Uh-oh. I think Trumps going to lose the black vote

Uh-oh. I think Trumps going to lose the black vote.

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Everyone knows a show boating nigger when they see one this stupid whore was cheating on him with a white dude anyway.

>Implying he had it to begin with

Trump is a show boating whore. Also what?bare you defaming a widow without truth in order to defend a politician? Is someone paying you?

That’s the joke

in case you didnt know, Dems have a reliable 90% of the black vote. If you get of the "plantation", you are an Uncle Tom, but of course you already knew that.

You can tell by looking at the worthless piece of shit she didn't care at all for her husband. Black women are horrible to black men thats why they all leave they would all rather be in jail or the army then around them crazy bitches.

Any military, serving or retired who still thinks Trump doesn't look down on them needs to wake up.

I'm curious. What did she even say? Anyone got a link?

there is no sadness in those eyes if i have to be totally honest

Isn't that the wife of the guy who ran like a bitch when his unit got ambushed?

Now you’re just being racist. Also you’ve provided zero proof of your assertion. You made a very specific claim about an individual.



Based on a single still picture, of a person you've never met, with, I'm sure, a great deal of professional experience reading emotions from eyes.

"He knew what he signed up for" is the exact type of phrase Trump would say to a black grieving mother.

Whites always try to hide their behind closed door racism.

I can see disappointment, restrained anger

No. Where did you hear that claim?

I call bs, niggers aren't allowed access to the telephone.

random bullshit is a poor defense.

I meant by the republicans. You sound like a literal shill. Shilling for Trump

Any military who thinks the working class doesn't despise them needs to wake up.

She looks like the trump university nigress from the dnc convention.

Shes upset because they were ambushed by niggers and no one could tell them apart. It was just a pile of dead niggers they couldn't set and sort through a pile of dead niggers so they went back for him later.

Do they all look alike to you?

there are no details released as to why he was more than a mile away from where he should have been or why it took so long to recover his body. I understand the leading theory to be that his troop engaged with an enemy when they weren't supposed to then attempted to follow the enemy based on reports from the Nigerian military I think.

>President not really caring about soldiers that died tragically
Nothing new here, he should have done a better job hiding it but most presidents probably wouldn't give that much of a shit

All military know we're just a number on a piece of paper to the president and government as a whole

Um...yeah. Black women look like black men with thicker eyelashes. Probably why there's so many nigger trannies.


Someone gave that order.

Then dont call them and sound like an asshole over the phone, send the a well-worded letter from some underling.

Don't think race was a factor in what he was talking about with "he knew what he signed up for" probably talking more about his profession, even a white soldier would "know what he signed up for" in his view

What order? and how would you know?

A call is traditional. Unless there are too many to call.

why are people insensitive fucks nowadays? yeah. he knew what he signed up for. big fucking whoop. the earth is full of pussies and its sort of infuriating.

*sensitive fucks
i'm a faggot. pardon my typo.

Im aware my point is just that if you cant fake it then dont call them up and sound fake as fuck.

Still tone deaf though

Black non-American here. Why the fuck do black American women speak so slowly like they all have downs? The fuck are you feeding them that they all sound retarded?

The other vets I talked to are pissed. But then again they also expected better from mr trump.


the big question is.. what was a congresswoman doing in the SAME car as this woman.. at the SAME time Trump calls? It all smells of setup to me.
Congresspeople dont hang out with common rabble unless theres a political advantage to be had.

democratic god obama would apparently give a shit and probably suck his post mortem erect cock because he cares so much, according to all democrats.

They wouldn’t attack and pursue without an order. No ones going around going "gee, golly. I sure wish there was some way to die horribly today." Also troops don’t function as individuals on the battlefield. Someone tells them what to do. Possibly someone on the ground. Still it’s following orders.

liquor, weed and pain pills. Average nigger diet.

>tone deaf

kill yourself you fucking cuck waste of space.

Why couldn’t Trump just say he made an awkward error by misphrasing? The problem is that he never owns up to it. Instead he attacked. Bad move. He’s president. He needs to start acting like a leader.

She was a family friend. Not uncommon to know a representative... Take off the foil buddy.

In Kansas City they all talk fast. It’s jusy that a lot of black people are from the south, and all southerners sound like they have the downs

Riding to the funeral.

Thats as relevant as what lincoln's response would be.

I guess that makes sense. I didn't mean to generalize, but 9 times out of 10 they black people they interview on American news literally sound mentally challenged.

Well from what Im seeing they seem to claim that they just got ambushed while the Nigerian military claims they were on the offensive. Regardless of who gave what order.

Because your president said something stupid at the wrong time? Do you have autism or something? Does Trump?

So being tactful makes me a cuck? I'm not defending him just because he's black. Like I said, he'd probably have said the same thing to a white widow/husband

a leader shouldn't give a shit about A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. a leader needs to worry about the big picture. if you wanna be in the military, literally EXPECT to die. if you don't, that's arrogant thinking, and you're sugar coating your life. AKA don't be a pussy like 99% of Americans who have tender little feelings.

because the media attacks him for literally everything he probably feels backed into a corner so just lashes out at every bit of criticism rather than responding rationally. blame is on the establishment as much as trump for all the current dysfunction

Its not going to work you fagots are really bad at it. Just give up before you run the Democrats even farther underground your all already dwindling in the poles. every one in America is tired of your limp wrist fagot agenda. Its time to make America Great Again strong again united again.

Have you been to the south?

Niggers don't vote in numbers that matter. No big loss.

it is relevant. attacking trump is a meme, and everyone's on the fucking band wagon. whether you like him or not is irrelevant, it's just topical to attack him. why does the president have to say ANYTHING about ANY single individual soldier who dies? who cares? it's BECAUSE Trump said it. if it was anyone else, it'd all blow over.

>Anonymous 10/23/17(Mon)23:26:32 No.74898
>Youre not allowed to be sad when someone dies in the military.

he won without the black vote last time, he can do it again

>thinks trump can see a big picture instead of being a reactionary little chihuahua barking at passing cars

live in the south, really that's just how all the retards talk.

11b. You?

The media attacks him because he has ALWAYS been saying dumb fucking shit that no politician, far less the president, should be saying. I get annoyed at MSM and their petty attacks on Trump too, but I can't ignore the fact that he's on G.W.B level of saying dumb shit.

Family Friend, But her dismissing trump was obviously a political play to further her career by dissing the most hated man of the year.

But in all honesty, what he said was a tad fucked up, but not nearly as bad as she played it out to be.

all soldier know what they sign up for, it the first fucking thing you are told about your position.

the really petty thing is the wife,after her friend got called out for misconstruing what was said on a phone call she just overheard, tried to play up that trump apparently forgot her husbands name or wouldn't state it, like the fucking president is going to know this one soldiers name off the top of his head.

this whole situation is like many others with people trying to get pissy with the president because they don't like him, it's so goddamn pathetic.

>implying black people vote

>a widow
You realize that's a female negroe right?

no no. you see, it's not like a chihuahua barking at cars. a chihuahua barking at cars everyone IGNORES. if i never saw a single post, a single article, a single headline about something Trump did, then it would be that analogy, but it's not. every day. every week. "TRUMP did this. IS HE SATAN?" or "IMPEACH TRUMP. hurts feelings of AMERICANS!".

are you trying to prove a point with parody shit like that?

Poor guy. Shucks. Wish they'd just leave him alone. He's just hitting back right? Freaking everyone ganging up on him. Calling the president out on Twitter. Restricting his FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Bunch of kneeling commies, be nice to the president!

Don't know if this is real or not, but I've seen dumber stuff that I know for a fact is real being said in those random street interviews. What a stupid world we live in.

No. George sounds eloquent by comparison. He’s gone way Georgie levels of retardation. youtu.be/8p54BJuDVJY

Now I miss Bush.

I agree. The more overblown daily hysteria I see the less i give it any credence. Just angry lib tears, fed by talk show hosts.

To be fair he posts on twitter every day knowing the shitstorm that will occur.

Perhaps its more like some guy antagonizing 350 million chihuahuas every morning.

well maybe they care because he is the commander-in-chief ffs

Even fucking Bush wasn't in the oval office, he was on Air Force One because of the threat to the white house

but if it happened to Obama, it'd be a different story, wouldn't it?

Ya now im all pissed off ified that the Trumpster can get away with it, like they made fun of me on satire day night live all the time. And he was mean to my brother Jeb.

Bush was just a puppet for the republicans. He was just there to be a president. Trump is the opposite, yet just as dumb, which to me is very scary.
I miss Bush too.

Its a disinformation campaign designed to desensitize people to his actions. He's the hand the magician wants you to focus on while he fucks your wife.

blacks don't vote, so the minority vote is irrelevent most of the time.

Here. have a story that is from a left wing source that shines a good light on Bush.


I'm actually really liking Trump now, because I'm now seeing how many of the people I know are absolute PUSSIES. How many people every day I hear talking about him negatively. I've always been apathetic about politics, because I'm a conspiracy fag, but now, it's just so hilarious to see how many people are upset, angry, sad. People CRIED when he was elected. they were AFRAID. is that a joke? why are people weak pussies????

Well its only a matter of time if the story about Bernie Sanders's Civil rights past will be mainstream knowledge among black voters and then he will get back vote like crazy.

If Obama chimped out on Twitter like Trump it would be a different story too, what's your point?
Also why the fuck is it that every time somebody criticizes Trump y'all start bitching about Obama and Hillary? Just.. you know... like... defend him on his own merits?

Unless the person running is black. then they come out of the woodword to vote a brotha into the WHITE house!

just wait till Michelle Obama runs in 2020 and the dems get a historic landslide win.

She could walk down the streets of chicago kicking puppies and force feeding school kids shitty lunches and not a single black person will think twice about voting to get another black person to be president again.

i'm not BITCHING about them, just saying that if you criticized Obama you were racist. even if your argument wasn't racist. he was protected. if you criticize hilary, you're sexist, even if your argument wasn't sexist. they were locked in with a protected barrier. since trump is an old white male, he's easy to attack, and you can't defend him.


You can't defend him because he's a dumb asshole. The other stuff just makes it harder.

he's not the one threatening a lawsuit over being blocked on twitter
he's the not the one posting articles after articles whining about inane shit like his ice cream consumption or when he holds his wife;s hand or his kids.
the guy is an asshole, that's been known for years, but out of everyone involved in his circus, he's is the least unbearable and that is a damn shame.

maybe if the outlets actually handled the stories better than something out of buzzfeed, he would have less followers.



>You can't defend him because he's a dumb asshole.

This is honestly why I voted for Trump and plan too in 2020. I love the emotions of his "critics".

You don't want to being up lawsuits.
Bill Maher told Trump he would donate 5 million to the Institute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery if Trump provided a birth certificate to prove he wasnt the son of an actual orange orangutan. Dumbass Trump tried to take Maher to court for not donating the money after he actually provided his birthcertifcate... to prove he wasnt a monkey.
He actually. Provided. Proof. Of not being a monkey.

ya ever so obango do that? didn't think so.

>Bill Maher was only pretending to be retarded when claiming that Trump's father is an Orangutan.
>Trump is the real retard for providing proofs!

fair enough, god damn that bitch is insufferable though.
and her puppet of a husband would go down as one of the worst presidents if it weren't for him being half black.