Anyone knows....its my new fetish and its almost impossible to find girls with this

anyone knows....its my new fetish and its almost impossible to find girls with this

So you're telling me shadows turn you on?..

Toned ?

it's just a dimple

pinkie or little finger

lol most girls with any sort of leg muscle have it they just need to stand in that kind of position


no, its dimple on the side of the butt cheek...seen in a few girls...thats not a shadow



Wife has major dimples.


That would be called a hand you dum nigger

yeah THAT

those're what muscles used to look like. before everyone got fat.


bad engineering


That's an unattractive female body.

Leg collarbone Google it godamit

Your fetish is women with men bodies?

That's called the iliotibial tract (ITT)
it's not exactly a muscle

Violin hips