Is there no reason for decency anymore? It seems now more than ever we reward ill behavior...

Is there no reason for decency anymore? It seems now more than ever we reward ill behavior, as long as it garners attention.


The Inquisitor is a joke.

What a cunt



Right on!


I would demolish that puss

Checked and why is this so bad? Are you telling me that a child who has known nothing but welfare her whole life is destined to do something greater than give life to and raise the next generation?

Resource sponge. Better to euthanize and ensure society is more productive overall.

>why is this so bad?
Seriously? The utter lack of responsibility, the living off of everyone else, and perpetuating that?? The system is supposed to be a safety net, not a primary support system. Someone has to pay into it.

>mfw when corporate benefit abuse outweighs the costs of this type of behaviour by more than a hundrer times

is it the end of our white rodeo?


Dont listen to this crazy ass white dude fuckin ill behavior trivia bitch!

Well, the thing is Dr.Phil was always a big fat bitch. His interpretation of psychology is irritating pandering to right wing sensibilities and I say that as a right wing goddamn terrorgoblin that tears apart vegan threads because I think they want to feminize white children. Dr.Phil is a cunt and she cashed his spent ass out all the way to the bank. She fucking ate his soul and it's pretty fucking funny. Should she be rich? No, but I understand why she had the opportunity.

Ten bucks that's a feminist just hating a white boy tho. Wolcott is a public school district in Illinois, that's blue territory m8.

It's smart people's job to make progress and achieve wealth, it's poor people's job to make the new lives. If either of you were remarkable in any way, you would know that a teeming, attention starved underclass is the perfect substrate to both pass your ideas onto, as well as your own seed. I would get both the mother and daughter pregnant and then teach my son and son-step grandson about the free market. That you two don't understand that means that you're failed (as in, male) underclass offspring.


Society sets the bar, we make them famous, you will get over it like we all did with the kardashians and the hiltons before them.


isn't this more of an indictment of current labor trends?

When a board of people, fully vulnerable to conservative push back, label a certain standard of living to be the minimum duty of the state for a certain quality of life for these degenerates, yet the average worker struggles to obtain it by their own means when negotiating and navigating the labor market... that's rather telling

Sir, so you have appreciated a terrorgoblin at some point ? Can we confirm that?

So every human in the world that is receiving assistance is simply a lazy sponge? You are aware that that is not and has never been true right? Einstein was a fucking drop out. Bill Gates was a drop out. Half the entire history of sports and althetics is full of people from impoverished areas where a welfare check is the only form of income. These people then go on to make millions probably billions and give 50% of it away to charity and other humanitarian efforts. Unfortunately the iq cap isn't limited and exceeded by the rich and wealthy. Most of them are nothing more than pampered and spoiled brats who only know how to read so that they can ask for designer products. Which sounds and awful lot like receiving a fucking handout.

Living off of benefits without contributing to society is not an ideal state for a person to be living in, HOWEVER....

It is absolutely AMAZING how many people with jobs think they're contributing to society when they actually aren't. I have listened to people who make $25k in a call center farm go on this "welfare queens are destroying our society" rant.

It's a much, MUCH larger problem for our society the percentage of jobs there are that just aren't even necessary and pay people a wage just above or just below the poverty line. Those people don't pay taxes, at least not in any amount that matters.

>It seems now more than ever we reward ill behavior, as long as it garners attention.
you can thank capitalism, and the entertainment industry.

>So every human in the world that is receiving assistance is simply a lazy sponge?
Nobody said that. I said it is supposed to be a safety net, not a primary support system, and someone has to pay into it. Having the ability to contribute but choosing not to is an abuse of a system that is intended to support those that need it. The more people that abuse the system, the worse off those that truly need it and the people paying into it will be.

>access to internet

I'm not saying capitalism is bad. it's just the root cause of most of our problems right now.

Every day we stray further from God

>So every human in the world that is receiving assistance is simply a lazy sponge?
The vast majority are. If you need more than 6 months of assistance, you need to be sterilized along with any children you already have.

>So every human in the world that is receiving assistance is simply a lazy sponge?
Pretty much. You have exceptions here and there but if you took that shit away those people would find jobs pretty quick

I hope you never have a debilitating spinal injury that prevents you from working.

well take her easy next time user
i almost jumped over my fence in full body armor, smoke grenaded your general vicinity, and garroted you with a slow poison laced razor wire
apology/explination accepted

6 out of 10 of the largest employers in the United States are fast food companies and big box retail stores who, together, employ over 5 million people. These companies pay minimum wage to the vast majority of their employees, offer no benefits of any kind, and depend on welfare subsidizing their workforce to operate.

Some of them have been caught RED HANDED giving their employees pamphlets and seminars on the best way to lie to government case workers in order to maximize the benefits they receive.

If congress passed a law that said people who applied for benefits but also had a job had to name their employer in the applications of said benefits, and then required yearly reviews to determine how much in entitlements a companies employees received, and then forced employers to pay a significant fraction of those benefits back to the government every year...

YUM! (KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell)

Would all go out of business overnight.

what the hell she get 10 mill for.?

Words of wisdom indeed. May His name bless you at your face and neer an army at your back for OP is forever in faggodomy and must be made clean again

>the root cause of most of our problems right now.


Of course not, but there is a profound difference between receiving assistance because you need it, and receiving it because you won't consider other options.

>for profit insurance/health care industry
>for profit prisons
>corporate personification
>corporate greed

the problem is the people who run the show can never hold themselves accountable, or simply take what they need. if given a position of power, regardless of class structure or economic structure, people will always follow their greed. capitalism has its merits, but those that worship it as many Americans do, will be driven by greed and lose compassion for others. why do people suffer day in day out? for the profits. who suffers? not the people who obtain those profits, but the lowly worker who could be replaced at the slightest insubordination.


At least you're getting SOME joy from what you do for minimum wage.

so confident yet so wrong



what's with the second image? doesn't really display anything new.

now raging as well

couldn't deny that one could you?

it adds credibility to the first one. but i guess no way to check shooped or not or ???

hurr durr

there are ways to check if something has been shooped. and you don't have to have seen many shoops in your day.

why so upset?

then why the confusion?
we understand you were triggered when your samefag narrative had run dry
but please, for the childrens sake

>but please, for the childrens sake
what? usually there's a request after a statement like this. often containing the word "stop" somewhere in there.
>why the confusion
I really don't care to check, because, hey, we're having fun here.

welcome to Sup Forums
pic related: its you before the initiation

am I more famous before, or after?

>using the dropout line of reasoning

You understand that they didn't drop out because of bad academics, but because they had better things going on

>not using adblock

You may have agreed with your mother, not everybody's like that. That girl is not what's wrong with society, maybe ultimate view on mother as something good is what it is.