Time magazine lists 15 most influential website. Reddit #14... can't seem to find Sup Forums anywhere...

Time magazine lists 15 most influential website. Reddit #14... can't seem to find Sup Forums anywhere. We used to do MARBLECAKEALSOTHEGAME and now we are forgotten.

Teh fuck hoppen?

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Sup Forums was the place to be when it was the wild west, when no posts were saved, and IP were not being handed over to law enforcement. Moot, under pressure from the feds, agreed to begin cooperation then cashed out and left. What is left is a parody of what was.

I mean its not wrong is it? our baby is a shell of its former self, we only do something funny and news worthy like once a year.

Fancer druginlabriolo trifnsdj ghuhugneheirgesselschlagen - hoop hoop deverdor


I christened myself Cancey Boy, is that a problem?

nah my boy

Other boards still retain their former glory but as far as Sup Forums goes, it's just a cesspit. And not in the "Sup Forums was always bad" kind of sense, it's just spam, shitposts and watered down porn, every day of every week.

Do yourself a favor and find a better board to call home.


It was either that of "Pants" McGuillicutty, nicknames are in short supply out here....

Question for ya - should I crap my pants to get sent home from work?

I dont want to leave...

Do you think we can save Sup Forums with catposting?

only on Caturday, dipshit

What about Sharvantrarius Wednesday?

and this

Also, after Internet Hate Machine & Chanology we got flooded with fucking normies and Stormniggers who thought 2edgy autismos were being serious about Hitler and shit.

>Every day is Caturday!


A jew paper refuses to acknowledge the power of Sup Forums and weaponized autism. And you are surprised? Of fucking course they wont mention us. God forbid they steer more people into our fold.

Because the media is completely unbiased and always objective.


/soc/ faggot

Time magazine has a huge bias like anything else mainstream. Don't bother with them.

It is called Social Engineering fuck wad. I thought you young idiots were hip to this shit.

Now a days it is shit-posting in literal sense on Sup Forums it is fucking annoying

5 youtu.be/HZ_qRVv-aCg

We don't do shit anymore. Earlier today we "raided" a youtube video, and the result was like 3 stupid comments. Here's the video, for reference: youtube.com/watch?v=BmCHzE10vAw

Just fucking look at how pitiful that comment section is for a "raided" video.

Sup Forums had a hand in getting Trump elected president, so there was that.

No, Sup Forums PRETENDS they had a hand in getting Trump elected. Trump won by a large margin, even without the votes from American Sup Forumstards and the very few people they convinced he still would have won the election overall.

It's a placebo effect where they pretended over and over again and eventually something big happened and they shit their pants assuming they had done it.

most influential of all time, or most influential currently? over the history of the net you could definitely argue Sup Forums has been more influential, but at the current moment not so much

also, reddit is a targeted advertising platform masquerading as a forum, while Sup Forums is a neonazi shithole. at least, according to the media

>he doesn't into meme magic

it isn't real