My name is James...

My name is James, and I want you to use my name and say that you're disappointed/hate me/wish I didn't exist or whatever degradation you want. Be creative, but try not to be too specific where it stops applying to me. Use whatever anger you have and use it in your recording, act like I caused all the pain in your life. I need these because I don't get out often enough to really hear this from people.

james i want to strech your anus

Not going to encourage your delusion. Go get your shit sorted out

If you want, I also accept recordings of people pretending to care about me

I love you

Stop humblebaiting faggot
Earn your own sympathy instead of begging for it online

Good, but I need this in recordings, preferably

Fuck. I just read the story that the image is based on. Crazy shit.

James, I know what you did was shitty. It scarred me for life and I fucking hate you for it.

But, I forgive you.

Shit, forgot to add that I want these statements in recordings using something like vocaroo or whatever

James, as a James myself, pepe stil loves you. You're still prop a fat lard cuck, but not for long.
Your genes demand you to use them. Ultra instinct this shit. GYM everyday you have off, open to close. Stop begging for shit and go out and get it. YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT JAMES I FUCKING BELIEVE IN YOU. FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOUR PORN ADDICTION. Now, stop playing the jews game, and get back out there ya fucking cunt

james can i ask you a question


James i wish you didn’t exist so that I wouldn’t have this wish

I've no control over that. I encourage it, however

hows your day been mate

It's been sufficiently well. I would liket ointeract a lot more, however. It's much more difficult when you're an adult, I feel. Especially if you didn't form many bonds when it was more convenient

Dude, MY name is James. I can't dish hate on what is essentially me. I love me. Go play some video games James.


are you me? god damn
are you fresh out of education?

James, James here, quit shoving your head in the Nazi barrel, there's only shit in there.
>Love, James

Either my social anxiety has improved or my strong social desire has finally outweighed the anxiety. That's why it's more bothering how alone I am now. About a year out of schooling