Humanity is insane Sup Forums

Humanity is insane Sup Forums

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According to this picture, EVERY embryo of EVERY mammal would be considered human.

No, not if it's a human zygote. A dog fetus or a dolphin fetus will never be human, but a human embryo is human from the moment of conception.

If the fetus fail to live the delivery it's not a human

People are killed everyday regardless of age, who gives a fuck.

my let nut is human but its not a person

Tell us how the first stage of a human embryo differs from any other mammal. Or even most reptiles.

i dont even consider you to be human, let alone your image

Easily. The genetic material is observably different and specifically human. Are you really trying to imply that just because you can't see the difference with your naked eye that they are the same? That's laughable.

That's absurd and the law agrees with me. In cases where a pregnant mother is murdered along with her unborn child, the person is charged with both homicides.

"Music" like that is cringe. It's nothing but fucking noise, ffs.

Doesnt matter the fetus is literally a possesion.

does this mean masturbation=murder?

you can observe genetic material with your naked eye?

This is not what the picture implies.

Sure it is bud

Literally the opposite of what I said.

Did you make the picture? No? Ok, so what is your opinion on what it's implying? My opinion is that it's saying that human life starts at conception.

I know, right.


>Did you make the picture?
No. But there are no genome-sequences or chromosomes depicted.
It is depicting the phaenotypical evolution of an embryo of mammal-like beings.
So your opinion on 'what it is saying' is pretty much worthless.

>The genetic material is observably different and specifically human
>you can observe genetic material with your naked eye?
its the opposite, you say?

brit fag confrimed

I'm German. I apologize for spelling mistakes.

It clearly shows development into a human, you sperg.

>observations can only be made with the naked eye.

Are you retarded? Oh, just pretending? In science we make observations with a lot of different instrumentation.

>A blastocyst is human
When did Sup Forums get overrun by the scientifically illiterate.

Ooooh fun thread.

If a woman goes to have an abortion it is pretty fucking obvious that the kid is unwanted. But these self righteous faggots demand the child be born “cuz dats murda” yet literally don’t give a second thought to the quality of life the kid would have. “You could be killing the person who cures cancer” but let’s be real, some unwanted kid is much more likely to end up abused, molested, abandoned and fucked up than it is to do anything productive.

lets step outside the realm of science to define a human

lets say there is this evil crazy murderer.
several people are enraged and call him a monster and don't treat him as a human anymore.

so even if assuming its scientifically accurate to call that embryo a human does it matter if nobody wants to acknowledge it?

The woman in the backroom with the rusty coat hanger being shoved into her vagina because she has no sterile alternative, is also human.

How many german girls have a hairy pussy? I love that german accent and if a lot of them have a hairy pussy then I want to take a trip.

Ironic the kraut cares about preservation of life. break the historical norms, my guy

>It clearly shows development into a human
It does eventually.
But you already did recognize the similarities to other mammals in the first few stages.
And on every stage it says 'human'.
But you can't tell differences to other mammals inside the early stages by pure eye-sight and without testing them with biochemical splitting and microscopy.
But you claim you can and the picture shows that.
That's wrong.

So it's a human. That means every woman who has a miscarriage is a murderer. Fuck you.

Its a kraut on Sup Forums lad, he isn't getting any


Oh look, many pinetrees!


I've only had shaved or partly-shaved pussy till now.
It's very common to be shaved here, afaik.
I don't really care.
I think every woman should, up to a certain point, decide for herself if she keeps the offspring or not. But the debate about the 'point' is an issue in Germany, too.

You're an idiot.

>all seeds look pretty similar
>therefore all seeds will become apple trees

You're a retard. Neck yourself.

The picture doesn't show genetic sequence of a human genome, and if it did most peopel wouldn't recognize it, but the fact remains that the objective reality of it is that a human zygote is human from conception and provably so. This isn't some pie in the sky theory, moron, it's objective fact. A human embryo can never be any other embryo anymore than a dolphin embryo can ever be any other animal.

Right now, you're either playing a fool or you still don't realize that our ability to observe has improved considerably since they were butchering fetal mammals for science 200 years ago going "gee these look similar"

OP too overwhelmed by disagreements and left the thread

s a g e

Abortion is the BEST thing ever.
I dont use condoms, they fuck up my orgasms.

Thanks abortion, I can fuck and be free. I'll kill thousand of baby infants neverborn just for the sake of it. It's even legal!

Boy I love the EU.

The point is when the embryo becomes visibly distinguishable from any other non-primate species. By the time it has developed features exclusive to primates, it is usually able to function outside the womb

>sperm is only considered human when it fertilizes an egg

If you do not respect the fact that I am currently carrying thousands of humans in my body then quite frankly, your dehumanising hatred belongs either in prison or hell.

No it doesn't, don't be foolish. If someone dies in an accident not due to negligence, nobody is charged with manslaughter.

If a woman, due to her own actions, causes herself to miscarry or hurt the baby, I think she should be legally liable, for example if she dose drugs that damage the child.

How is it murder when it is out of your control, retard?

The sandwich I ate last night has the potential to become sperm and fertilize an egg. Is my sandwich a human?

Any line you draw is arbitrary. You just happen to choose to draw the line in a place that lets you restrict the reproductive rights of women. Isn't that a little convenient?

Ahahhahah my sides are in heaven

>respect muh embrios I'm carrying in my balls

ahahahahahh AHAHAHHAHAHA

Not a human till it can breathe on its own. Sorry to disappoint you.

technically, the term would be involuntary manslaughter, but you would still have to plead your case in front of a judge if it was afforded the same rights as a birthed human


Your existance is God's failure.

>A dog fetus or a dolphin fetus will never be human

Except lab-grown chimeras are a thing precisely because the zygote is inhumanly plastic and moldable

It's Danger Bad science because it gives people heebly jeeblies

I encourage you to read my post again and actually understand what I've written.


I know very well of our capabilities to analize the genomes of living things.
But the picture does not show anything of that.
It just says 'human' and that's it.

You're deliberately acting like a retard and will get no more replies, at least from me.

Abortion should be mainly used as a mandatory procedure for all the fucking underage, idiotic and/or trashy people who will only destroy that childs life even before it's born. On the other hand, for those with good intentions, who will cry over their loss, I think abortion should remain an option for those babies who will be disabled. Life isn't fucking pretty, so don't bring these poor beings into consciousness. It is a gift to deny life before it impacts anyone if the impact that life makes is wholly negative, whether it be learned or hereditary.

That's just your absurd opinion. Genetically, the organism is human at the moment of conception.

is my sperm human too? im a mass murderer then hahaha

useless autists like you want to make sure the baby stays alive until birth then you dont give a shit if it dies from hunger, sickness or whatever after.

my sheet stained of thousands of dead ppl xD

Abortion is murder

You don't know what you're talking about. As someone who is actually studied genetics, things are not as plastic as you clearly imagine. The "chimeras" we have aren't a single organism, they are multiple DIFFERENT organisms parasiting off each other. Like grafting a lemon tree branch onto an orange tree branch, it doesn't make a new tree, in reality it just adds a parasite.

What the fuck is your point? The message in the picture is clear: Human life begins at conception. What the fuck are you having trouble with?

You haven't got a reply because your views are half-baked bullshit.

The "potential human" argument is open to infinite regression. Every antecedent to a fertilized egg is also a "potential human," you arbitrarily choose to start caring the moment it gives you the chance to control women's reproductive rights.

At the end of the day you don't give a fuck about fertilized eggs, you care about imposing your religious views on others and it's laughably easy to demonstrate that.

But that's wrong, you bigot retard.
The whole scientific community agrees that no being is sentient without being able to self sustain life aka breathing.

Aren't you late for the afternoon in church? No priest dicks to gobble on today?

Despite the caption, this are apple trees

Yes the gentic is the same for both of item therefore they am same yes

Ahahahahhahah so if I randomly eat an apricot and let the seed fall on the street am I denying the life of a sentient being?
I thought 1400 were a long ago.

I've made my point very clear, I think. If you don't get it, you might want to read through our 'discussion' again and try to figure it out.
Good luck.


yes much like your grammar


>12 year old girl gets raped
>girl dies in childbirth
>baby grows up to be an abortion doctor

Knowing this, would abortion have been the better option?

they are not one and the same, not even genetically, you know there's random mutations everywhere, and most of them don't even get to an adult stage

Don't be a moron, dude. An unconscious person isn't sentient either, but killing one is still murder. If you're not trolling, you lack some basic reasoning. A human embryo is a human from the moment of conception.

They aren't trees, but they are still genetically apples. We're not saying a fetal human is an adult human, we're saying they're human and it's a fact. It's you who's trying to blur what we're saying based either on your personal ignorance of the issue or out of misguided trolling.

>two wrongs make a right.

s a r c a s m

a lot of people would be better to not even born to this world
fucking christians want to overborn this planet with this bullshit
to make even more addicts and trash

You are at a fertility Clinic, the fire alarm goes off and the building is fast catching fire, you are the last person in the building as you are running from the flames you hear a scream and open a door.

Behind the door there is a 5 year old girl frozen in terror and a cryocontainer holding 1000 fertilized viable Embryo's awaiting implantation. You have time to grab one or the other and escape before the building explodes in flame.

Which do you grab?

You cannot carry both they are each to large, you cannot come back the building will be engulfed in flame before you get back.

You options are A: the Girl, B: the cryo container, C: you all Die.


funny how many people don't give a shit about the actual humans that surround them every day but will bend over backwards to protect a few cells in a woman's uterus

Krauts only care about the preservation of specific life. Implying that they don't care about themselves is silly.

>grab a 5yo
>anything else


It's not. You fill your opinion with this messiatic "come on be a good person" tune, but it doesn't work. I think the scientific community is more qualified than anyone in this place to judge what is alive and what is not, and an human embryo, according to them, is non-sentient.

Not that I could give a damn any way, I support abortion from literally every point of wiew.
Get rid of your morals and live life at the fullest.
I'm basically a murderer, btw, cause I've successfully suggested abortion by day-after pills to 2 of my ex girlfriends I had this issue with.

Cause it's an issue. When you actually WANT to have a son and raise it, that is the right moment to embrace a new life responsibly.
Being anti-abortion means you wanted my life destroyed. You're just a bitch religious nigger, and I hope for your destruction.

lets say there is this horrible person that murders tons of people and eat human flesh

society do not acknowledge this person as a human

similarly is an embryo is a human if nobody acknowledges it accept a minority?

This is wrong.
But nice dubs tho.

To be this autistic

>You're just a bitch religious nigger, and I hope for your destruction.

Humans really aren't human anymore.. They're some kind of self-centered, malevolent monster

Who gives a shit if it is or isn't.

By this definition, an egg cell or a sperm cell should be considered human.

Until advanced development takes place I wouldn't consider it to have any value whatsoever. And even then, the likelihood of that particular fetus to develop into a person who is worth a shit is extremely low. Add to that planet overpopulation as it is, and there's a good reason not to treat an undeveloped fetus as though it were anything at all.

If a potential mother doesn't want or does not have the resources to care for a child, they should be given every opportunity to avoid it before the third trimester.

Oh and before you say "they should just be responsible and not have sex" would you really want someone so irresponsible as to have an unwanted pregnancy caring for a child they don't want?

Isn't it tho?

So an unborn pile of cells has more rights than an adult human being?


Embrace progress, fatso.

Obviously the cryocontainer. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I killed 1000 people.

It's a joke about the holocaust. I assume you didn't get it or you're making another joke about immigration that I didn't get right away. It's not supposed to be an accurate claim. I wish the dubs were 88.

what does that even mean? what is progress to you

> you are the last person in the building as you are running from the flames

If I'm the last person in the building then it's time to get the fuck out, son. And there are way more than 3 options, the most reasonable of which is to grab the girl and go. You're not going to be able to save the embryos without the adequate equipment, and they aren't just sitting around in a suitcase to pick up, they would have to be removed from cryostasis which takes at minimum several minutes of manipulating an articulating robotic arm.

Abortion is murder but murder isn't always wrong depending in the circumstances.