So Bush made up some bullshit excuse to go and bomb Iraq for made up "WMD's" and kill thousands of innocent people but...

So Bush made up some bullshit excuse to go and bomb Iraq for made up "WMD's" and kill thousands of innocent people but the moment Trump says he'll wipe out North Korea after Kim Jung threatens to bomb the USA so many Amerifats jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon and call Trump a lunatic and dangerous

Fucking America WHAT THE FUCK

Other urls found in this thread:

Its because Trump isnt going after all that dangerous oil that needs to be under American control of course.

ok i support neither?

>So Bush made up some bullshit excuse to go and bomb Iraq for made up "WMD's" and kill thousands of innocent people but the moment Trump says he'll wipe out North Korea after Kim Jung threatens to bomb the USA so many Amerifats jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon

fyi thousands of americans did the same to bush. the media just had more standards back then in regards to slandering the president so it seemed like it went over better

>call Trump a lunatic and dangerous

its almost like your comparing bush bombing unarmed sand people vs. a nuclear armed force that can actually do damage.

the US has NEVER fought a fair war in its history.

I don't want to get too political here. Let me just say that both Trump and Kim Jong Un are bad.

It's called to many fucking retarded liberals. They are just mad because they didn't get their way like little fucking kids that mommy didn't buy them their toy at the store.

>the US has NEVER fought a fair war in its history.
I hate to break it to you but in war there is no such thing as fair. There are winners and losers. That is all. God fucking retarded liberals.

I vote we blanket the entire country in nuclear radiation. Also, the middle east. And then lets explore space and find aliens to fuck and kill. GG universe

>the middle east

it's a shame the fuckers have the oil. then maybe muslims wouldn't be such a fucking problem

Offering some clarity: we have two unstable individuals--very similar in their lack of willingness to accept reality as it is rather then how they feel it should be. Both are leaders. Both are very dangerous on the world stage. Both behave without ration or well thought reason; both lack the basic minimal requirements of the position.

In Un's case, he avoids this by killing those who even consider dissent. In Trump's case, we all rely on generals and "grown up's in the room" to supervise the adult baby president. Bush was by the least qualified president, until Trump took over. Dubya looks like a genius compared to this man. Other world leaders make fun of his lack of vocabulary and understanding of basic issues, while his administration demonstrates time and time again the complete lack of competency.

I'm just sayin' these two should date, is all.
You complete me, kind of vibe...

and i mean in saying that the ragheads and the west is obviously fighting over the shit and it's just leading to the spread of islam as the innocent goat fuckers flee the country

for just one fucking second, what do you think people would be doing if trump had won the popular vote by over 3 million ballots but lost on a technicality... would all the trump fuckers be totally cool with that, i wanna know how you feel about this or what you think the world would be like if this were the case.

They would still be a problem, but we wouldn't have to deal with it. at least not immediately.

Would they be happy about it? no. Would they whine and cry and piss and moan about it for forever? no. Not sure what your point is.

I'd say that Trump set himself up for the media's take on him. Do you understand how painful reading transcriptions of things he's said is? His blatant disregard for grammar already set him up to be perceived as incompetent. The media is just working with what they've been given because it gets people interested and gets them more money. Can't really blame the media considering that they're a business. I'm not saying that Trump is an idiot, I'm just saying that he has the grammar of one.

I also remember years ago watching Trump start internet arguments with other famous people on Twitter. That probably explains my vague sense of unease over his presidency. Not to mention the only other option for president. What a strange time to be alive.

how many vaginas or boi pussies would the ideal alien have? I may be on board for this plan.

And, since the media can't get over the context and move on to the actual content, nobody with a brain gives a shit what they have to say. it makes for entertaining snl skits, and nothing more. But at least the liberal morons feel better when they get to bash on trump for calling someone a loser.

what about tails? I want me a bitch with a tail or two.

I wanted to know if you believe that they wouldnt be whining and crying like pussies
>they absolutely would be.
their fucking guy is in office and yet they still whine and cry like pussies cause them libtards are questioning the legitimacy of these rules and this government and are not sucking on the tit of the new administration.

Basically my point is that if you honestly believe that if the tables were turned, trump and his shit base of supporters would take it laying down, you're god damn delusional.

How long would it take Musk to develop a tail that humans can insert into their sex organs to achieve alien tail sex? And where can i fund this?

Nobody wants North Korea "wiped out". I'm sure they don't enjoy being forced to live the way they do. That's like trump saying "oh yeah? I'll kill your innocent people!".

I wonder why North Korean citizens and military dont rebel though...

Liberal media user. They own almost all of it. Every TV show, every news station, every movie, all of it, with few, if any, exceptions. He never had a chance where the media is concerned. Politics is ingrained in media these days and they want their power back. They're going make god damn sure you think the worst of Trump and the party behind him to ensure a change of power next election. The question is, will it work? That's yet to be seen. It won't be for a lack of trying.

Propaganda is a powerful tool and people are very open to suggestions with enough repetition. Media basically dictates what most people watching it believe.

That jackass could stumble on the solution to poverty, and the liberal media will turn it into Trump's plan to enslave some people people of color, and gas the rest and tons of people will just outright believe it, no question. Just like they thought Trump was going to deport all immigrants and or jail them during the elections. I knew people who were scared to death, like this was a real life threat coming for them no doubt. That's how powerful news media is. A large majority of people do not question it. Thankfully, and not because I like Trump, I don't, our voting system kept Hillary out, most people voted for her because most people were told to while painting Trump as the next Hitler.

The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.
The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.
The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.
The rule of unanimity: presenting one's viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure, and by 'psychological contagion'.
The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

Because even thinking about rebelling will get you put into a work camp or put into forced labor across other countries. Not only that but if they punish one person they often just punish the whole family too. North Korea also pushes propaganda that paints the Kims as some demigod Christ figure. The rich are brainwashed and the others are loyal because of brainwashing and fear. North Koreans are victims of Kim, but hey let's fuck em all to death.

trump is setting the ground for his own propaganda and is constantly going after the press because he makes a fool of himself daily, but sure everyone else is the bad guy.

Ya know a lot of this is the liberals fault, they made fun of stupid people for so long that the stupid people are desperate to be strong again. I'm sorry they hurt you user. We can do better.

If it comes down to it, if they Kim's gov poses a threat, I'm ok with them paying for it before I have to. I always think of myself first, and I do that with zero shame. As far as I'm concerned, I'm the most important person in the world, I'll sooner kill everyone on earth than give my life for anyone. That said, I'm not down for pointless suffering. I'll only be on board in the face of a real threat. It's them or me at that point, bomb away. Flag waving time. America fuck yeah, and all that.

The only reason NK is a target is because they don't have a Rothschild backed central banking system in place. Iran doesn't either. They will be next.

Bush didn't make it up, it was some shitskin informant giving bad information that for some reason, despite being known for giving shaky information, was taken at his word by American intelligence.

But he won, so we don’t have to. So lead by example and quit being a bunch of crying pussies.

I didn't say, or imply, they're bad, guys or otherwise. I just said they have their agendas, it's very obvious if you pay attention. I can't remember the last TV show I watched that was embedded with liberal politics and ideologies. It's woven throughout the scripts, all of them, every show, every movie, all it. It really is a team effort. This all started before Trump, it's just escalated to a new level after his election,he wasn't supposed to win, they all knew he wouldn't, or so they believed.

Fuck them all, both sides are wrong left, and right. What really matters is what your' perspective is.

>news channel airs video of people chanting "Jews will not replace us", some of which are carrying Nazi garb

Typical liberal propaganda, showing us exactly what pieces of shit we are enabling

Bush also had 9/11 to play on people's emotions.

Trump doesn't have anything like that. If and when NK fucks up, he will, but not until then.

Hey man, i get it, it just is a shame that a bunch of people who have no control over this situation are going to get fucked to death because of two Autistic cucks having a penis measuring contest.

If, IF, NK actually is to be so bold then retaliation is obvious and there is no more NK, but what will be interesting and far more scary is what would happen next?

Would the world stand behind US as it has and understand the justification if we were to retaliate, or even strike first?

I think the Fallout could harm SK, Japan and China enough to hurt all relations there, And how Russian would it be to use this opportunity to paint america as a bad dog lashing out and ask who will america bite next?

Seriously after all the political bull shit i think only France of all counties would have our back when the world turns against US. the future is fucking weird.

Liberals are engaging in discourse and actively participating in democracy, ya know like how Americans have been since the before the 1770s.

On the other hand...

Trump heavily implied rebellion if he lost, trumpfags would be taking up arms (the ones that Obama never took away) the day after the election had the shoe been on the other foot.

Hillcunt was horrible and the DNC needs to burn for it, but Trump and his supporters are living in a fantasy where they think they are the normal people while everyone else is telling them that they are wrong.

They were changing "you" not "Jews".

I wanna buy you a beer and talk more about this.

Bush wasn't a retarded monkey, he was a monkey but not a retarded monkey. Bush has an IQ of something like 142, he was just shit at public speaking and inherited some really shitty stuff and generally just disorganized.

North Korea has been threatening the USA for decades, there's no reason to believe they would actually attack us unless sufficiently provoked. There's no reason to provoke them, their economy is shit and China has control of them. Bush wouldn't have provoked them in this way, they are a nation of people.

The war on terror may have been code for let's go kill middle eastern people, but it wasn't "let's wipe out Iraq" which implies civilian casualties.

Trump is pushing more buttons and people don't like that, because it's a pointless puffing up because he thinks his dumbass art of the deal shit will work on an international scale.

I've been thinking this for a while, that he is trying to have his own 9/11 moment, ie instant loyalty from the american people, but at what point will we just not buy it and blame his incompetence for any major attack? His time frame for this might be up, a common enemy could unite the american people but even after 9/11 bush lost the confidence of the American people pretty quickly.

I genuinely can't tell, are you trolling? Your writing is so intentionally inflammatory and laden with vague buzzwords and the obvious association fallacy that it doesn't seem like a real opinion.

It bothers me because I've seen real living people say similar things and I always assumed they were misrepresentitive of the actual population. This thread though is so full of such irrational statements that it is somewhat disconcerting.

Actually, it seems so inflammatory and divisive that it almost seems intended to influence you. Are people doing this intentionally, or did idiots discover this phenomenon coincidentally? I can't remember threads this bad for the last election but I also can't tell if I've just learned more about reasoning and rhetoric and am just cognizant of these kinds of statements.

Anyways, loosely related but does anybody know any good unbiased news sources? I've heard the economist is good but that's all. The only news source I tend to read is ars technica since they're pretty good about being objective most of the time.


Do you understand ‘tough talk and bluff’?
Or perhaps it suits libtards to again bang on about shit.

funny when liberals think the north korea situation is because of trump lmao goes to show liberals really are the retards of the earth

lol yea ok fucking retard. keep burying your head in the sand and pretending your party isn't heavily influenced by this kind of scum.

if NK successfully lands a missile against the US, he'll be blamed for it as he was directly involved in escalating the conflict.

any sort of rando terror event or catastrophic disaster and he'll just be called out on his predictably awful response to it.

And that is how Sup Forums turned into Sup Forums

North Korea has been an issue since the Korean conflict, no one is denying that, Libtards are saying that escalating it is a stupid idea while Trump is flooring the pedal. Where do you buy your drugs?

but the solution to poverty is to enslave some people and gasd the rest...

how many trap threads does poll have per/ minute?

Isn't that plot of Resident Evil?

generally speaking I'd agree with you. the solution to poverty is indeed to cull the kind of people who are perpetually impoverished.

>jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon

they hated him to begin/ already anti trump or are DNC controlled media outlet. What do you expect people that chant "no trump no wall NO USA AT ALL" might as well be chanting death to america.

but obango Capet bombing the middle east for 8 years. The left and the anti trump zealots said nothing


>implying that partisan politics is meant to be coherent
kys commie

Mostly, libtards, being ziocucks, are disappointed that the war effort is shifting away from taking on muh russia in Syria and elsewhere.
libtardism has jumped the shark

Have you considered placing caps on the free market and a slight redistribution of wealth in order to strengthen all classes below the 1%

most far left was very critical about the use of drones because they didn't love that it was happening at all, how ever it was a far better alternative to the lefties at lest than putting soldiers on the ground .

Funny who Hillary lost with the popular vote to Obama the left was fucking SILENT

meanwhile the left muh 3 million votes which can be accounted to 1 state. In which in a dozen counties over 100% of the voting age people up to 143% in one county.

getting 100% of the people to go out and vote is statically impossible, little lone more men women in the population of voting age

they tried to steal it, to many turned out
just look at Chicago, again more votes then voters !

then all the things like voting machines counting votes for Hillary when voting straight Republican , the massive voter fraud and voter registering fraud cases, Democrats officials being arrested for voting more then once . getting arrested. Democrat voter registration drives getting raided by state police . Democrats cough on tape braking election law etc... the left crickets

yells Russia hacked the election say sure lets investigate, left yells nooooooooooooooo, and resists the investigation in to voter fraud at every turn, because they know

I mean come on when you have DNC officials on tape talking bout busing people around to vote repeatedly, still does register with the libtards

Have you considered that no matter how much redistribution of wealth you do, there will always be a very large class of people too lazy and/or stupid to accomplish anything of value, and will be further rendered obsolete in the coming decades of service-sector automation?

the DNC hates trump, trump is against the globalist and communist movements the DNC pushes . The DNC controls the media , which is easy because 6 companies control 90% of the media, thanks to Bill clintion

holy shit you sound like my illiterate racist conspiracy theorist Trumper uncle Ray lol.

Republicans don't know how to boost the economy without starting a war.

>American left
top zozzle, m8

what is it with american conservatives being so illiterate when it comes to global politics and the US's place on the spectrum?

not true buddy. just, uh... give the rich a bunch of tax cuts and it'll totally trickle all over the faces of the poor, or something.

few things, this picture is factually inaccurate. but who cares.
Hillary supporters were very fucking angry, vocal and are likely now many of the women who voted from trump.
Hillary could not have beaten john mccain. DNC neeeeeeeeeeeded the youth and minority vote to win, Obumma got them that and played nicely with the big downers

Have you considered that due to the advancements in automation and innovation that labor jobs will soon become a thing of the past and the socialism is inevitable.

Comparing to democrats vs a democrat and a fucking nut job

Like it has in the past. Whatever, cocaine was big in the Ronny Bush years, i wonder if it will make a comeback.

we keep talking trump ignore the Clintons and Obama crimes

MSM ignores the all Democrat scandals and Democrat officials getting busted for pedo charges etc...

Have you considered that a much more realistic possibility in the absence of post-scarcity is widespread revolt culminating in another world war that culls hundreds of millions, possibly several billions of lives?

they wouldn't be burning shit down and assaulting men women and children of every race and religion like antifa and BLM

the media pretty much in a DNC run state run media, we make fun of in other countries, not even remotely like a real free media when you told hate trump or find a new fucking job

It's weird because Donald literally has bragged about walking into underage girls dressing rooms and groping them and has acknowledged raping his ex-wife under oath. So even if the fabricated shit that is on the left were true, would it matter? The current president publicly values pedophilia and is comfortable with rape.

probably because the least bit of research into virtually all conservative conspiracy theories shows them to be 100% made up or misleading bullshit.

you know why no real news outlets covered the Uranium One deal? because it's a literal nonstory, you dumb conservacuck.

meanwhile the radical left / alt left chants the equivalent of death to america and they are champions of the Democrats, with media backing

I mean, i'm okay with this option too, it's October 23rd, it would be the perfect day for this scenario.

just remember the KKK is a democrat party institution

I don't think you have the slightest idea what actual state-run media is or the kind of countries that employ it.

How many American journalists have been murdered in the past decade for speaking against the government or its leadership, hm?

>and they are champions of the Democrats
you know how I know you watch and listen exclusively to right-wing propaganda?

yea because FBI reports and results of FBI investigations are conspiracy theroys

They would be bombing Mosques and planned parenthood clinics, gay establishments, running down hippies with cars and spreading fear among gun owners that the sky is falling. Oh wait that's all the normal shit that the far right is already doing and will continue to do until they are removed.

like how Russia modeled in the election?

you mean like the fake rape accusers the worked at the Clinton foundation etc, that vanished overnight after the elections, and the women who was offer $10,000 to accuse trump came forward

and the gab by the pussy comment talking about a women whom admitted on national tv , that she flirted with him, and found him, incredibly attractive at the time and to date who has nothing bad to say about him...

reporter calling every staff and contestant going back 20 years, offering a 3 million dollar bounty on dirt and nothing but made up bullshit

>far left
>the left
Found the democrat shills

see above

I don't think you have the ability to conceptually understand soft power.

becouse things like FBI documents released under foya requests and Wikileaks emails , whom both podesta and Hillary confirm are 100% legitimate are to hard to read for libtards who do not want to see anything outside their fake news echo chambers and their hatred of trump fuck the cesspool of corruption that is their own party.


We should have taken out North Korea long ago. Now we'll need to take out China too to do a proper job.

MacArthur was right - NK is merely a Chinese puppet state. Beijing must be made to kneel.

the fucking DNC put out booths ave give out snacks and fucking water for them. Democrat groups organised and fund them, the Democrat controlled media praises them ..

its a commonsense observation to those who are not indoctrinated by the left

A trustworthy source.

are you another one of those mogoloids who purposely ignores the democrat-republican party platform shift that occurred from the early1900s through the mid 1960s?

the KKK was formed by southern democrats in 1865, back when they were the conservative party.


yea meanwhile Hillary laughs when trump talked about her backers like Saudi Arabia throwing gays off rooftops... you have leftists mowing own country music concerts, etc

How about DKIM signatures? Is math trustworthy?

Not really though, most liberals were against the idea of Hillary, the DNC caused a lot of this and the people have been telling them to fuck off. The dems have little chance of actually fixing this because their voters hate how corrupt the Dems in power are, hence why the voters tried putting a non Dem in charge of the Dems, the leftist voters want to fix it, the Dems in charge want to sustain the status quo .

This is why trump has a good chance at being reelected, the dems are in bad shape.

We're on, what, the seventh or eighth Party System now, going for the ninth?

>DKIM signatures
Source me up, user. I didn't see any sources last time.

>leftist voters
Know how I can tell you're a democrat shill? You keep calling liberals leftist in order to recruit the right in your aim to erase the populist left.

Security poobah Rob Graham admits, against personal partisan interest, that the emails can in fact be verified.
http blog.erratasec com/2016/10/yes-we-can-validate-wikileaks-emails.html

yea because the FBI for example is not a credible souse of information , sarcasm