UN Plots War On Free Speech To Stop "Extremism" Online

>The United Nations Security Council wants a global “framework” for censoring the Internet, as well as for using government propaganda to “counter” what its apparatchiks call “online propaganda,” “hateful ideologies,” and “digital terrorism.” To that end, the UN Security Council this week ordered the UN “Counter-Terrorism Committee” — yes, that is a real bureaucracy — to draw up a plan by next year. From the Obama administration to the brutal Communist Chinese regime, everybody agreed that it was time for a UN-led crackdown on freedom of speech and thought online — all under the guise of fighting the transparently bogus terror war.


So it looks like the endgame is in sight now

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump. Don't let this slide.

Can't criticize the jews!

Globalists are coming after us!!!!!1

have a bump but also visit this

Holy shit, check out the UN source for it. Literally can't make this shit up.

>Deputy Secretary-General, Islamic Scholar, Microsoft Executive Launch Day-long Open Debate on Countering Terrorist Narratives


>Islamic Scholar



Haven't we been condemning China f0or exactly this for years

Well guess what, commies do commie stuff

I know Sup Forums has been pretty sad lately because of the American elections but really? Freedom of speech is being killed by our jewish overlords but what people really want to lurk are threads about twitter posts and the american presidential candidates?

thank you UN for being worthless once more.

Call the popo, I don't give a fuck, yo.

Free niggers gas tranny Joos fo life, kitty.

Business won't go along if there's no money to be made. That's the trick to defeating stuff like this.

pol has been absolutely shit recently, identical slide threads everyday
stefan Molyneux
slavs aren't white
really makes you think

just stop replying to retarded shit

Yeah I've noticed wayyyy more of that shit too and they surprisingly often get hundreds of replies

This is it lads.

We're going to have to meme Trump into office for our very survival

It's all disinformation/shill threads to keep stuff like this from being discussed. The plan is a 1 world authoritarian government. That is why nationalism, the family unit, free speech, gun control, third world immigration flooding, race-mixing propaganda spouting from hollyjew, etc...

The puzzle is coming together and it's just like 1984/Brave New World.


Bumping again
Also: Shits amazing really.

Uh... isn't this exactly what Trump has called for? Aren't they just stealing his policy ideas??

As far as I know, though admittedly I haven't read that much into your candidates' policies, Trump has mostly spoken about having the media held responsible for what they publish (i.e intentional misdirection, out of context shit, lies). Freedom of speech on the internet is a whole another matter.

>ctrl+f racism
>2 matches
>MARGOT WALLSTRÖM, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
>Racism, hatred, acts of violence based on Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and Afro-phobia must be addressed forcefully.

Top fucking kek. Everyone else seems to be talking about actual terrorist and she pulls a literal Sweden and says that mudslimes are radicalized because they were called names online.

I haven't read the whole thing yet but most of them seem to want to censor actual terrorists and their supporters. Still bad for absolute free speech but in the end it would mostly be against kebabs.

Ofcourse that's what they are saying now, the problem is once the "platform" and legislature is in place who is to say what can censure and what they can't?

Holy this is getting slid you guys weren't joking
the UN is essentially powerless I very much doubt it that anyone could pull off anymore "hate speech" legislation bull shit in the wake of all the its abuses. Maybe I spend too much time on Sup Forums but something feel's different now, all my friends suddenly are talking about this shit, may confirmation bias but i could be wrong


What are your friends saying?

Saying that trannies are men? Two years of hard time. Welcome to Canada.

Yeah that is always worrying whenever there's discussion about censoring things but at least banning "hate speech" doesn't seem to be their main concern right now, except for Sweden.

Since when does UN has power over anything?

How will they ban all the online 'hate speech' though? People can always swim deeper to darknet, sprout out new chans etc. As long as there's Internet there will be some sort of way to speak your mind.

Nothing extreme like holohaux just the typical WTF is going on when you pull back the thin veneer of media spin on politics. Most of it's been about immigration, nationalism, protectionist economy, self sufficiency, a push back to pre wwii demographics.

Weird last reply got deleted

Bumping again.

They don't need to ban all of it, just ban it enough to instigate a general climate of fear so that people will start censoring themselves outside of darknets. You don't need to censor absolutely everything to have an effect on the average Joe.

And then what? They don't need to keep up the status quo indefinitely, just a generation or two and we will be bred out of existence and our culture gone. No, if all freedom of speech is pushed too deep it won't have enough weight to stop the current trend of globalism in politics.


Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 30.

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

I do believe any country found guilty of breaking this can be prosecuted by UN criminal court.


Luckily it won't affect us here because we could get it overturned in court in a heartbeat. But this is what they want in the one world government.

No more merchant memes for the goyim. We would have to use secret codes.

oops, mean this one

Article 19.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

RREEEE why the sliding. Don't think I've seen this at the top 3-4 rows of the catalog on any refresh

IsRaHELL won't agree

Post pepes to keep it from sliding

That's meaningless.
The basis of negative rights is recognizing natural government limitations. Censorship is a presumption of controlling thought, which cannot be done.
The odious language of that shows it to be a state-granted privilege which can be revoked at any time and which can be defined in such a way as to exclude "hate speech." They do not recognize the right as God-given and therefore outside their power to give or revoke.

It's somewhat impossible for the UN to hold countries accountable with what happens in their own borders. But for what OP is suggesting to actually happen, the UN must abolish the only doctrine that gives its existence justification. Ergo, no more UN.




yeah I know, I posted the wrong one. I replied to my own post to amend it.

You've obviously forgotten what sorts of mental gymnastics are acceptable as logic by the liberals, the media and majority of normies.

Stop pretending that Orientals, Africans and Mestizos have any concept of law.
The UN is a lot of gangsters and this is a way for them to reduce criticism of their crimes. If it is stopped, it will not be because of legal technicalities or the UN's burgeoning respect for law.

I'm not really saying that they won't do it, but they will have to abolish themselves in the process.