I have acquired generic brand Xanax. What's the best way to take it to get maximum effect?

I have acquired generic brand Xanax. What's the best way to take it to get maximum effect?

Put it in your asshole

cool bro

Be drunk

1. Get a large glass of water
2. Take two Xanax, with water
3. Jump under a moving train

Unironically this, otherwise on an empty stomach with some grapefruit juice and alcohol.

okey doke

best ways are simply swallowing or stick it up your butt, where butt is only a little bit more effective so it's not really worth it

snorting is pretty ineffective

oh and btw, don't do too much, you dont wanna black out

What does it do to you?

Always had a 50% increase in concentration when playing videa

Snorting doesn't actually get you any higher with benzos.

you should crush it up and snort it in a couple of lines

split it in half. put one half under the tongue, and crush then parachute the other half

That is if you can handle the taste--Xanax is some of the most vile bitter-tasting things imaginable.

I'm just kidding just dissolve the whole bitch in your tongue or parachute the whole thing. depending on your tastebuds. I disgustingly love the taste of Xanax under my tongue

Take tablet(s) with a glass of water as the drug was intended.

Only idiots and junkies crush up and snort pills. An overwhelming majority of abused pharmaceuticals have far more bio availability when ingested orally.

also xanax is fucking dumb. just expect to be very groggy and pass out.

Niggger, parachute is for things that come as powder. If its already a pill, you just swallow it.

you crush it up so it gets absorbed faster "nigger"

Cunts don’t know anything...

Benzos have terrible bio-availability when insufflated. If it’s a brick just break it in quarters and swallow it. Could crunch it too.

nice bait


If you want to be safe/responsible - take with water on a full stomach.

If you want to get barred out - no food, plenty of alcohol, and a little marijuana certainly enhances the calming effects

Use at your own risk kiddo; it doesn't take much to completely black out from xannys, and believe me, that is the LAST thing that you want to do.