Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Cry about it some more why don't you?

Fuck off to your containment board, Sup Forums shill.


R.I.P America

>White Terrorist kills more people at the Las Vegas shooting than mudslimes have killed in the UK in 10 years


For an event to be terrorism related it needs to have a political motive. Las Vegas was simply another unhinged Amerifat with far too easy access to the sort of weaponry that nobody outside of the military needs.

Please look up the definition of the word "Terrorism".

>not realizing it's just the pendulum shifting
Give it time user, the hippies were followed with decades of conservatism and traditional values, which were followed by sexual liberation and pc culture in the 90s, then hyperpatriotic jingoism in the 2000s, now we have sjws. The pendulum will keep swinging from side to side as our culture compulsively over corrects again and again. This isn't the end of America, it's a sign that the swing to the left has completed, and a harsh swing to the right is imminent.

Obama, twice.

>450 acid attacks in England last year alone
fuck off

Already have faggot.

are you a nigger or just retarded

These people are a fringe minority and only exist in super liberal colleges. Most of America is nothing like this and you shouldn't assume it is .

It's my fault, really.
I mean, and i'm speaking concerning our rash of butthurt liberal riots adding in but not wholly about the white terrorism thing, that parents today are to blame.
Prior to the 90s, kids were more likely to respect and fear their parents. Once us 70s kids got older, and were taught maybe corporal punishment was bad and we should talk to kids instead, our thoughts shifted. So we raised our kids in the 90s by listening to them and trying to be rational.
Big fucking mistake. They grew up believing that their opinions mattered and by the time high school rolls around they have this high opinion of themselves. So when something goes down and they have their shitty dumbass opinion, they take to the streets. Social media has only amplified the effect.
Gonna need world war 3 to knock them back down a peg or two.

P. S. Sorry about fucking up the kids. I personally spanked my kids when they were little and nowadays i routinely inform them their opinion don't mean shit, especially because those fuckera aren't paying rent.

They bought niggers.

Are you guys seeing this too? Her earlobes look like puckered up assholes ready to be molested.

that's a face who has no fear of death

Wait, thats a girl??

We gave women the right to vote.

id hit it

What is the white male version of allahu ahkbar?

Anybody who makes less than $100,000 a year shouldn't vote.

white men are terrorists

>tries to look like a white male

ive fucked MANY things, but an earlobe is not on that list.
gonna get the wife really drunk this friday and fuck her ear,
and when i cum in her ear, i will exclaim "can you hear me now??"
