Someone get rid of the heart? help me out here lads

someone get rid of the heart? help me out here lads

That.. isn't how photoshop works. Or how life works. That is a image overlaid of a different image. idk how you could even expect someone do show you anything here.

I bet the FBI could do it. If you think about it, there's no reason why it couldn't be done. It's just 1s and 0s. The data is hidden in there somewhere.

that's......that's not how any of this works


Wrong. Here's how this works. Let's say for example the image is a bunch of 1's and 0's like you've said. The original image would look something like 010111100011 for example. That overlay permanently changes the code to something like 010100010011, meaning that you can't get rid of the overlay because the 1's and 0's has been permanently changed.

What the fuck, user? How stupid are you?

Then how is it that the FBI is able to recover "deleted" data from hard drives? It's because the data is still there, even after being deleted. The same principle applies here. The data comprising the original, uncensored image is still embedded in the image itself. It just takes some hefty reconstruction to get at it.


Wrong again. Deleted files aren't truly deleted files. They are able to recover those files because the 1's and 0's haven't been overwritten yet. That's why there are programs that wipe free space.

Gahhhhhhh!! This bait thread man.

jesus fucking christ

what is this about?

here you go man

Dude thinks you can remove an image overlay once an image has already been added. Dude wants to see some girl on facebook that he probably has a crush on or is related to's vagihena.

Exactly. It is 1s and 0s. That is also why the data isn't hidden in there.
The data behind the heart is replaced with the data FOR the heart.

>Unflatten Image
>Select heart layer

There you go.

Underated post

its a screen shot though, wouldn't that make it a whole new image?


That means it literally just copies the data of each pixel. Also means that the data for a heartless version is impossible.

Can someone just scour the internet for the original? Not OP, but I would really like to see it. In exchange: tits

idunno mane