In which country would you rather want to live in if you had to choose for the rest of your life. The UK...

In which country would you rather want to live in if you had to choose for the rest of your life. The UK, Germany or the USA? Language should not be a factor in the decision and travelling is allowed.

No memes please, this is an honest question.


UK because of family history. Germany because of culture and hitler. USA because of freedom



UK because I already live there

The UK because they are our former colonies.

USA because I unironically love the american way and freedome.

pls no bully

>if Germany
they would only respond in English if i don't have perfect German, would never fully integrate
>if Murica
Mexico has destroyed latins reputation so badly they would treat me as a chicano as soon as i tell them I'm from latin america
>If UK
well my family lived there, my brother was born in England and i have English ancestry so i guess i could fit

As a burger, tough choice between Germany and the US; sort of a quantity vs. quality sort of thing. UK is basically the worst parts of the US minus some gun violence and can fuck off.

>they would only respond in English if i don't have perfect German
here, I actually had that happen today. I know my grammar and pronunciation are fine, just a lack of prosody gives me away.

b u t t h u r t

Germany. Americans are too loud for my liking. Brits are reserved but they have sour characters that aren't worth befriending. Germans on the otherhand, seem to have the perfect balance of being reserved while having a friendly and modest character to them.

Come home white man

>politician, actor, Bodybuilder, owns more guns than you'll ever be able to possess and literally lives the american dream

GOD I wish that was me


USA is the fucking shit. You a city person? We've got some if the biggest and richest ones in the world, and even the smaller ones are pretty nice. Rather live in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with incredible natural scenery? Go for it. Tropical island? Sure, can do. Arctic tundra? Got that too, along with everything in between. Born poor? Join the military, do 4 years, invest most of your pay and go to a public university for free afterward, you're set for fucking life. If you go for air force, navy or coast guard you won't even have to fight anyone. Oh, and that military is far and away the best on the planet. Plus there's a big ass ocean between you and any trouble. Canada's basically a containment country for North American French, but they're bro-tier all the same and you can basically go back and forth freely. Mexico has its issues and we like giving them shit, but they're honestly pretty cool too. Once we sort out this prohibition shit they'll be fine. Whatever you want to do with your life, you can find world leaders in that field to work with and learn from. Sure we have a couple major issues, but don't be a degenerate and don't go to college on your own dime and you're golden. Oh, and don't get sick/injured in a backwater. Move to California or something if you have to. The guns thing is a meme, it's just an heroes and criminals killing each other. Net benefit. Same with the fatties, they're around but most people are pretty fuckable. Can find whatever ethnicity you like too, and they all speak the same language and hardly ever want to kill each other. We get the absolute cream of the global talent pool. We've got a constitution that protects the freedoms of its citizens better than any other and a populace that still dreams and believes in itself. We are the vanguard of western (read: human) ideals. UK and Germany are great countries but the glory days are past and everyone knows it. Get on board now, who knows what cool shit is just over the horizon.


it's bigger than the other ones lad

The biggest problem with America is that it's filled with people exactly like this guy

U.S. I just won't be able to handle the change in politics, culture, and politics. I love playing hockey and going out in the mountains and hiking on weekends.

I would also have to give up my guns and large house and pay much more in taxes.

I don't think I'd be able to assimilate


We may not be able to point out Chile on a map but we know the difference between mexicans (Chicanos) and Latin Americans.

Basically Latin American= not mexican.

Its fun to watch them flip out when somebody thinks they are mexican.

And rightfully so. I wouldn't want to be confused for a mexican

If you're a globalist "banker" even democratic republic of Congo will be fine.

good post


I would stay here, but I'd move to Boston I think. I cannot stand CHICago anymore.

As much as I piss and moan and say I want to live somewhere else, I would miss home too much to ever leave.

UK is a shithole unless I could get to Tristan da Cunha. Germany would be good but I need me some wilderness/national parks so I'd say stay in USA.


Better memes

Deutschland obviously

>Schengen area
>high HDI
>beautiful weather, culture and country

Why would i want to live in a fascist proteccionist shithole filled with inbred retards?

t. Joe Smith circa 1960s

Stop deluding yourself mate

>being some retarded cannon fodder for free college while having severe mental problems


Yeah, 82 deaths per 100k servicemembers per year for the last 30 years, that's terrifying. Without even taking actual combat troops out of the equation, that ain't that much higher than being a fisherman or a roofer or any number of other trades. You know you get to choose your job, right? If you get pressured into being aloha snackbar bait it's on you.

Not deluded, just took a long trip recently and after seeing a bit more of it I appreciate what we've got.

USA, Pacific Northwest or New England
Europe is boring.

Yeah but it seems that if you want to go to college is that or selling your soul for a college loan

Thats depressing, instead of investing that much money on military ypu should subsidise education and healthcare, like any developed country in the 21st century

Somebody's gotta enforce global trade laws and all that man. I'm ok with it being us.

No question that our healthcare and education could be improved, but they're huge and complicated things to approach. 320 million people spread out over a massive area. We have tens of millions of country folk (bless their hearts) living hundreds of miles from their doctors. European-style healthcare is not gonna work. And the college tuition issue is basically bureaucracy doing what it's going to when you give it guaranteed money in the form of loans that are immune to bankruptcy. Diversity officers making 200k a year and shit. We basically need to burn it down and start over.

We certainly have problems and those are two of them. The war on drugs and prison system is the one that bugs me most. I just find the good stuff far outweighs the bad, everything mostly works well and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

I have too much pride to flee my country
I'm sinking with this ship.

Even if I have to take 6 gorillion ahmed rapings, I'll stick it to the end. Until we revolt, or our country dies.

How do we save Deutschland?

To be clear, i do support free/heavily subsidized healthcare and education for the US in a general sense. A true even playing field. I just know implementing either is a huge undertaking and have no idea how to attack it personally. We'll figure it out.

we wait until we get the election results

If any of (((them))) get it then Bayern is becoming independent and we enact anschluss.

Germany only if I were born into a wealthy Bavaria family

Somewhere at the border of Austria and Germany.

This is a dream that is too beautiful to come true in this corrupted world.



I hate Muslims much more than blacks

Send divisions of American soldiers (yet again) and give every ethnic German an AR-15 and a burger.


I've been a couple of times and I lived there for a year and I really like Germany

But I also really like Sydney despite that fact that I'll probably never own my own home here

The U.K. and Germany have virtually zero natural wilderness to explore. That's extremely offputting. One of the most appealing things about the USA is its unmatched natural beauty and diversity. I can drive one hour in any direction and be in a vast forest or in rugged mountains.

On the other hand, cities and suburbs in the USA tend to be mediocre compared to old European towns. For the most part, urban development here is incredibly unattractive.

Food is most taisty

>Germany would be good but I need me some wilderness/national parks
Yeah, because Germany totally doesn't have national parks. I have the Eifel national park literally right around the corner (I'm basicallly living there) with a great landscape with lakes and rivers, wild cats and other animals...

Not a bad choice

UK for me. I consider the USA to be a rogue colony anyway. There's also nothing hotter in the world to me than a cute girl with a British accent

Germany > USA > UK

But that's like, my opinion man

You need natural wilderness? Ok then, come out to the western US, we have:
- Bears
- Mountain Lions
- Ticks w/Lyme Disease
- People getting murdered on PCT randomly

There's wolves too but your chances of being eaten by a wolf are virtually 0%.

I'd rather hike around Scotland and enjoy the scenery without worrying about apex predators sharing my camp site. Although, some dudes got killed by a Scottish farmer once, but they were being pricks.

Get a set of bigger balls if you're worried about oversized house cats.

Germany but only if I get to magically learn German without me putting in any effort.

why are you so lazy?

check his flag famalamalam

Nice try Cougar!

Scientific name: Puma concolor
Height: 2 – 3 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder)
Lifespan: 8 – 13 years (In the wild)
Speed: 40 – 50 mph (Running)
Length: Male: 7.9 ft. (Adult), Female: 6.7 ft. (Adult)
Mass: Male: 120 – 220 lbs (Adult), Female: 64 – 140 lbs (Adult)
Did you know: Pumas are primarily nocturnal and crepuscular, being most active at dawn and dusk, and rarely emerging in the day.

Not gonna put in effort for a dead language. Sure I could pretend I roleplay as a nazi or impress my English speaking friends with a language that isn't English... but that's it. German is useless desu.

a big part of my family lives there (they're not hispanic tho (but i am)) so it would be a pretty easy choice

They only attack small children and the elderly. No need to fear them if you are a normal sized adult

>Said no one from the West ever

What part of the US are you in? North-east?
Oh yea there's gators in Florida forgot about that.