Genetically there's no big difference between whites and blacks because they've mixed so much. So this means that maybe 5% whites have the nigger IQ genes and that 5% blacks have the white IQ gene.

TL;DR: Good for her. Doesn't change anything though.

Law for one semester

then I dropped out to work at McDonalds because I'm retarded

>what is normal distribution
>what are outliers

She also gets every single admissions advantage in the known universe. Maybe if she were a trans lesbian she would get even more.

This sounds made up. What made you drop out

>mfw white and got into all 8 ivy league schools

She should go back to her own country and make it better instead of staying in countries that are already well off without her. She's only contributing to a more unfair and divided world.

There's only one Ivy League, you idiot. This is why everyone thinks America is stupid.

>got in due to grades?
>got in so ivy league schools met diversity quota?

Thanks affirmative action >_>

She mostly end up with a white bull, so blacks lose anyway.

I'll take affirmative action for $400 alex


this one too

and this one

>feeling accomplished because you received preferential treatment in admission to colleges solely because of your shit-brown skin color
Wow! What a magnificent feat!

they add 200 points to black SAT scores and remove 50 from asians

Affirmative Action is, ya know, a thing. We get these kind of articles every year:

>he's also black

Guaranteed you'll see this exact article every year for the rest of your life and it certainly isn't because Africans are intellectual giants.

What's bell curves, precious???

>muh "look at this one chimp who got a college degree!!1" meme

>while Stanford has placed her on its waiting list

This is the amazing part. Makes me respect Stanford a lot more. I guess it's the new most exclusive school.

Notice they don't give her SATs.

Um getting into a good college doesn't require a high IQ. Unless you are really dumb, it's just about hard work.

Shit like this makes me mad

Fuck affirmative action

she's not the single mother you fucktard

>single mother of 2 at 21

literally affirmative action bullshit

aww what a waste

you just got the get

Yeah my bad

read it too fast

Good for her.
If only all niggers were like her.

Thanks for wasting the get, my white friend.

honorary aryan


This only makes the headlines because it's a rare event. If she were a white male, it would just be Tuesday


Fuck you Argentina.

ooooooooooooh girl

>Wasting hitler's sextuples
>Giving cuckpope to the world
>Couldn't protect based nazis
>not even white
Is there a single thing in which argentina hasn't failed?


Argentina/Jamaica - 5:0

Other than that - everything, ever.



I don't know, calling out a supposed harvard attendee on his inability to enact even basic reading comprehension seems like pretty good use of the get to me. Post-Trump Sup Forums has flooded the retarded American quota well above its limit.

She took the place of a more-qualified White person, whose cultural inheritance was stolen by Marxists to give to an inferior nigger.

>being black and getting into Ivies
>being able bodied and winning in the Special Olympics
>having legs and winning a race aganist people in wheelchairs
>speaking Spanish natively and being the most fluent in a Spanish class full of white kids


she's still a nigger



Good for her! Seriously.

Any other points you'd like to make? No? Alright enjoy your shitty thread.

I bet she will go into gender studies


shilling for the Argentinian girl