Your thoughts on ANTIFA?

Your thoughts on ANTIFA?

Mostly cowards. The rest are just plain stupid.

won't even be around in a year

True alpha men.


how so?

Cause the nazis will be dead by then and there will be no need for us. The dumbass bigots left their enrollment on an open webserver and there is already a group quietly killing them one by one. One or two die every night.


>Tolerance Candle
made me chuckle

a bunch of bitches whom think its fun to fight something that dose not exist and speak on behalf of idiots who dont want to be spoken for.
they punch and assault and label people nazi's but none of us are apart of the member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the worst thing is THE LABELED PEPE AS A HATE SYMBOL!

So how exactly are you guys any different than Nazis?

Funny that's exactly what antifa thinks of bigots. Except the antifa are willing to kill and die for the rights and life of others as opposed to death while trying to take away right and life. Do they even realize the futility of their cause? At least the antifa only have a few thousand to kill

We kill nazis

still better than the alt right

terrorists and racists pretending to hate terrorists and racists.



Doesn't matter if you are a member of the party or just some lone fag spouting shit. I'll whisper "bitch" in your ear as you feel my blade pierce your lung and wake you rudely from your sleep.

And after that? Because there's going to be conservatives, libertarians, classical liberals... left and these groups have also been pointed as Nazis couple times even. What happens after Nazis are killed? Does a new group become the new Nazis and the killing continues as long as there's groups left that doesn't align with far-left.

retards trying to fight against "fascism" (people who desagree with their retarded opinion) by being fascist.

Bunch of spoiled little twats. Government should support them and finance their anti-gay rally to middle east. Broadcast their pleas to see their mommies worldwide and not let them back in.

You are killing nazis by becoming nazis yourself? Doesn't that just result in the same amount of nazis in the end?

Anti anti-gay

They advocate for the death of entire races. Far easier to just kill them off and live in peace then allow them to spread.

>we hate nazis, hurr durr
>proceeds to do the exact same thing nazis did

Thanks for proving our point about antifa being a joke.

"we kill nazis" antifa cry when they chip a fingernail

But who's more important?

Oppressed Muslim minority (about 2 billion people) or the LGBT?

You don't want to be an Islamophobe do you?

As long as there is a group fighting to kill entire races and religions yes. We will stand. When we are no longer needed we will return to our normal lives.

How do you differentiate between the true nazis, the memers, and those that only oppose your radical stance?


Could you list me some groups/ideologies that are not Nazis but "want to kill entire races and religions"?

It's a different kind of Nazis, a kind that will never win any war. And even if they did manage to get rid of the "nazis", they are only united in their hatred of the other side. As soon as it would happen, they would start to turn against each other. The ride never ends with special snowflakes, injustice is everywhere, all the time

>implying you have a life.

they kill nazis and its a good thing

This is the kind of retarded logic that fascists spout. Did the Allied forces turn into jew hating nazis because they fought them? Hmm nope.

>As long as there is a group fighting to kill entire races and religions yes.
What about political ideologies?

We don't. Sympathizers die too.

I literally just argued with an antifa supporting liberal fag on a GAME. I didn't know they had the ability to even have a proper argument.
(they didn't provide one)
I was talking about s video showing antifa saying "fuck the troops, fuck the us, fuck capitalism" and I said why do they stay here? Why don't they go to a communist country like North Korea if they love communism so much. His response was basically always "most videos are fake go read a book" or something along the lines. can we eradicate antifa please

>Not an Islamophobe. I hate them not fear them. Don't give a shit about fags though. They are entertaining.

Will get you killed these days but not by my group

Yeah but that was because germany already attacked and threatened most of the world, what you call nazis these days are people with a different opinion.


But 2/3 weren't even sympathizers...

You gate who?

And you have to give shit about fags because they are a minority.

Who are entertaining?

The Allied forces were actually fighting against an army. You're fighting against people having an opinion you don't like. You're literally the definition of a fascist.

Antifa are a paradox. They use violence to oppress free speech...sound familiar? Most are frail cucks that would lose 1 on 1, they need numbers and weapons and even then they remain useless.

Fail troll is fail.

Bing a nazi is by definition a violent act. The core of nazi ideology states that enemies of the nation (PoC, jews, socialists, disabled people, homosexuals.... in the end anyone not directly involved in the nazi party) must be purged. Arguing for this, is arguing for genocide.

Since this violence is at the core of nazism/fascism, they automatically open up for violent opposition.

Opposing nazi ideology should be a no-brainer, and opposing nazi ideology makes you literally ANTIFA.
Being anti fascist should be your base position at all times.

if you htink it's edgy being a nazi, think again. If you think the new nazis are more accepting of deviant sexual orientation, or mental disorder, do some research. Look especially at "the night of the long knives" and the fate of SA leader Röhm.

No pasaran, comrades!

i want to go to an antifa protest, get assaulted, and stab someone... like that bike lock professor fag

Literally( You) and no one you know have even come close to hurting, let alone killing anyone.

No, a group fighting to kill entire political ideologies.
Would you be against people killing all communists and socialists(Communist sympathizers)?


>Thinking communism is the superior ideology
Communists did the exact same thing, including sending gay people to gulag n' shit.

Little boy... as soon as you write out anything threatening like this on the internet no one takes you seriously and everyone is laughing at you. I hope you know and aren't seriously this autistic. Get it together ~ user

LOL try again, I have awards for hurting people. It is my professional job.

Anyone can be included in communism. No jewish person, for example, will ever be included in the perfect nazi state.

Fascists go to gulag, yes. .

>pick one
meme exists for a reason.

>It is my professional job
>My professional job
>Professional job

>I have awards for hurting people.
Pics or it didn't happen.

fåkkin gold star post, user.

Haha, who the fuck do you think you are?

>No pasaran, comrades!

Ahh the true face always show itself at the end. Communists are responsible for over 100 million deaths while Nazis killed 15 million.

And you guys seriously think you are better than Nazis...

2/8 b8 m8


>LOL try again, I have awards for hurting people. It is my professional job.


LOL try again, I have awards for sucking dick. It is my professional job.

There. Fixed it for ya'

your thoughts on Sup Forums spamming \b\ with this faggot shit?

They think theyre different than nazis, and are usually met with much kek when they show up at rallies because no one takes screaming crying babies seriously.

Nazis want to kill people for simply having a different skin colour.

Antifa want to stop nazi's from doing this.

Is it really such a difficult difference for you to wrap your head around? Really?


Both groups use violence to further their political agenda. Glad i could clear that up for you.

pls be bait

>Nazis want to kill people for simply having a different skin colour

Are you stupid?

How many niggers did you see in concentration camps?

Ever heard of Afrika Korps?

WOw this is some try hard shit.

You're making us look bad Sup Forums fag

This must be bait. Nobody is that stupid. Nice try you filthy bridge dweller!

>Proud Cucks

Only thing Nazis and Sup Forums has to do is stay quiet and out of the way. ANTIFA is hated by normal people not because they hate Nazis but because they terrorise innocent people who have nothing to do with Nazis. They attack and torture innocent people who don't want to be part of any group. But this is OK for ANTIFA as everyone who opposes their violence is a Nazi for them.

Bunch of fags. All should be gassed.

Antifa is as obsessed with race as the Nazis ever were.

Antifa want to kill people for simply having white skin.

Nazis want to stop Antifa from doing this.

Is it really such a difficult difference for you to wrap your head around? Really?

You got kapitalism's score off top?

They are the result of pushing back natural selection through advancements in technology.

>white skin obsession

you brought it up

Well it's a fact that Antifa are the enforcers for globalists who want to exterminate the white race.

So now also Capitalists get some Gulag?

See this is the problem with ANTIFA. It doesn't end to Nazis, no, it goes far and beyond from Nazis to Capitalists, Classical Liberals, Neo-liberals, Conservatives, Neo-Conservatives, Libertarians... all of these are "Nazis" for ANTIFA.

And once real Nazis are out then ANTIFA starts to harass these groups because they are the once who got to decide who are Nazis and who are not Nazis. Then suddenly anybody can be a Nazi. Only thing you need to do is to point and shout Nazi.

Oh yeah, where's the funding coming from,who are the leaders of each faction, etc etc

Oh wait it's a grassroots organization possible due to the ever-burgeoning social media sphere, and no, y'all arent Nazis (not even the ones who think you are) you just share ideals with Nazis. As history mandates, kill yourself plz

>Oh yeah, where's the funding coming

george soros you autistic fuck

Logical fallacy

Sorry bud capitalism is just a few stops away from fascism, read up and dont be a bitch, antifa smells white fear from miles away

One dude is a globalist conspiracy? LOL

>muh boogymen
you are seriously retarded

>shitposting is how nazi lovers try to get accepted

how does it feel to know that white cucks will be a minority in US in 30 years and hispanics will be the majority?

They dont call it retard strength for no reason

Judaims is a religion you retard

Exactly because white people need to fear ANTIFA.

It's not matter what political position white people represent, they need to fear and fight against ANTIFA oppression. No one should fear for their skin color.

>george Soros
>survived Nazi German occupation by lying about his faith
>donates in Keynesian fashion

What's the problem though? Antifa?

It's pretty mind-numbing at this point.

How come there were Jewish soldiers in Nazi Germany?

White isnt a race, im white ill kill u

Though I'd rather we sat down and figured this all out

the only people feeling ANTIFA oppression are the neo-nazis

are you a neo-nazi?

>capitalism, the system by which individuals control the means of production, is a few steps away from an authoritarian philosophy
>let's just make THE GOVERNMENT in control of the means of production, also the police, also the military

Enjoy getting shot on the 4th, I'm waiting for you scumbags to stick your heads out. We all are. You can't hide in the dark forever.

>just got through it

you're fuckin dumb m8